Chapter twelve

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After he's done with the cream he puts the black cookie back on the plate and looks at me. I furrow my eyebrows at him and he smirks.
"Eat it." He pushes the plate towards me. Ew.

"Ew, no." I push it back to him.
His smirks grows wider.
"I swear I'm not poisoned. I just licked it. You told me to lick it off. Now eat the cookie." He pushes it back to me.
"No, your saliva is all over it." I cross my arms.
"That's the point." He tells me.
"You're ridiculous if you think I'd do that. No matter how scary you are I'll not do that." I stand up and gulp as he mirrors my action.

Good thing there's a kitchen island separating us.
"I'm scary, huh?" He goes around the island but I do the same. And within one second we switched positions. I just nod and see him walk towards me again. This time I'm on the side where the doors are and take that as my chance to sprint towards the bedroom. Just when I'm about to grip the doorknob he wraps his arms around my waist, lifting me up.

I kick against his body and he throws me over his shoulder.
"What are you doing? Let me go." I hit his back.
"Stop or I'll throw you off the balcony." He threats and I stop.
"I'm not going to eat the cookies." I tell him. He keeps walking towards the kitchen. He sets me down on the kitchen island with force.

"Ouch." I groan, rubbing my butt.
He takes the plate and throws the cookies in the trash. Ncncnc, rich people. He looks at me, and growls. I try to avoid his eyes but he grabs my chin, standing in between my legs.

"If I say something I want you to do, then do so. It was a test. I didn't expect you to eat it anyways, but don't fucking run away again. Do you understand?" He asks, anger evident in his voice. I nod and gulp. He lets go of my chin and takes some steps back, looking at me. He paces around in front of me and I don't dare moving one inch. He runs a hand through his hair, messing it up and letting it fall in his face. Stop. Why does he have to be so sexy? It's not fair, he's scary and mean and just plain trash when it comes to his personality. So why do you make him that hot if personality is the most important thing. I mean why wasting a hot body on a trashy persona?

With one last look at me he leaves the kitchen and I exhale loudly. What was that? I actually thought we would get along for five seconds before he had to ruin it. Why doesn't he just fall off the balcony?

I jump off the island and go to the bedroom. Sighing I lock the door and lay down. I hear a door opening and closing again. I hold my breath, hoping he wouldn't knock on my door. I hear it close again and after some shuffling further away it's completely silent again. I close my eyes slowly falling asleep.


I wake up probably an hour later. I couldn't sleep, it's way too silent for my liking. I keep turning around in bed. I throw the sheets off of my body and groan. I stand up and slowly unlock the door. I think after a cold glass of water I'll be okay.
I tip toe over the hallway towards the living room, making sure not to make any noise.

I stop in my tracks as I see Darmetir sleeping on the couch, shirtless. Oh shoot, I got it bad. He looks like a Greek god. The blanket only covers the lower part of his body. His chest looks hard and rises with every breath he takes. His stomach is stretched but you can still see the edges of an eightpack. Eight freaking packs. I look at his face and widen my eyes at the peacefulness evident in it. I almost reach out to comb his hair back that fell into his face, but decide against it.

I tip toe to the kitchen and pour me a glass of water. I gulp it all down and make my way towards the bedroom again. Passing the living room I almost gasp when I see my golden wrist watch sitting on the coffee table in front of the sleeping devil. I can't believe I didn't see it before. It's probably the fact that I drooled over the hot shirtless god. Drooled? Psh no. I see this as my chance to escape. I don't need to put up with his behaviour and go back to my apartment. I could sell it and live a better life. He said it was more worth than my apartment so I could fly away and never look back.

I tip toe towards the coffee table after gulping loudly. This is it. This is my chance to get the hell out of here. If he doesn't wake up, that is. I feel like crying. I'm so close to it. One more step and I'm standing in front of my golden ticket home. I hold my breath as I reach down and wrap my fingers around it. I hear him groan behind me and my eyes widen. I let go of the wrist watch and turn around, expecting him to glare at me or something. But instead he just turned around in his sleep and I breath out, taking the watch again.

I lift it to my chest and take a step back. I turn around and see Darmetir still fast asleep. Why does he even sleep on the couch? Wow, who cares? I'm free now. I tip toe towards the bedroom, putting some jeans on and a shirt. I open it again and take deep breaths.

With my phone in my back pocket and the bag of clothes in my right hand, while wearing the wrist watch I step outside the bedroom and walk towards the front door.

Please don't wake up. Please don't wake up. I pray silently as I pass the living room.

A Cookie for the Big BoyWhere stories live. Discover now