Chapter ten

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They guys left the house three hours ago and still aren't back. I feel like a pet or something. He could have at least let me watch tv or something but the remote is gone and you can't turn it on without it.

How did I get in this position? My whole life is a lie. My parents were rich and I would have inherit their business if they put me in their testament. Why didn't they put me in their testament? And why didn't their partners know about me? Maybe they didn't even want me and pushed me towards my grandparents. Maybe I was a mistake and destroyed their lifestyle. Way to go Lucia, make yourself worthless.

So what if they tried to get away from me, look where they are now. Okay, that was harsh. But I mean I'm so confused. I thought they loved me. Grandma always told me how mom put me to bed and told me a story although I was probably too little to understand.

I should stop confusing myself any further. I sigh and stand up from the couch. You know what? Fuck it. If I want to go out, then I go out. I'm a human being, I have rights. And now that I finally have pants, I can leave. When I come back Darmetir will probably kill me, but who cares?

I make my way to the front door and open it. I look if it's free from Darmetir and it is. I smile to myself and close the door behind me. I slowly walk towards the elevator. His penthouse must be at the top again, who would have known.
I press the button and wait for the bling. I look around in the huge hallway. He probably doesn't even have neighbours. If he had, they must have heard me scream the other day.

I turn my gaze towards the elevator when I hear it bing. My eyes almost fall out and my heart quickens. In the elevator stands no other than Nikolaos Darmetir with a murderous expression. I gulp as he calmly steps towards me. I take a step backwards and watch his every move. He takes a step more and takes a hold of my tank top, pulling me towards him, so that I slam against his chest.

"Where do you think you're going?" He growls. I close my eyes and try to steady my breath.
"I- I want to go outside. I'm getting crazy if I don't." I stutter.
"Oh, I want to see you getting crazy." With that he drags me back into his penthouse. I feel like crying and exploding at the same time.
"I'm telling you again, I need oxygen. I'm not some pet. Nobody ever kidnapped me before you. Let me go." I stomp my foot on the floor, angrily.

"And I'm telling you, we don't want to risk anything." He shoves me on the couch.
"Then go and call Blondie." I growl.
"Why would I do that?" He snaps.
"He can come with me. You said we should never go alone. Then fucking call him!" I yell in frustration.
"Why would you want to go with him? I could go with you." He stands in front of me, crossing his arms over his chest. I stand up and mirror his actions.

"As if I'd go outside with you and spend more time with you than necessary. Blondie is my first choice. No wait, call Sean. He doesn't hit on me the whole time. Yeah, Sean." I snap.
"And why is that? Are you scared of me?" He asks.
"More like extremely pissed off. Don't you have something to do? Like kicking puppies and eating kids?" I argue.
"Oh shut up. I really don't know why you have to live here with me. I could just throw you out the balcony." He smirks. Oh no.
He takes some steps forward until he has me pushed against his chest again.
"No, stop. This is not funny." I protest.
"Oh, I never intended to be funny." He lifts me up by my waist. OH MY GOD.
"Please stop." I kick my legs.

"No snappy comments?" He smirks and moves towards the balcony. He has an arm wrapped around my waist, holding me by his side, like I have no weight at all.
"Please stop!" I cry out. Tears are forming in my eyes as he opens the glass doors. I haven't been on the balcony before, I tried to avoid it.
"Any last words?" He asks as he steps outside. I close my eyes and grip his shirt. With the hand that's not holding me he frees his shirt from my grip.

"STOP! PLEASE!" My breath starts to quicken again. This is not good. Inhale, exhale. Calm down Lucia.
"Beg. Beg for your life." He sets me on the edge of the reeling.
"Please, what do you want? I beg you, let me go." I cry, the tears I tried to hold back are already streaming down my face.
I grip his shirt as he puts me down. I hit his chest repeatedly when he holds me by my waist.
"What is wrong with you?" I yell as I push him and run out the balcony. I keep running towards the bedroom and lock the door.

No way am I going to let him in. I hate him so much. Who does he think he is? Just because he might be richer than me doesn't mean he can just throw me out of the balcony. He can control everyone in this city but me, I'm telling you. I almost blacked out again. Two times in a row is the complete opposite of healthy, let me tell you this.

The sun is almost down so it must be around 6? Hell, I don't know. I'm hungry. There is no way I'm going out of this room. This time he'll definitely throw me out the balcony.

I sigh and drop my head on the pillow. Wait, if I slept in his room for the whole time, where did he sleep? You know what, I don't care. Normally I am a careful and patient person but not in that case. He could sleep on the floor for all I care.

Maybe he has another room, because there is nothing personal at all in here. Doesn't even have a closet in here. Whatever, I'll just stay here till he's gone.

I thought.

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