Chapter twenty-one

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Lucia's PoV

"You need a person to lean on?" I hear Blondie ask as I sit down on the couch.
"I don't think so." I snort, avoiding his gaze.
"Why did you do it?" He asks quietly.

I look at him, regretting my decision already. I mean why did I do it? I sold my precious watch for nothing. I thought I'd run away from the bad guy, who in the end saved me. So what was I thinking?

"I don't know." I whisper. He groans and sits down next to me.
"It's not like I'm mad or something. I'm just extremely disappointed. Do you know how much shit we had to go through while looking for you?" He says.
"I know, but you can't blame me for making this decision. He is a monster. He might have saved my life but probably just to torture me or something." I yell at him.

"He's not that bad. If we weren't sure that Niki was the best one to protect you, we wouldn't have let you stay with him in his penthouse. He would never hurt you. He just wanted to put you in your place. He doesn't trust people that easily. He even let you sleep in his bed and cooked for you. And you left him. Do you know how fucking pissed he was. He was out for blood. Most likely yours." He yells back at me.

"Don't you think I know that? How did you even find me again? I didn't tell anybody about my location." I say.
"I believe that was just destiny. We booked this hotel without knowing you were here too." He smirks. What the?
"You mean you really didn't know I was here?" He shakes his head. I sigh and run a hand through my hair.

"Alright. And what now?" I ask him
"Tell me what happened, since you left us." He says.
"Alright. Want some cookies?" I ask, standing up and making my way towards the kitchen. I am graving for food and the fastest thing I can get is cookies. I have a problem.

"Sure." He yells and I put some on the plate walking towards him.
"Okay." I begin as I settle down next to him.
"So basically I had my friend pick me up and drop me off at my apartment building. I gathered my golden necklaces and bracelets and ran to the closest jewellery shop. There I sold them and earned almost 15.000 bucks. I took the next flight to Utah. I'm planning on visiting my grandparents soon, so I wanted to stay near them. But I guess it's no use. I booked this room for a whole week. I just wasted 350 dollars on this. Because there's no way I'll stay here one more night." I tell him and he nods.

"Wow. To think that you earned so much money makes you almost rich." He jokes and I slap his chest. He laughs, showing his dimples. I must say he's attractive. But nothing compared to Darmetir. Oh shoot, what did I just say?
"So why are you the one that always takes care of me?" I ask him.

"I can't really handle blood." He shrugs. Wait what?
"I think you and Niki make a great couple." He interrupts me. I glare at him before comprehending what he just said.
"What are you talking about. Darmetir and me? Psh no." I wave him off.
"Of course. You seemed pretty close back there." He smirks.
"I don't really know what that was. I expected him to kill me or at least yell at me, but he didn't." I frown.

"Of course not. Because he realized that he won't get far with his attitude." He says and I nod.
"He won't get anywhere with his attitude." I agree.
"But you must admit that you weren't an easy person either." He smirks and I nod again.
"I know but that's who I am. If you don't like it, you're free to leave." I point to the door. He throws his hands up in the air.

"Just saying though, just saying."

Nikolaos' PoV

"Where is it?" I ask him.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Ivan answers. I stand up from my chair and pull my sleeves up. I punch his jaw again, making him stumble in his chair.

We arrived at the police department three hours ago. And he hasn't fucking talked yet.
I just want this over with.
The officers offered me a room without cameras, understanding my situation. Normally they'd never do that but I'm not unknown here.

"We could play this game forever. I have time." I say as I settle back on my chair. He spits out blood. Shit, I promised them to keep him alive. Oh well.
"What do you want young boy. I told you I didn't know what you're taking about." He breaths out.

I already got the information that he's a known robber in this town. People call him the gun man, because he's always wearing a gun. Talk about stupid.
"I already know that you killed her parents. I couldn't care less if I'd kill you now." I snap. He looks up at me, grinning like a mad man.

"Did my niece tell you about this, huh. Did she tell you something about the code? What is it? I know she knows it! She must know." He yells.
"What code?" I ask.
"The code to the family save. My brother put the address on the files." He breaths out. Shit, is he dying?
"Where are the files?" I ask him.
"Hidden." He answers. I growl and stand up, ready to throw another punch when Sean holds me back.

"Where hidden?" He asks Ivan.
"Somewhere secret." He answers before passing out. I run a hand through my hair and groan. What the fuck. I need a break. It feels like I'm doing this for ages.
I step outside the room, Sean following me. I step inside the car.

"Where to?" He asks.
"Leonard and miss Brooke." I answer. He chuckles.
"You know you can call her Lucia. We all do."

"Shut up."

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