The queen with raven hair (Caspian,Narnia)

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  Movie/Show:Narnia prince caspian

our name: Ashley
Person: Caspian
Short description of your looks:long Raven hair, blueish grey eyes, porcelain skin,5"51/2.
Situation: When prince Caspian is getting interrogated by all the narnian's and i'm watching from a tree to see what would happen, but when the kings and queens of old aren't going to save them she jumps from the tree and she wants to help them, but they don't know who she is until she took her hood off and they noticed she was queen Ashley the majestic.
 Powers or not?: definitely powers
Princess,witch, peasant: Well i'm a queen of old and i'm also a sourcer with lots of magic.And anything other information you want to share: I am the third Pevensie sibling  

Ashley POV

It's was night and I sat with my siblings and Trumpkin around the fire, I felt bored I decided to go for a walk cause I knew I wouldn't fall asleep anytime soon. "Hey guys I gonna walk around a bit" I said. "Sure but don't go to far it can be dangerous" said Peter. Tired of my overprotective siblings I said "I think I can handle things myself Peter, I also have fought in the war against the witch just like you beside I'm also a sources with lots of magic unlike you!" I angrily stomped away. 

'Why does he have to be such a dick' I walked for quite some time and I heard voices, I grew curious and decided to climb in a tree. I put my hood on to make sure they wouldn't see me. 'A other human here? Minotaurs I thought their were on the bad side? But dwarfs should be too but Trumpkin wasn't a bad guy'. The narnians were shouting at a rather hansome guy. "Al this horn proves is that they've stolen yet another thing from us" a dwarf (Nikabrik) shouts. 'Horn what horn are they talking Susan's horn that she lost' I thought. "I didn't steal anything" the boy said. A minotaur stood up "Didn't steal anything? Shall we list the things the Telmarines have taken" he says. " Our homes!" "Our freedom!" "Our lives!" 'Poor guy' I thought. "You would hold me accountable for all the crimes of my people?" he said.  "Accountable...and punishable!" the dwarf replies. "That‟s words from you, dwarf," a mouse said says, "or have you forgotten that it was your people who fought alongside the White Witch?" 'OMG he is so cute' I thought. "And I‟d gladly do it again if it would rid us of these barbarians!" the dwarf replies at the mouse."Then we are lucky it is not in your power to bring her back" someone said. "Look I know I'm not one of the kings of queens of old, besides they're not coming back and this horn brought us together" he said. I jumped from the tree and everyone turned to look at me. "Who are you stranger" the dwarf shouted. I took of my hood and everyone gasped. "Queen Ashley the majestic, you're here" someone said. Everyone bowed suprisely the boy did too. "Look he wants to help he wants to give back your freedom, he knows the enemy so he can help us" I said. "Beyond these woods, I am a prince. The Telmarine throne is rightfully mine. Help me claim it, and I can bring peace between us." he said. "It is true," a centaur (Glenstorm) says standing up, "the time is ripe. I watch the skies, for it is mine to watch as it is yours to remember, badger. Tarva, the Lord of Victory, and Alambil, the Lady of Peace have met, and here a son of Adam has come forth to offer us back our freedom." After they finally agreed the boy thanked me. "I'm Caspian by the way" he said. "I know Trumpkin mentionned about you come what if we go look for them" I said smiling. "Thank you again" he said again while kissing my hand. I blushed. "No problem beside we need to help too, we didn't mean to leave at the first place" I said with a tear streaming down my cheek. "Hey It's okay everything is going to be fine" he said while cupping my cheeks and also whipping away my tears. Everything semms to slow down and before I knew it we started kissing. 

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