Chapter eighteen

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Lucia's PoV

I groan as I step outside the bath tub. That was so relieving. I dry myself and just throw a towel around my body. I don't even bother with clothes, since I'll be in here for quite a while.

I brush my teeth and make my hair. I decide to watch some tv until I'm dry. I turn it on and sit there for about ten minutes, changing the channels. Great, no criminal minds or anything else interesting is playing. My eyes widen when I see for how long I've been in the bath tub. My stomach growls and I step into the little kitchen.

I bought some eggs, fruits, cucumbers, bread, butter, jelly, nutella and a bunch of unhealthy stuff, for example Oreos. I already know what I want. After desperately looking for the milk I realize I didn't buy any.

I should call the room service. They pick up after the first ring.
"Welcome to the ford's hotel, how can I help you?" The person asks.
"Hello, I'd like to know if you'd have a glass of milk for me by any chance." I say.
"Of course we do. May I have your name and room number please?" He says.

"Brooke, room 103." I answer.
"Thank you, I'll just repeat it for you real quick, just so that there's no misunderstanding."
"Brooke, room number 103. A glass of milk?" He asks.
"Yes, that's me. Thank you." I answer.

"It's already on it's way ma'am" He says and I thank him and hang up.

Minutes later I hear a knock on my door. That was fast. I stand up from the couch and open the door. I smile at the service as he sets the milk down on my table.
"Thank you." I say as he steps out. He nods and leaves.
Second later somebody knocks again. I frown, he must have forgotten something.

I open the door and almost scream, if it wasn't for the hand that is coming on my mouth. It happens fast. The person with a black mask had me pinned against the wall. They take my hand and sit me down on the couch.
off as the person pulls their mask off.

Nikolaos' PoV

I can't believe that she's here. In this hotel. No way. Once I'm in my apartment I think about wether I should go down right now or tomorrow. I don't want to waste any more time. I'll go down after I took a quick shower.

I'm a bit smelly, because I didn't shower the past three days. Who knew I didn't get the time to shower one time. I take a quick shower and change into a pair of sweatpants and a tight white v-neck.

I comb my wet hair back and brush my teeth. When I'm finished I take the elevator to the third stage and step out. I knock on her door, three times. I hear shuffling and some muttering. What is she doing in there?

The door opens and she looks at me shocked. My eyes settle on her red puffy ones. Did she cry? I frown at her. Why isn't she screaming or anything? I expected her to be scared or something.

She clears her throat.
"Do you need something, sir?" She breaths out. Is she for real?
"You're joking right?" I spit.
"No, why would I." She looks to her left and I frown. Wait, she looks scared. But not because of me. I lock eyes with her and watch her trying to tell me something. It doesn't take a genius to know that she's not alone.

"Uhm, I came to ask for some help in my room." I act. She gives me a 'are you freaking serious'- look and I shrug.
"Oh can we postpone that. I gun, I mean I can't right now." She says. Shit, the person has a gun.
"But I need you now." I plead. What the fuck do I do? What do I do?

"I'm sorry." She says and I look at her.
"It's alright, can I get a hug at least?" I ask and her breath hitches. I glare at her, telling her to play along.
"Of course." She leans forward. It seems like the person let her left hand go. I smirk as she throws her arms around my neck. I wrap mine around her waist. When I feel like she's free enough to run, I turn us and push her to the side.

I step into her room and see a person in his middle ages standing there. He has a gun in his hand and before I know it I see black.

Lucia's PoV

"Hello niece." The guy says and I frown.
"Who are you." I ask. He looks like he's a little bit over forty. His dark hair is way too short for my liking and he's wearing black clothes. His face seems familiar.

"My name is Ivan. I am your uncle." He says as he sits down next to me. I gulp as he puts the pistol under my chin.
"I want you to tell me the code." He says.
"W- what code?" I breath out.

"Don't play dumb with me. The code for the save." He says, angrily.
"I don't know the code to any save." My eyes start to water and my throat becomes dry. No, this is not the moment to show how scared I am.
"If you don't tell me, then I'll have to kill you. Just like I did with your parents." He killed my parents?

Tears are falling down my face when I shake my head.
"I swear, I don't even know what you want from me. I know nothing about a save." I plead. Before he could answer, somebody knocks on my door.

"If you tell, you'll die. Plus the person that's knocking right now. Act natural." He says as he wipes the tears from my face. He puts the gun against my side and let's me open the door.
I'm shocked to see Darmetir standing there, looking sexier then ever.

He studies my face before frowning. I clear my throat after some minutes of silence.

"Do you need anything, sir?"

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