Chapter thirty-one

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Nikolaos' PoV

The moment Lucia stepped in I knew we wouldn't just talk. I never imagined it to turn out that well though. I expected us to fight or scream at each other but we didn't.

We were about to though, but then she ran a hand through my hair and for a second I forgot what my name was. I never expected her to apologize. I know she needed some push to do so. I could still see her being afraid of me. But I'll manage to change that. I know I wanted to put her in her place but never meant to scare her that much.

And when she bit her lip. Damn. I couldn't help but to touch them. I knew she had no idea what she was doing to me. I was about to loose it and take my blanket off, taking her right at this moment.

Now imagine how surprised I was when she pulled on my back hair and made me look up at her. From that moment on I knew there's no going back. I knew I had her right there.

And the moment I closed the space between us was better than any kiss I've ever had. First I felt the softness of her lips and after a second I felt the warmth. I can't tell you how much I dreamed of her lips. From the moment on I saw her in the coffee shop I saw her full and pink lips. I can't describe the feeling but maybe the drummers in my heart can.

I turned us around so that I'm on top of her. I groan and bite on her lower lip, demanding entrance. She gasps and I can finally explore her mouth with my tongue. The moment our tongues meet I feel my stomach doing back flips. This is so good. Fuck. A moan escapes from her lips and I loose it. The hand that is currently holding the blanket moves under her waist, pressing her against my hardened body.

My mouth travels to her neck, passing her jaw with kisses. I suck and nib on a spot between her neck and jawline. She wraps her arms around my shoulders. A soft moan escapes her and it's driving me crazy. I would take her right now and right here, if it wasn't for the door to burst open.

"Niki, are you up? I have to tell you something." I hear Sean ask and I groan loudly. Fuck! Best timing brother.
"Oh shit, hi Lucy." He says and I look at her. She's probably beat red right now. I groan again and grip the blanket tightly, getting off of her. I stand up.

"I better go." She clears her throat, but I stop her. No way.
"Wait. Can't it wait?" I ask Sean.
"Yeah it can but-"
"Then leave." I growl and he nods. He's about to turn around when Lucia stops him.
"No wait. I need to go anyways, it's late." She says and I frown at her confused. She passes me without a second glance. This time I don't ignore the strange feeling in my chest. What the actual heck? Does she regret it? Why did she just leave?

"Wow." I hear Sean say after he closes the door. I sigh and shake my head.
"So, what is it?" I ask him, sitting down on my bed.
"First of all, you would kick me out for a girl? Who are you and what did you do with my friend." He jokes.

"Tell me you wouldn't. I mean look at her." I argue. There is more than just her body, but it's enough reason already.
"Oh I would. I'd probably even let you join us." He chuckles.
"Watch it." I warn him.

"Anyways back to business." He says and I groan.
"Well, they found out where Ivan lived for the past few years. The address he told us was wrong. We will drive there first thing tomorrow. Get some sleep." He tells me and I nod. Great, one step closer.

Can't wait to finally be successful. But I also feel scared. Scared if I'll go back to my old life. Without Lucia. I mean she is a funny person, right? She's great company, who wouldn't miss her? I bet even Sean and Leonard will miss her. There's nothing wrong with that.

I shake my head at my thoughts and lay down. And finally after several sleepless nights I instantly fall asleep.

Lucia's PoV

Oh my god! Am I dreaming or did I just really kiss Darmetir? Did I kiss him or did he kiss me. Oh my, who cares we kissed. Okay, calm yourself girl. Inhale, exhale.

Nice. Okay, so we kissed, Sean interrupted and now I'm back in my room. Oh my god, Sean interrupted. What would've happened if he hadn't? Would we still kiss or already, you know? I shake my head. There is no way we can have a thing. We come from two different worlds. He's the rich boy and I'm the poor waitress.

Wait, that sounds cliche. But reality is different. There might be some movies and stories like Cinderella, but they are not real. There is no way this would work. I groan. Why do I even think about this? I bet he had already forgotten about me. I just need to sleep over it. I'm probably not even awake.

I pinch myself. Okay, still awake, I think while rubbing my arm. I can't help but to touch my lips. They probably look even bigger than they are now. I close my eyes as the memories come back. His lips on mine, moving in synch. I can still feel his fingerprints on my waist, letting my skin tingle.

His muscular body against mine. His soft hair between my fingers. Oh god. Okay I need to stop right there. I groan and push my head further into the pillow. I'm shoving the blanket around my body and sigh, while closing my eyes.

Before I know it, I fall asleep, with Darmetir as my last thought in mind.

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