Chapter thirty-two

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I wake up the next day at 12:46. I gasp. I never sleep that long. I don't like sleeping for that long, now I don't get breakfast any more.

I groan and stand up. I yawn as I go to the bathroom and lock it. After a long shower I brush my teeth and dry my hair. I put on some jeans and a black shirt. I get out, finding the house surprisingly silent. I get down the stairs and see grandma sitting on the couch in the living room.

"Hey nana." I kiss her cheek as I sit down next to her.
"Hey sweety. How about we go to the mall today?" She suggest and I smile and nod.
"Of course. Where are the boys?" I ask her and she stands up, shrugging.
"Business." She simply states. I roll my eyes. I hate it that they never take me with them. I mean I thought they needed me but do everything alone.

"Don't be upset, they are just trying to protect you." Nana says and I nod. I know but still.


After four hours later and an exhausting shopping tour with nana, I sigh loudly plumb down on the couch in the living room. Grandma chuckles and walks into the kitchen with her bags. We got so much stuff. I think I spend over a thousand dollars on these clothes. Never in my life did I think I'd say that. I think I got a problem.

I hear a bunch of footsteps coming down the stairs. Great, they guys are home.
I turn to look at all of them, smirking at me.
"What?" I frown.
"Guess what happened last night." I hear Blondie ask and my eyes widen. I look at Darmetir in panic.

"Uh, what he means is that Sean got a call yesterday and we got information about where your uncle, Ivan lived the past few years." He locks eyes with me and I sigh in relief.
"Yeah and guess what we found?" Blondie continues happily. I smile at him and stand up.

"The file?" I ask excitedly.
He nods and comes to my side.
"Niki, show her what's on the file." He says and Darmetir nods, pulling a paper out of his back pocket. I frown. He couldn't put it in an envelope or something? I mean it's important.

He comes to my other side and puts his finger under an address on the paper. I look at it confused.
"What am I supposed to do with that?" I ask and he sighs.
"It's the address of your family save. If you want we could drive there right now." He tells me and I shake head.

"I don't even know the code. There is no way I'm going to open it." I say and sit back on the couch.
"We could try. Please let's drive there." Blondie begs and I sigh but nod. Why not try.

We make our way to the car.
"Where are you going?" Nana asks us.
"They got the address of the family save. We're going to try to open it." I tell her.
"Oh, I could be helpful. Let's go." She says and walks past us towards the car. I raise my eyebrow at her but shrug out off and get into the car.

After what seemed like ages we finally arrive at an old woods house. I furrow my eyebrows at it. That's it? I didn't expect this.
As we step out the boys lead the way.
"Wait here." I hear Darmetir order and nod. He steps in, making sure we're alone. After some minutes he steps out and nods.

Okay, so this is it. I step in, looking around for some sort of save and gasp. All I see is pictures of me and my parents. I see a baby picture of me hanging right in front of me and gulp. The house would be beautiful if somebody hadn't destroyed all the windows and picture frames.

And with somebody I mean Ivan, my uncle.
"Here." I hear Darmetir say and walk to his side, making sure not to step on any glass.
He points to the wall in front of him and I follow his gaze. I feel everybody's eyes on me as I bite on my lip and take a step forward. I look at nana and see her smiling at me.

"Go sweetheart. Try it. I'm sure you know the right code." I frown at her and look back at the metallic save in front of me. I take a deep breath. The code must have five figures. I frown again, thinking about the possible codes. I turn to nana.

"When did mom and dad marry?" I ask her and she smiles at me.
"July 7th, 1990." Okay. So I type in 7,7,9,0. To my surprise it doesn't open. Smell the sarcasm.

I think again. My mom.was born in September 16th, 1963. I sigh and type in 11,16,63. It doesn't even make sense. It's more than just five figures. God, think! I close my eyes and think about the time they met. I turn to nana again.
"When did they meet, again?" She shrugs. It's probably that date. Shoot, why doesn't she know that?

"I don't think I can open it." I tell them, running a hand through my hair.
"You can. Think about what they loved the most. The only thing, they'd kill for." Nana tells me and my eyes widen.

"You think-"
"Yes." She interrupts.
I nod and turn around. I type in 5,9,9,2. My eyes widen when it opens and I gulp.
"Guys?" I ask, not turning around.
"What?" They ask.
"It's open." I state.

I reach out and open it widely.
"What is it?" I hear Blondie ask.
"A huge envelope." I answer, taking out the big yellow envelope and turn around. They all look at me expectantly. Do I want to open it? I really don't know.

"How did you open it?" Darmetir asks.
"My birthday date." I answer.

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