My Way back to Storybrooke (Ouat)

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Show:Once upon a time;

Name:Prentiss ;

Age:14 years

Status: Mr. Gold, and Belle are my parents

Powers: light and dark;

Looks:Light golden brown hair and green eyes ;

Situation: Was sent to the Enchanted forest by a Magic portal and trying to find a way home. (Storybrooke)  

POV Prentiss

I miss my parents, Mr Gold (Rumple) and Belle. Now I ended up in the Enchanted Forest by a magic portal. Not the best way to transport, I feel a bit dizzy. I went to the beach to clear my mind to try to find any ideas to turn back home to Storybrooke. I sat on a rock when I saw a tail, then a face. I stood up and cried "ARIEL over here". "Ah Prentiss, I have news" Ariel said. "Can I go back to Storybrooke?" I asked excited. "Yes, listen when you father was a boy, after he was abandoned by his father, he lived with two women and they had gave him a magical bean" She said. "So that means I have to go look for them" I said. "Yes, sorry but I must go, bye" She said. "Bye Ariel" I said. I can get of home, but where do I have to start. "What are you doing here all alone?" asked Robin. "I'm trying to find my way back home, do you know where two old ladies live and there were my father lived when he was young?" I asked. "Sorry, I don't know but why don't you try to find information in his castle" he said. "Good idea" I said. "Where could it be?" I asked myself. Then I remember my father's secret wardrobe. I opened it and found a dairy. There was written the name of the village. Robin looked over my shoulder. "Do you know where it is?" I asked. "Yes indeed" He said. We arrived at the village and we asked a man. He looked scared when I mentioned my father's name. "They live over there" He said and pionted to a old house. "Thank you sir" I said. "Prentiss, sorry I need to go back to my son , can you handle it alone?" Robin said. "Yes and thanks for your help" I said. "No problem" he said. I knocked on the door and no one answered so I went in. The door cracked and I saw to women being very busy. "Hello, my father is Rumplestilskin and can you help me going back home to Storybrooke" I said. "Normally we don't do this, here it's a magic bean use it well" said one woman. "Thank you so much" I said.

POV Belle

"Do you really think it was a good idea, I mean what if she gets hurt" I said. "Don't worry she is already 14 and is very strong, if there is danger she can always use her magic" Rumple said. "You're probably right like always" I said. We kissed and we heard someone shout "MOM!! DAD!!". It was our daughter. "PRENTISS" We shouted. We hugged. "You did it" I said. "Yeah, with help from you, Ariel,Robin and the two womans of course" Prentiss said her green eyes sparkeling and her light golden brown hair shining in the sun.

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