Chapter twenty-six

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Lucia's PoV

"Oh hey Jeffrey. Come in, come in." I hear my nana say and sigh.
It is 4:52 p.m. He's too early.
"Lucy, come down. Jeffrey is here!" I hear grandma yell. I stand up from my bed and straighten my clothes. Nana made me wear a white blouse and hot pants.
"Show them legs, girl." She said.

I chuckle while stepping down the stairs. This is it. I am going to see Jeffrey for the first time in years. When I am at the bottom of the stairs I have to stop myself from gasping. Holy mother of God! Where is Jeffrey? All I see is a handsome guy in my age. Jk, he hasn't changed at all.

He's still a skinny tall boy. I smile at him and he smiles back. Although his face slightly changed. His jaw is covered in a stubble and there's glasses resting on his nose. I mean he is nothing compared to Darmetir, but still handsome. Wow, why the heck would I think of Darmetir right now? I shake my head and approach him. He opens his arms for me and I hug him, standing on my tip toes.

"Oh, you're back." I hear nana say and frown. What is she talking about. I hear footsteps stop behind us as Jeffrey lets me go. I turn around and look at the guys, locking eyes with Darmetir. I gulp at his expression. Without a word he stomps up the stairs, leaving us alone.

"Niki, come down in an hour!" My grandma yells after him. She turns towards us with a tight smirk.
"Guys, this is Jeffrey. A friend of Lucy." She tells them. They cover up from their shock and beam us a smile, approaching Jeffrey. He held out his hand to shake and they take it.

"I'm Sean and this is Leonard." Sean tells him. I lock eyes with Blondie. He looks at me in a very weird way.
"You alright?" I ask him and he shakes his head.
"Yeah, yeah. I just need to show you something. Alone." He grips my elbow and pulls me with him.

"What's wrong? Do you need to poop?" I ask, once we're in the hallway.
"What? No. It's just who is that? Did you tell him about the business?" He asks.
"No. Why would I do that? He doesn't have anything to do with the business." I shake my head.

I see his face relax and he smirks.
"God, I'm excited for the dinner." He says and goes upstairs. Leaving me stay in the hallway.
I shake my head and go back to Jeffrey and Sean.

"Yeah, I grew up here." I hear Sean say and smile. It's still weird to think Sean grew up right here in this house. I mean half of the time. I join them at the couch.
"So Jeffrey. Tell me, what are you doing for a living?" I ask him. God, that sounded like a question you'd ask on a date.

"I'm a farmer. I'm living my dream." He says and I nod, remembering that he always wanted to live on a farm.
"How about you? Do you still live in New York?" He asks me and I nod.
"Well actually I did live in New York, but I think I'll stay here for a while, maybe I'll buy a little house near grandma and grandpa." As soon as the words leave my mouth, Sean's head snaps in my direction. What? I silently ask him but he just shakes his head and looks at Jeffrey again.

"You seem like a nice guy Jeffrey. Oh, would you look at the time. I need to do something in my room. I, I'll see you at dinner." He tells him and stands up, leaving us alone. I glare at his back. Now I'm all alone with Jeffrey.

"So is he your friend?" I hear Jeffrey scoop closer to me, so that our thighs are touching.
"He, yeah. He's a friend from Chicago." I say. Well it isn't a lie.
"Oh, so no boyfriend?" He asks and I shake head.
"What about you?" He smiles and shakes his head. Oh shoot.

"Find me a girl who'd like to live on a farm with me." He laughs, but I hear the bitterness in his voice. I look at him sadly and touch his knee in comfort.
"You'll find the right one, I'm sure." I smile at him. I mean it. He looks at me and smiles. I pull my hand away and let it rest on my lab. Seconds later he takes my hand in his and I frown, looking up. My eyes widen as I see him leaning in with his eyes closed.

Shoot. What do I do? I can't just let him kiss me. I didn't mean it like that. Damn my politeness!
But I can't just shove him away. Oh my god! He's so close. Focus! Quick!!!
"Yeah grandma, I'm coming!" I yell and stand up.

"I didn't even hear something." He says and opens his eyes.
"Yeah, well. I did. Wait here I'll be right back." I rush to the kitchen.

Grandma is standing there, cooking. I sigh and plumb down on the kitchen island. She turns around and smiles at me.
"Hey sweetheart. How is it going?" She asks and I frown.
"Bad." I say. She should know! When I was younger I kept telling her how annoying he is. I think she misunderstood something. Why would it make me feel better if I see him? It just makes me feel worse. I mean I just rejected him.

"What do you mean. What happened?" She smirks at me. OH. She does know!
"What do you mean what happened? One minute we talk like old friends and the next minute he tries to kiss me." I whisper-yell at her.

"I bet he didn't mean it like that. Oh Niki. Come in, help me with the sauce." She says and I turn around to see Darmetir approaching us.

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