Chapter thirty-five

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The past two days happened in a blur. We've been outside and walked for hours. The guys seem to truly enjoy their time here with nana.

Today is the day before they fly back and I have already made my decision. I know who I am and I know what I want. It took me a while but it's clear now.
I'm silently waiting for the guys to come down. I called them five minutes ago. They should be on their way. Nana is sitting next to me on the kitchen island. I haven't told her about my decision either, but she helped me with it.

I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and take a huge breath. "Hey, what's going on?" I hear Blondie ask. I smile at him as he takes a seat in front of me. I wait for Sean to take a seat as well. Nikolaos takes a chair and pulls it next to me. They all look at me with worry.

"Okay so. I opened the envelope." I shoot Blondie a look when I see him open his mouth.
"And in there was a letter and a contract." I continue.
"It says that if I'd sign this contract I inherit the part of my parents business in the partnership." I look at Nikolaos. He frowns at me.

"So, you are going to-" He starts and I shake my head.
"I don't want any of it. I know I might not be rich and all but I'm happy. I just saw how much I don't belong to the rich and all the business. How am I supposed to take care of a business? I think it's in the best hands." I say.

"I'm proud of you." I turn my head to nana. I smile at her as she side hugs me.
"So that's it? You're not going to take your part?" Blondie asks.
"No. I'm better off here in Utah." I say and he frowns.
"But you could be rich why-"
"If she says she's happy, then she's happy. Let her be." Nikolaos cuts him off.

He stands up and goes upstairs. I sigh and watch him leave.
"Lucy, I'm happy for you if you're happy. It's just that we leave tomorrow and I don't know. We'll miss you." Blondie sighs. I stand up and hug him.

"I know, but we can text. I'm only one phone call away." I smile and he nods.
"So this is the real goodbye, huh? No more time to convince you to come with us." Sean says as I approach him. I smile at him and shake my head.
"I'll miss you guys so much. Promise me to take care of him okay." I hug Sean.

"He'll survive. I hope." He laughs, hugging me back. I know he will.
They go back upstairs after some minutes and I'm alone with nana.

"So, what made you decide against the rich?" She asks me.
"The fact that I saw how it is and felt completely out of place. I know where I belong. I will miss them a lot but we'll get over it. I mean I'm talking to Lacey almost every day." I tell her.

"I just hoped you and Niki." She sighs and I roll my eyes. We new from the beginning that we could never be together. Maybe we kiss a lot..even the last two days we kissed until we couldn't breath anymore. The feeling in my chest tells me to follow him everywhere but the brain in my head tells me otherwise. I know I'll get over him eventually.

Nikolaos' PoV

She won't come with us. That's all I heard out of that. Okay I also heard about the part with the partnership but that wasn't the most important part.

I get why she doesn't want to go back into her crappy apartment and a job as a waitress. Well actually, I fired her, so she's jobless. I don't care of she thinks we're from two different worlds. I would have let her live in my penthouse with me. But I know that won't make her happy.

She's happy here and I can't be mad at her for that. I know she'll make it. I know she'll be better close to nana and pops. I sigh and run a hand through my hair. But I need her. The last days we couldn't get off of each other. The moment we got left alone we kissed. And God, can she kiss. I smile at the thought.

There were many times where I wanted to take her, but I know the time is not right. With all the shit that's going on right now. I stand up from my bed and start pacing. They are still downstairs, I can hear them chatting.

After some minutes I hear a knock on my door.
"Come in." I say and see Leonard and Sean step in my room.
"You have it bad." Sean states.
"Don't you think I know that." I growl at him.

"Then what are you waiting for? Tell her." He pushes. Since he caught me and Lucia in my room, he tells me to 'man up' and make her mine. If that would be easy, I fucking would.
"No. Shit. I'm-, listen we don't belong to each other. I'm sure we'll forget about each other once we're separated." I sigh and stop pacing.
"And you want that?" Leonard asks and I shrug.

"No. Yes. It is better that way." I answer and they shake their heads. No, I don't want that.
"Alright man. Good night. You need to wake up at 4 a.m. Go to sleep now." Sean says and I nod.

They both leave my room and I pull my clothes off and jump into bed. Somehow I don't want this day to end. And somehow I don't want Lucia to be happy. I want her with me, in New York. But I guess we can't all have what we want.

I yawn and turn around in my bed. After hours of just laying in my bed I slowly fall asleep.

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