Chapter one

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I'm late again. God damn it! It's a wonder that I still have this job.

Panting, I make my way to the coffee shop. It's my dream job, really. But I live almost half an hour away, which is hard considering the traffic everyday.

"You're late." My manager says as I walk past him to get my apron.
"I know, I'm sorry." I look at the shop. It's a busy day as always at the Darmetir's coffee shop. It's the busiest one in Chicago.

"I'm sick of it. If you're not responsible enough to arrive in time, then I'd advise you looking for another job with another shift time." He says, coming to my side. I roll my eyes. That's what he always says. Two years now am I working at this place and he's saying that since day two.

I was about to comment when I see his face start to pale and he's looking ahead of me. As I turn around but all I see is a busy shop. When I turn back around my manager is gone. I roll my eyes and go to my area.

My work here is to make the coffee and serve it for those guests who sit here. I was just cleaning the counter when a man comes to my view. I show him my finger, symbolizing him to wait. I hear him scoff but shake it off.

After cleaning the counter I look up and give him my fake smile.
"What can I give you today, sir?" I ask and my smile almost vanishes when I see his face expression.

Although he's probably the most handsome man I've ever seen in this city, he looks like he's ready to kill me. He has those dangerous eyes. I gulp as he leans his elbows on the counter.

"Sir, you can't just lean on the counter." I tell him and see his lips twitch upwards for a millisecond, but maybe I just imagined it.
"Oh, I can't? Well I do. And who are you to tell me this?" He angrily asks.

"I'm a worker here and you are the customer, understood? You don't own this place. So please keep your elbows off the counter or I have to call the manager." I warn and he straightens himself before angrily leaving the coffee shop.

I just stand there dumbfounded, thinking about what just happened and wether I should tell the manager or not. I decided against it and keep working.

The rest of the week went pretty well. I noticed the man, who I started to call big boy, sitting the closest to my counter. I would always feel his eyes on me, trying to find a flaw in my work. But I didn't give him any, which looked like it upset him even more.

I saw him talking to the manager for some time and then leave. Minutes later my manager called me into his office.

"You wanted to talk to me?" I say as I close his office door.
"Yes, take a seat." He clears his throat before continuing.
"So, I've been talking to the boss for quite a while now." The boss?
"And he told me how rude you've been to him and how disrespectful you spoke to him." Wait what?

"He wants you in his office tomorrow." Hold on.
"Sir, I have no idea who you're talking about." I say and run a hand through my hair.
"Wait, you didn't? Oh, I should have told you who the boss is. I forgot he's never been here while you worked, because of his trip." He says, regretfully.

"Then please enlighten me." I push.
"His name is Nikolaos Darmetir. He is one of the most successful businessmen in this world. His businesses go from smaller shops, like this coffee shop, to the biggest ones." He informs me.

"Yeah, but it still doesn't ring a bell. I've not been talking to somebody like that." I sigh.
"Oh really? He told me that you told him that he didn't own this place and that you kept him waiting." He says. Wait, what.

"Oh my... I didn't know who he was." I defend.
"I've figured that out. However, you can be happy that he didn't want me to fire you. You at least have the chance to apologize and tell him that you didn't know who he was." He says and I nod.

"So where is his office?" I ask and he hands me a card.
"It's all on there. You should be there at 9 a.m. and please be there in time, it's important if you want to work here." He says and stands up, leading me to the door.
"Thank you, and I'll try to come in time." I assure him and make my way to the coffee shop exit.

We say our good bye and I'm on my way to the bus station. I would take my car if I had one. Living in Chicago is not cheap, trust me.


Once I'm home I sigh loudly and sit down on the small couch in my shoe box sized apartment. I'll dare saying it again, living in Chicago is not cheap. But of course I wouldn't believe my friends and family in Utah as they told me that. I just always wanted to live in Chicago.

I don't know what it was, but I just felt so touched by the city and its lifestyle that I couldn't wait to move here. Right after high school I had to work hard in order to afford living here. I'm not saying that I regret moving here, but let's just say I imagined it to be easier.

I grew up with my grandparents. They were strict, but most at time they could be the cutest people ever. My parents died when I was a baby. I can't remember their faces but I know that they loved me. There's one picture of them together, holding me seconds after I was born. I keep it in wallet, believing that they are always watching over me.

I would lie if I said that I had an easy life. But the things that happened to me just made me stronger. They made me who I am today and although I might not be rich or have the best job I keep on moving, because that's what I always do.

I didn't realize that I zoned off when I see the clock. It's already 1 a.m. and I have to stand up early tomorrow, well actually today.

Yawning I make my way towards the bathroom, taking a quick shower and tuck myself in bed. As soon as my head hits the pillow my eyes close and before I even know it, I'm drifting off to sleep.

A/N: Chicago or New York?! I'm sorry for always changing the location. You'll see that throughout the book, I do it. Just pick out your preference and keep on reading.

A Cookie for the Big BoyWhere stories live. Discover now