Ask her to the yule ball (Harry HP)

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The yule ball was anounced and the boys need to find dates. Ron truly wants to go with Hermione but is to scared to ask her. Harry is scared if he would ask you that you were already taken because he thought such a beautifull girl as you is already asked by plenty of boys and why should you even go with him. But he didn't know that you haven't got a date yet, sure plenty of boys asked you but you said no, you wanted to wait for the right person. One night at the Gryffindor common room, the trio were alone and Hermione tried to convice Harry to ask you to the yule ball with Ron help of course. "No Hermione, she might be already taken" said Harry. "That's a reason to find out" said Hermione. "She is right mate, you should ask her" said Ron. "Why don't you ask her" Harry said. "Uh mate I'm not the one who loves her" said Ron. "Merlin's beard Harry, you love her since first year, when you two were paired up in Potions" said Hermione.

 He remembered as it was just yesterday: "Longbottom and Greengrass, Parkinson and Granger, Goyle and Thomas, Weasley and Malfoy, Crabbe and Finnigan, (l/n) and Potter ...." said professor Snape pairing the first years of Slyterin and Gryffindor up. "We are so lucky, the most of the pairs have one of each house, we are both gryffindors, oh sorry I forget to inroduce myself I'm (y/n) (l/n) and you are Harry potter right?" you said . "Yeah and so lucky aren't we, Snape hates me so we probably don't  get a good mark and I'm sorry that you have to pair up with me" said Harry. "Don't be I like to meet new friends, you want to be friends?" you said "Yeah of course I do I would get the ingredients" said Harry standing up. You took your cauldron and opened the book on the right page. "You're lucky Potter, if I needed to be paired up with a gryffindor, I would like to have her" said Malfoy. "Leave her alone Malfoy" said Harry. "Who are you, her boyfriend" said Malfroy. "No" Harry said. 'But I wish to" thought Harry. 

"Hello earth to Harry" said Hermione. "Huh what, I was just thinking"said Harry. "On how to ask her out" said Ron happily. "No" said Harry. Ron's smile turned into a frown. "What Malfoy probably asked her out"said Harry. "Really Harry you're going to bring Malfoy into this" said Hermione fustrated. "Listen mate if you don't ask her out for dinner tomorrow then I am going to be the one asking her out" said Ron also getting fustrated. Harry stomped angerly towards his dorm. 'Ans why isn't he asking Hermione out already' He thought. "You really going to do that Ron? " asked Hermione. 'If it's true than (y/n) must be a really lucky girl' she thought. "Not really I just had to do something before it's really to late for Harry.

Next day, it was afternoon and you were doing you're homework. You didn't notice someone sitting the opposite of you. "(y/n)?" asked someone. It was Harry. "Hmmm" you said still looking at your homework. "Wouldyouliketogototheballwithme?" asked Harry really fast. "Sorry I didn't catch that" you said looking up to Harry. "Would you like to go to the ball with me?" "Sure" you said smiling. "I understand you wouldn't want to go with me, I should've asked sooner, the guy must be very lucky then" Harry said sadly. "Harry I just said yes"you said. "Really?" he asked not sure if he was dreaming. "Yes I (y/n) (l/n) want to go to the yule ball with you Harry Potter" You said. He stood up smiling and ran to his dorm. You hearded him screaming to Ron about the news and you laughed. Hermione  sat next to you "By th sounds coming from upstairs I ashumed that you said yes to Harry" Hermione said smiling. "Yes" you said smiling.

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