Chapter four

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I sigh as I fall down on my couch and close my eyes. Today was such a stupid day. I mean I woke up early this morning, in order to apologize to the boss. But instead he went all mad and mean on me. I mean he let his colleagues hold me down. Who does that?

I look at my wrist and see that it's only 10:45 a.m. Great, I just wasted my morning in this stupid building without even achieving something.
I close my eyes as I think about the whole situation.

So I'm most likely jobless. The boss of a lot of businesses in this town hates me. I almost blacked out today because of him. And now my head hurts. Nice. So, instead of laying there and resting for some hours I decide to go out jobhunting.

I barely make it to the kitchen before my phone starts ringing.
I pick it up, seeing that it's my best friend Lacey.
"Hey." I greet her.
"Hey Luke, how about we go out tonight." She asks and I roll my eyes.
"First off all, I told you to not call me Luke. It's a guy's name. Plus, you know I can't." I sigh, taking my keys and heading out the door with the phone my hand.

"I know you're broke, but let me invite you. We haven't been in the club's for so long. I miss the drunk you. She's so much cooler than sober you." She fake cries.
"Geez, thank you." I say. That's Lacey to you. My best friend, who's outgoing, beautiful and well known here. And then there's me, the complete opposite.

"Come on. I really miss you and you'll definitely have fun. You need that." She's right, I do need a night outside.
"Alright, I'll come to your's at 7." I give in.
"Oh my god. Yes. You deserve that, really. See you later honey." She shrieks and hangs up.


Oh god, finally I'm home. I just checked half off the city to see if there are any wanted employees but guess what. It's not.
So I just wasted another four hours.

The weird thing is that everywhere I go, I felt eyes watching me. Of course every time I turned around nobody looked at me strangely. But I felt watched. Must be because of what happened in the office.

Normally I would have written a complaint or something, but he owns literally everything here.
As I strip out of my clothes and hop into my small shower I still feel watched. It's ridiculous, really. I brush it off and start the water.

As soon as the water touches my skin, I immediately relax. Today has been stressful, but far away from the worst day of my life.

After half an hour I step outside and make myself ready for the night. It's almost 6 and I still have to drive half an hour. I head towards my closet and throw on my black cocktail dress. It's the only expensive thing I have. It was a present from Lacey. I turn back to the bathroom and dry my hair. I'm about to turn it on, when a loud knock interrupts me.

I feel my heartbeat quicken and my eyes widen. Nobody ever visits me. I always tell them I'll come to their place, because I mean look at this apartment. It's embarrassing. I start to panic as the knock becomes harder. I don't know what to do.

I know that it's a stranger who's knocking right now. Probably even a thief. Ha, you won't find anything in here. I slowly make my way towards the front door. Slowly getting on my tip toes to look into the peephole, only to see black. The person must have blocked it with his finger.

"Who is there?" I ask. The knocking stops for a second and I think they left me. I open the door and regret being the naive 23 year old girl that I am.
Standing I'm front of me with his two buddies is none other than the great mister Darmetir. I groan and attempt to close the door.
Attempt being the keyword.

He pushes the door open with force and steps inside.
"Hey." I say, stumbling after the door hit me. He turns towards me with his arms across his chest. His friends stand close to him. I don't let them intimate me. We are at my apartment. This is my...wait.

"What do you want from me?" I yell in frustration, closing the front door. I see their eyes studying the place.
"You live here?" The blonde one asks. I roll my eyes at his rich tone.
"Yeah, if you don't like it then leave. I don't have time for you guys right now. It's enough that I saw you this morning, I don't need this right now." I tell them.

They look at me before taking in my outfit. I scuff and open the door once again.
"Leave or I'm calling the cops." I threat. Blondie starts laughing while the other one smirks. To no one's surprise the big boss just stands there glaring at me.

"Darling, we are the cops." Blondie breaths out. I furrow my eyebrows.
"Well, not literally but let's just say they wouldn't dare touching us." He finishes and I roll my eyes.
"I'm still waiting for you to leave. Look I really don't have time for this." I tell them, glancing at the clock. It's 6:15, dang it.

"Well, what are you up to?" He asks. Is he for real?
"None off your business." I spit out.
"I highly doubt that." The one with the dark hair speaks up.
"Look, just tell me what you want from me. Come to the effin point." I say as I walk to the bathroom and brush my hair.

"Well it would need more than just some minutes to come to the point, sweetheart." Blondie tells me, coming to my side.
"Then try to sum it up, Blondie." I say, not really caring if I sound disrespectful. It is my night, I deserve to relax and have fun after a stressful week. And they are just destroying everything.

My thoughts get interrupted by laughter and I look up to see the one with the dark hair laughing and big boy smirking at Blondie.

"Listen, that was a nice little get together here but I need you guys to leave my apartment. I'm going out." I push Blondie out of my bathroom.
"You call that apartment?" He smirks and I give him a fake smile.

"Not all of us have rich parents who shower them with money." I answer.

"If you only knew." He answers.

A Cookie for the Big BoyWhere stories live. Discover now