The Only Lost Girl (Henry,Ouat)

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Age:same age as Henry
Looks:Dark brown hair that reaches hips, eyes gradually change between green, brown and every colour in between, very pale
Situation:The only lost girl on Neverland and bond with Henry
Powerful magic, that's why Pan tricked her into being the first "lost girl"
Status:Princess, the younger sister of Rapunzel
Other Information:The reason she felt lost was because her parents sent her away after Rapunzel was kidnapped (let's pretend Rapunzel was around 3 when she was kidnapped and she was just a few months old) to protect her, but the people she was sent to live with always told her that she was just some random girl that her parents abandoned and they were "kind" enough to take in.

Amara POV

'Stupid Pan and his minions, I was being just fine when he came along I brought up the past...'. My thoughts where interruped by someone sitting next to me, Henry "Aren't you supposed to be in bed" I asked him. "Well, I couldn't sleep and I saw you sitting here so I thought why wouldn't I keep you company" He said. I blushed, gladly he couldn't see it because of the darkness. "hum, thanks I think" I said while getting back to making a spear. Ten minutes past and he kept looking at me, it really took away my concentration so I asked "Why are you staring, do I have something on my face?" He stand up and said "I'm sorry, I think I'm dosing off, i going to bed, bye Amelia good night" and ran off. "Yep good night weirdo" I shouted laughing. "Getting alone with little guy aren't we?" Someone said. "Wipe that smirk of your face Felix" I muttered.

Next day I was about to go target pratice when suddenly someone shouted my name. I turned around to see Henry trying to catch his breath. "You're alright there?" You asked smiling. "Yeah, you're just fast" he said. "While you better be at this place"I said looking around with a frown. "Amara, i saw you in my book" he said excited. "What do you mean?" I asked puzzled. "I have all the people who are from the Enchanted Forest in here and look you are the sister of Rapunzel" I said. "Oh uhm yeah, I knew that but know I am a lost girl" I said thinking that Pan would murder me if I told him everything. "Why do you think you're here Henry?" I asked. "To save magic, to save Neverland and to save you" Hnery said blushing at the end. "Henry can you promise me something?" I asked. "Sure what is it?"he said. "Promise me you would be careful and look out for yourself" I said serious. He took my hand and said "For you always". Suddenly a force make us get closer to each other and touch lips. I blushed and tried to walk away but Henry pulled me back for a real kiss. Pan was behind a tree smirking and thought 'That girl is usefull after all'. I thought 'Pan that little bastard but I'm glad he did it'.

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