Killian's daughter (Peter, Ouat)

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Person:Peter Pan
Looks:Red hair and blue eyes

Situation: My twin brother and I are the son and daughter of Captain Hook. And Pan kidnaps us to hold us for ransom against Hook.

Powers:No powers


Natalee POV

Here I am stuck in a stupid cage dangling in a tree with my twin brother dangling beside me, captured by Pan to get ransom for our father also known as Captain Hook. How did it happen....

"Natalee, Jake come here" shouted father. "Yes father" we said. "Could you help Mr Smee, he's on the shore"he said. "Sure no problem" I said. We walked to the shore and Mr Smee asked us to collect red berries, not the blue ones because there poison and he gave us swords if we needed to defend ourselves. We were collecting berries when suddenly we were surrounded by Lost Boys, they were to much of them. "Easy catch, we have two powerless pirates with some little swords" a tall blond said also known as Pan's favorite lost boy, Felix. And then there was he, the demon itself. His green eyes stared in my blue ones making me go weak in my knees. "Let's plays a game, we would kidnap yopu and the only way to escape is if your father would give me ransom" Pan said. "Over my dead body you freak" I said. Pan pushed me to a tree and said "You've got fire, I like fire". I rolled my eyes " Do you flirt with every girl you see" I  said. "No only with the fiery intresting ones, your hair match your attitude by the way"he said and I huffed, I had red hair. "Boys bring them to the cages" the devil said.

"I have an idea" Pan said. "Oh no your game is already stupid enough" Jake said. Pan ignored him and continued. "You can get out the cage and have some fun with the lost boys maybe you could even become one but if you will try to escape you would be punished" he said. "Everything to get out of this stupid cage" Jake said. By the bonfire it was weird because Jake danced and heard the music from Pan's pipes. I known dad don't have time with us but that doesn't mean he is unloved. I sat on a log thinking about a plan.  "Hey why aren't you dancing" Pan asked. "I don't want to" I said. "Come on" he said looking my eyes. Finally I agreed and we danced the whole night, just one question was burning in my mind. "Is something bothering you, love?" he asked. "Why did you want to dance with me?" I asked. "Just for the fun" he said and tears started to fill my eyes. "Why are you crying?" he asked. "I.. I thought... forget it"I said and I ran in my tent. "I do fell the some you know" he said walking in the tent. "Really?" I asked. "Yes you're so different then all the others girls" he said. We kissed and he said winking "Come let's go to my tent" .                                                                                                  And the rest is up to you ;)

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