Chapter thirty-nine

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Lucia's PoV

Six hours. Six hours am I waiting for him to call me. He said he'll call me later, but it is already 1 a.m. and I have night shift. I still have to work for two hours and an not allowed to take my phone with me.

I sigh and turn it off. I go back to work and smile at Johnny, the receptionist. He smiles back and goes back to his work. Over the days I got familiar with most of my colleagues. I even made new friends. Lacey and I are still best friends and she told she'd fly down to visit me soon. I can't wait to see her. We haven't seen each other in a month but it seems like eternity.

Two hours later and still no call. I change into my casual clothes and sigh. I say bye to Johnny and walk out, turning a corner in order to get to my car. I see it next to a fancy black porsche and frown. Do they have to park next to me and make my old toyota look like a prostitute? Their windows are black as well, so I can't see if somebody's in there.

I quickly get into my car and start the engine. I pull out of the parking lot and am on my way to my apartment building. It is only ten minutes away from the hotel and fifteen from nana and pops. As I pass all the other buildings, I see the black porsche following me and frown. What do they want? Maybe they just need to go to the same direction as I do. I shake my head and keep driving with the porsche right behind me.

This can't be coincidence. What is happening. Even when I pull up into my parking lot of the building, the porsche does too. They live here? I've never seen a porsche in this parking lot. I step out the car and slowly go around the porsche. I hear them stop the engine and the door open behind me. I really don't dare turning around and keep walking towards the building.

"Lucia." I hear the familiar velvet voice say and instantly turn around. Standing there, some feet away from me in a pair of dark blue jeans and a tight v- neck is none other than Nikolaos Darmetir. The man I dreamed about and hoped to see again.

Without hesitation I run towards him. He chuckles when I jump on him, hardly moving. I throw my legs around his waist and my hands around his neck. He wraps his arms around my waist and places his head at the crook of my neck.

"I can't believe you're here." I whisper and I feel him smile against skin.
"There I thought you forgot about me." He says and I frown.
"Why would you think that?" I ask him and he looks up at me.
"Why didn't you call earlier?" He asks, holding me tight.

"I was waiting for you to call me." I answer. And he groans and sets me down.
"And I waited for you to call me."
"Well in the end I was the one who called you." I shrug.
"Come on let's go in." I turn around and he silently follows me. I can't believe he's here. I missed him so much. The days without him were boring.

I open my door and let him step in. Once I close the door he pushes me against it, caging me.
"And who made the first move?" He asks and I roll my eyes.
"You." I say.
"And what did I do?" He asks in a husky voice, looking at my lips. I smile at the memory.

"You sent me a bouquet of roses with a card and cookies." I bite my lip. He cups my cheek with one hand and traces my lips, his face inching closer so that our lips are almost touching and I can feel his hot breath on my lips.
"And what was written on the card?" He whispers. I smile again, wrapping my arms around his abdomen, pulling his lower body closer.

"I miss you." I say and he closes his eyes, leaning in.
"Damn right." With that he places his lips on mine.

We start off with a slow and passionate kiss. Our feelings over the past few weeks are evident in the way our lips move in synch. He groans when I bite his lower lip and I smile against his mouth. Damn I missed this. He smiles too before changing the pace of the kiss. His left hand leaves my cheek and cups my butt, followed by the right hand. He lifts me up and my hands go around his neck, one of them playing with his hair.

He walks towards the couch and lays me down, getting on top of me, never breaking the kiss. I gasp as his right hand comes under my shirt, opening my bra. He shoves his tongue into my mouth and I feel his desperation. Our tongues fight for dominance and of course he wins. I grip his shirt, wanting it off. He pulls away from me and sits up, pulling his shirt over his head. My eyes travel down to his hard stomach and the defined v-line. He looks down at me and takes my hands, placing them on his abs, wanting me to feel him. I trace his muscled body and bite my lip. He groans and leans back down, roughly kissing me.

I feel him opening my pants and pulling on them. I lift my hips and let him pull them off, still kissing me. My fingers find his belt and I open it. He groans and leaves open mouthed kisses all over my neck and jaw. I moan. And he groans. His fingers find my blouse and he tears it apart. I gasp but I'm to distracted by the feeling of his tongue on the top of my breast.

This is it. We're about to have sex together for the first time.

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