Chapter twenty-five

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Growling he gets into my face, so that our noses are almost touching.

"Nobody asked you to fucking run away. Nobody told you to take the watch and sell it. You should have known that we would find you. Who do you think we are? You just wasted a lot of time with that little escape of yours." He yells in my face. Tears are starting to form in my eyes. Not now.

"And here you stand. Suddenly finding the strength to tell me what you feel. How dare you saying I treated you like a pet! I let you fucking sleep in my bed. My bed! Cooked you food. My food! And yet you say you didn't have rights? That I treated you like trash? I went through hell when I woke up and realized you weren't there!" He growls. I close my eyes and my breath starts to quicken. He seems to sense that and backs up a little bit, pushing me on the bed.

I take deep and shaky breaths, my eyes still closed. As I open them I see him looking at me with...worry? What is he worried about? The fact that the whole neighbourhood heard us? Most likely, yes. As my breathing starts to become equal again he tightens his jaw and looks down on his feet. He shoves his hands in his pockets and starts pacing.

My eyes follow his every move, seeing him running a shaky hand through his messed up hair. I gulp as he puts his hands on my drawer next to my bed. He lets his head fall, making his hair fall on his forehead. As he looks at me through hooded eyes I see his face soften for a moment. Only a second before he tightens his jaw again and shakes his head. He straightens his back again and turns around, slamming the door shut with full force, after leaving.

I sigh and lay down on my bed again. My heart is still hammering against my chest hours after he left. Somewhere between 1 a.m. and 2 a.m. I fell asleep.

The next morning nana wakes me up at 8.
"Wake up Lucy. Jeffrey is coming over at 5." She said and I groaned in response.
Right now I'm sitting at the kitchen island, waiting for the breakfast. The guys went out early today in order to interview Ivan again. It's time to talk, uncle. I can't stand Darmetir any longer. After yesterday's fight I didn't see him. I heard him talk to Sean and Blondie, but waited until they left.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Grandma asks me.
"What do you mean?" I frown.
She gives me a look.
"I think even your friend in Chicago heard what you guys argued about yesterday." She says, while putting eggs on my plate.
"What should I say? I'm sorry for disturbing your evening?" I ask her and she chuckles, putting bacon on my plate.

"You are too oblivious for your own good." She says, pouring me a glass of Orange juice.
"I am? Because I'm totally aware of the situation right now." I tell her, eating a peace of bacon.
"Oh, so you heard Niki pacing around in his room for hours after your fight? Or the silent cursing under his breath. He destroyed his head yesterday. He only stopped when I told him that you're just stubborn and that he needs sleep." She smirks at me.

"He probably didn't even care how I felt. Didn't you hear what he said to me?" I shrug, sipping on my orange juice.
"Oh darling. Of course he cares. I know my Niki." I roll my eyes at her.
"Yeah, I bet he hasn't changed at all since he was a baby." I argue.

"Please nana, I'm trying to enjoy my breakfast. Let's not talk about him right now." I plead and she nods after shaking her head. Together we eat in silence.

Nikolaos' PoV

"That was some fight yesterday. I'm pretty sure the whole neighbourhood heard you guys." I hear Leonard say in front of me. We are on our way to the police department again.

I shrug at him looking at my phone. No news from Gerald. I sigh and put my phone back into my pocket. I haven't seen Lucia since I left her room. I couldn't sleep for the whole night. I only paced around in my room. Only when nana told me what time it was I realized I needed to go to bed. Was I really that bad of a host?

I mean, sure I played with her and commanded unrealistic stuff, but I just put her in place. I don't know how to talk to a woman, other than flirting. Mostly they throw themselves at me and I gladly catch them. But Lucia is just way too stubborn for her own good. The first time she tried to escape was only some hours after we brought her to my penthouse.

I still remember how scared she was when I sat on top of her. She probably thought I'd rape her or something. I got my standards. The fire in her eyes immediately told me that she wouldn't be able to be controlled easily. I knew I would have to put her in her place.

But still, I never treated her like a pet. Okay, I didn't let her out and commanded her but I also cooked for her and slept on the couch. Plus, I wanted to take her out before I found her in the hallway, trying to escape again. It's her own fault if I'm angry and strict. I didn't get laid since I first saw her in the coffee shop. Somehow I didn't feel the need. And now with her stubbornness and my lack of sex I feel more than just frustrated. I'm stressed and pretty much depressed. Plus the fact that we're about to loose the partnership isn't exactly helpful.

I shake my head at my negative thoughts and exhale loudly, closing my eyes.

"We're here." Sean says and I open my eyes again. Businesstime, baby.

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