The girl from Beauxbatons Part 2(James II HP)

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The next moring, you were eating breakfast with Domique and Roxanne until you heard Potter saying "(y/n) there you are, I was looking everywhere for you last night but I couldn't find you". "Maybe I didn't want to be found"you said. "(y/n) I'm sorry for last night, I couldn't help myself" he said. "So first you want to steal my homework and then you give yourself the permission to kiss me, sorry James but I am not one of those girls begging to kiss you in broom closet" you said walking away. 'How have I to make up to her if you doesn't want to talk to me' James thought. 

After classes, you went straight to your dorm not wanting to see James. You saw a letter with a rose laying on your bed, It was a poem:

Take my hand and forget about the world.

I will love you like you have never been loved before.

Look into my eyes and dream about us both.

Together we will conquer and reach up to the skies.

No frowns no tears just smiles and laughter.

We are just young lovers but if God lets us,

we will get married after.

Let me shower you with compliments,

your eyes sparkle like the stars

and your smile shines bright as the sun.

We are just in our first chapter,

but our love story has just begun.

Now take my hand and forget about the world.

I will love you like you have never been loved before.

Your secret admirer

You felt 1000 butterflies in your stomach, Domique and Roxanne entered the room. "What are you so happy about" Domique asked, you happily showed the poem and you were dancing around the room until it was time to eat. You didn't even care if you had to eat with James. "What's the reason you have your beautiful smile on, not that you aren't beautiful without a smile" James asked "None of your business" you said. "(y/n) has a secret admirer" said Roxanne. "Oh" said James walking away. "What"s with him?" you asked. "He loves you if you hadn't notice yet" said Fred. "Yeah to him you aren't just agirl he just wants to kiss in a broom closet" said Louis. You stomped away angrily 'Why can't I be happy' you thought. You entered your dorm and saw a note from your secret admirer, and it reads: meet me at the astromy tower at nine. It's was almost nine so you went there and to your suprise you saw James. "James, why are you here?" you asked suprised. "Well I thought you didn't want to talk to me so if I told you I was your secret admirer maybe you would come" he said. "You're my secret admirer?" you asked, you thought you maybe heard it wrong. "Yeah besides I know you aren't interested so it was stupid idea, sorry for wasting your time" he said tears in his eyes. "Wait James, I'm sorry I didn't believe you at first and...."you started. "And?" he asked getting curious. "and thanking me for the poem and the rose, can you close you eyes" I asked at the end. "Uhm sure". He closed his eyes and then I attached my lips to his. "Maybe your right, maybe we will get married someday" you said locking eyes.


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