Chapter thirty-six

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Lucia's PoV

I wake up the next morning at 4 a.m. The guys are leaving in one hour and we wanted to say good bye before we won't see each other again. My heart aches today and I know this feeling will last for some days, weeks maybe. I yawn and stand up from my bed and go to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and hair. I go back to my room and sigh.

I put on some sweatpants and a pink tank top. Why dressing up when I won't leave the house?
I make my way downstairs, seeing nana already in the kitchen, preparing breakfast for us. I smile at her and kiss her cheek.

"Morning." I hear Sean say from behind me. I turn around and smile at him.
"Morning." After half an hour all of the guys are seated on the table. We eat in silence. The sun isn't even up yet and they have to leave in half an hour.

"Did you pack everything?" Nana asks them and they nod.
"You know you are always welcome." She says and they nod again, smiling at her.
"Then eat up and get ready." She says and they nod once again.

After about ten minutes they get up and go upstairs, making themselves ready to go.
I sigh and nana hugs me.
"You can still go with them. I will miss you but I want you with Niki." She says and I shake my head.
"No, we'll be fine." I breath out.

After ten more minutes the guys come back downstairs with their suitcases. Alright, this is it. The moment I'll loose three of my best friends. One of them my potential Mr. Right but who knows. They frontdoor and step outside. Nana and I follow them to the porch.

"Did you say bye to pops?" I ask then and they nod. Seems like they don't talk much so early.
First to hug me is Sean. He gives me a kiss on the cheek and mutters a quick 'don't miss me too much'. I smile and he goes and hugs nana.
Next one to come is Blondie. I hug him tight and he chuckles.
"Call me whenever you need something." He says and I nod, letting go. He goes and hugs nana.

I look up and throw my arms around Nikolaos. He hugs me tight against his chest. I breath in his scent for the last time. I can't believe it's over. He pulls away and smiles down at me, grabbing my chin and kissing me passionately. I grip his shirt, pulling him closer. We pull away and he places his forehead on my forehead, closing his eyes.

"Don't forget me." He whispers and I nod. He gives me one last peck and pulls away, turning towards nana. That was it. The perfect moment. I watch as he kisses nana's cheek and goes to the car. They all look out the window, when he steps in. I'm pretty sure they watched us kissing for the first time and tried to make no noise, because then Nikolaos would definitely snap. I chuckle at the thought. I lock eyes with Nikolaos for the last time.

He nods at me and I nod back. The car starts driving and that's it. They left. I turn to nana and hug her.
Don't forget me.

"Come on, let's get you inside." She says and opens the front door. I smile at her. For the rest of the day I stayed in bed with a big bowl of ice cream and cookies. I even licked the cream of the Oreos without gagging. I just remembered how seductive he held eye contact as he did that, weeks before. If he would lick the cream off now and give me the cookie I'd eat it. No doubt. I mean we've already exchanged saliva. Several times.

Great, now I remember his kisses. No way I'm going to get through this if I keep remembering stuff. I frown as I stand up and go downstairs inside the kitchen.

"Nana I need more ice cream." I tell her as I pass her and scoop myself a big amount of heavenly, good old cookie dough ice cream.

Nikolaos' PoV

As soon as the car turns the first corner I let out a huge breath. Sean puts his hand on my shoulder and squeezes it. I just shake my head and sigh. That was it. We said goodbye and kissed. The moment couldn't have been any better if it weren't for the fact that we'll never see each other again. She said it. She's happy here and I can't just leave New York in order to live with her, that's ridiculous.

"How are you feeling?" Leonard asks me.
"Numb." I answer, biting my lips.
"You'll survive." He jokes and I will. I know I will. I survived when my parents died, I'll fucking survive a little heartbreak? Heartbreak....yeah a heartbreak.

As we pass the streets I see children playing on the sidewalk all alone. I frown. Aren't their parents scared that somebody will snatch them? In New York you could never do that. Here in this town everybody knows everybody. I can't help but feel sad that my parents moved to New York before I could even speak.

If they wouldn't have I probably knew Lucia since she was a baby. We could live here together and grow a family. Wow, hold on. I shake my head and look through my phone.
Gerald still hasn't called because of the watch. I just hope nobody else bought it before I can.

After half an hour we step out of the car and into the airport. We get through security and some hours later we're sitting in the plane. I still feel numb. I don't feel like crying or something. I just feel empty. Like there's nothing inside of me. I find myself looking out of the window while flying over Utah.

We'll meet again.

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