Opposites attract each other (Peter,OUAT)

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Looks/Personnality:Short, grey eyes, ombré brown hair, kind, smart, shy-outgoing
Situation:First kiss

She was kind an he was evil, she was shy and he was cocky, they are both smart and outgoing. This is a story of a short girl with grey eyes and ombré brown hair and a tall boy with green eyes and light brown hair. They are like negative and positive charges in physics, they attract each other.

Camryn POV

I had still your eyes closed in the moring and thought to myself 'yeah target pratice today' *note the sarcasm*. You opened your eyes to see already a pair of green eyes staring into yours, that shocked you. "Finally you're awake" Peter said. "Good morning Peter" you said being kind as always. He started at you and you started asking"Uhm Peter?" "Yes" he answered. "Could you join the rest so I can change?"you asked. "Oh yeah sure, uhm see you later then" he said akwardly and he walked out of your treehouse almost tripping while he did. 'That's weird where is the cocky Peter I use to be around' you thought while changing. After breakfast you picked up your bow and arrows and went to the target practice area. You tried a few times but the arrow always ended up on the ground or a tree. Then you fell someone standing behind you, taking the bow and arrow and putting you in the right position. "You do it all wrong here let me show you how it's done" said Peter being his cocky self, you were reliefed it wasn't the akward Peter. With the help of Peter you shot right in the bulleye. "Thanks" you said. In the evening, we throwed a party as always, I don't know why we always do that but it's fun so I didn't complain. "Hey Cam wanna dance?" Peter asked. "Sure" you said. You were both laughing and dancing till people started going to bed. "I'm going to bed see ya tomorrow" you said to Peter and kissed his cheek happily. You went to your treehouse but you didn't notice Peter following you till you felt two arms sneak around your waist. "You're no fun I want to play" Peter said, his hot breath sending you shivers. "Peter you're such a kid" you said giggling because of him being childish. "I'm the kid? You're the one already going to bed" he said. But then he put his famous smirk on "So if you're the kid, I'm the one who tucking you in bed" he said and carried you bridal style to your bed. Peter was about to go when you said "No kiss?" you pouted. Peter turned around you locked eyes and you saw his eyes full of hunger, lust and love. Before you could do something his lips were locked on yours. You closed your eyes and kissed back. "Be mine" he growled in between the kisses "Always" you answered.

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