Chapter eleven

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"Sweetheart, come outside. We brought dinner." I hear Blondie yell. I sigh and stand up. Minutes after I decided to not go out again the knocking started. I'm just happy it's Blondie.

I unlock the door and step out. Blondie gives me a smile and I try to smile back, but fail horribly.
"What's wrong? Come on let's eat and talk." He takes my hand and drags me to the kitchen. My breath hitches when I see Darmetir sitting at the counter, typing on his laptop, ignoring me. I walk around him trying to put as much distance as possible between us.

"So, what's bothering you?" Blondie asks, sitting on the counter, while I'm standing in front of him. He's blocking my view to Darmetir and I exhale in relief.
"I want to go outside. I know you said we couldn't risk something, but you come with me and we solved the problem." I give him my best puppy eyes.
"I thought Niki wanted to bring you outside." He furrows his eyebrows. What?

"I wanted to, but she fucking tried to escape again." I hear the devil snap.
"Oh, well we can go after dinner." Blondie suggests and my face lights up.
"Oh, she had enough oxygen today. I think she's fine." Darmetir says and stands up so that I can see him again. I avoid looking at him. Why must he look so good?

"I thought she hasn't been outside all day?" Blondie asks, confused.
"Yeah, she has." Darmetir smirks at me.
"Oh, you mean that time on the balcony?" I turn to Blondie.
"He almost threw me out the balcony." I yell at Blondie.
"You're exaggerating." Darmetir protests.
"I am? Are you fucking joking me? I almost blacked out again. You had me pushed on the reeling. Who does that?" I yell in frustration.
"Dude, you let her sit on the reeling?" Blondie asks in disbelief.
"Let me sit? He almost pushed me over it!" I yell at him.

"She needs to know who she's playing with. I came home and she tried to fucking escape. What am I supposed to do?" He yells back at Blondie.
"Okay you guys need to stop fighting against each other. We are all in the same team." Blondie turns to me.
"You need to accept Niki's conditions. Try not to fight so much against him." He tells me.
"Conditions? He needs to get his shit together. He almost killed me!" I yell in frustration.
"Whatever, I brought some burgers. Let's eat." He answers and puts a brown bag on the counter top.

Darmetir stands up with his laptop and leaves the kitchen. I exhale loudly and take a cheeseburger out of the bag. I sit down next to Blondie and smile at him after I calmed down.
"Where is Sean?" I ask him.
"Oh, he's in a meeting. I know, Sunday and meeting? Apparently, yes." He answers.
"Alright. Any news from the file?" I say.
"No, we are going to have to flight back to Utah with you. You have to ask them about your parents." He says and I nod.
"When are we going?"

"Tomorrow. You call them tomorrow and tell them that you're coming for a visit. Don't say too much yet." He answers and I nod again. We keep our conversation until Sean comes in and takes a seat next to me, eating a burger.
After dinner we go to the living room and watch tv. Darmetir must have put the remote on the table again. He didn't step out of his room and I can't complain. I just noticed that he didn't eat, but maybe he ate before I came out.


When Blondie and Sean leave I instantly feel cold again. They really are funny and great company. It is already dark outside and I feel like showering.
Today has started pretty bad, but it ended okay.

Darmetir hasn't come out yet and I'm thankful for that. I go to the bedroom and take out a big t-shirt and boxers. I always sleep in boxers and a shirt. It's so comfy. With the clothes in my hand I step into the bathroom, and strip out of my clothes. I put them in the basket and step into the shower and turn the water on. I sigh as the warm water hits my skin.

After a long shower I step out, dry myself and put my clothes on. I brush my teeth and walk back into the kitchen. I'm on my way to the fridge when I see the paper bag on the counter. I frown but pour me a glass of milk. I look for some cookies, because I'm graving for them.
As I open one cupboard I hear footsteps. Second later I hear the bag being lifted up and the footsteps go away. You don't need to be a genius to know who's footsteps those were.

I groan and turn around with a bag of Oreos in my hand. I put five on a plate and sit down on the counter, smiling like a child. I open the Oreos and shake my head as I lick the cream. They could've really put more effort to the cream. The cookie is the best part though. I drink some milk, in order to get the cream down without gagging.

I put the cookies in my mouth and close my eyes, munching the black goodness.
"I like the cream better." I hear Darmetir say and open my eyes. He leans on the door frame, his black button up shirt slightly opened and the sleeves pulled up. I look at him with fake shock.
"You're joking right?" I ask in disbelief. He shakes his head.
I shake my head, faking disappointment and open the next Oreo.

"Lick it." I tell him, offering him half of the Oreo with the cream on it.
He frowns at me before licking his lips and coming closer.
"Gladly." He mutters and takes the cookie. I watch him as he licks the white cream off the cookie, while holding eye contact. I gulp at the whole situation. How did we change the angry tension into sexual tension? I see him truly enjoying the cream and gasp.

"Wow. Unbelievable. No wonder we don't get along." I say and eat my cookie, taking a sip of my milk afterwards. He actually snickers and takes a seat in front of me.

He opens all the Oreos left and licks the white stuff off. He smiles to himself when doing so. I just look at him smiling. Damn he is so good looking. Why does he have to be so mean?

A Cookie for the Big BoyWhere stories live. Discover now