Chapter twenty-nine

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"It's just me." I hear the familiar voice say. I turn around and hug Sean.
"You scared the shit out of me." I whisper in relief. He chuckles and pulls away.

"At least I know that we'll hear you in Chicago whenever you scream." He laughs.
"I know." I say.
"Come on, let's get you home. Your grandma is pacing around." He says and I shake my head.

"I don't want to get home just yet." I say and he frowns.
"But it's dark, Lord knows what kind of people are outside." He says.
"I know, but we're two." I chuckle and start walking again.

"So what happened." He asks me, walking next to me.
"Nana called me stupid." I say.
"Why would you care?" He laughs.
"Because when people say it often enough, you start to believe it." I sigh.
"You know, if I didn't know better, I'd say you're stupid for believing that." He chuckles and I smack him.

"Whatever. She wanted me to apologize to Darmetir." I sigh, continuing walking.
"Why don't you?" He asks.
"Why would I?" I ask, frowning.
"I don't know what happened but he's not a bad guy. He's gone through a lot. He probably isn't an angel but he has his reasons why he acts the way he acts and does the things he does." He says.

"When did you get so wise?" I chuckle.
"You're just thinking that, because you're stupid." He jokes and I groan.
"What's so funny on that?"
"I just don't get how you think you're stupid. A lot of people say things to me and I couldn't care less." He shrugs.

"But I do care." I argue.
"Then keep caring and destroying yourself." He says.
"Let's go home, you're annoying." I joke, turning around.
He laughs and joins me.
"One of the things people never call me." He says.
"Yeah because they only see the big bad wolf when they look at you. I broke the shell and in reality you're a big softie." I smile at him.

"Maybe. Now it's time to brake the important shell." He mutters to himself but I heard it. I also know what he means.

We arrived at the house minutes later.
"Honey, I'm sorry." I hear grandma say. She comes to my side and hugs me.
"Me too." I sigh, hugging her back.
"I shouldn't have said that. You're not stupid. I don't know what came over me." She apologises and I feel relieved.

"Thank you. I'm tired, I'm in my room if you need me." I tell her and she nods. I run upstairs and throw my phone on my bed. I run a hand through my hair and exhale loudly. I change into my sweatpants and a tight white tank top and go to bed, trying to fall asleep. I keep turning around and just can't seem to find relaxation. I stand up and go to the bathroom, flashing my face with cold water. I look in the mirror and sigh.

I brush my hair again and go outside. On the way to my room I hear a pair of feet pacing in the room in front of me. I already know who's room this is. Should I go in and apologize? What if he snaps again? Oh ef it. I knock three times and hear a quiet 'come in'.

Here we go.

Nikolaos' PoV

The dinner is pretty boring. I almost laughed out loud as this Jeffrey guy told us about how the cows are the moneymakers on his farm. I sensed Lucia silently snickering next to me. I smiled at her, of course only for a second before realizing what I'm doing.
Am I not extremely pissed at her for earlier? Then why the heck am I here, smiling like an idiot at her.

After the dinner I walked back upstairs into my room, well the guest room. I passed Lucia's grandfather and decided to keep him company.
"Hey." I say coming to his side. I've been into his room last evening with the guys. He wanted to see us before we slept here. Understandable.

"Hey, Niki. How are you doing?" He asks.
"I should ask you that pops." I answer. He told me to call him pops, seeing how his wife took care of me when I was a baby.
"Oh I feel alone." He says sadly.
"Well, not anymore. I'm here to keep you company." I smirk and he smiles at me.

"Alright, then sit your ass down and enjoy the game with me." He says and I nod, sitting down next to him. It's a shame that he can barely move. I told him I'd give him the best doctor I can find who should heal him but he told me he didn't want that. After hours of complaining I gave in. I can just see where Lucia gets her stubbornness from. Lucia.

I shake my head and concentrate back on the game that's currently playing on tv.

After what felt like hours of talking and laughing with pops I yawn. Seeing that as a sign that I'm tired or bored he kicked me out of his room, literally. He gave me a shove and said 'get the fuck out'. I chuckle at the old man. I could do this all day. Just talking and laughing with him. Also cooking with nana and helping her with the dishes.

I shake my head. Of course I can't and I know that, but there is nothing wrong with enjoying the moment. I get into my room and sigh. I take off my clothes and look at the watch. It's passed 1 a.m. and I yawn again. I lay down in my bed and just can't seem to find asleep for the second night.

"Ugh." I groan and stand up again, pacing in my room again, holding the blanket around my waist. Ten minutes later I hear a door open and stop. After a while I hear water running and start pacing again. I run a messy hand through my hair and groan.

I hear a knock on my door. Thinking that it's probably nana, telling me to go to sleep I sigh and say.

"Come in."

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