Chapter Seven: Las Vegas

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Las Vegas, 8/20/15, 9:12 PM

Terra widened her eyes as she stepped out into the huge city.  Kyle, Grant, and Wildebeast stepped out behind her.

"Remember, we can't let anyone see us in our outfits.  Blend in."  Grant whispered as he pulled up his red leather jacket, "Wildebeast go into stealth mode."

Wildebeast snorted and clicked a button on his wrist console causing him to disappear.  Kyle simply allowed his green energy manifested armor to fade away showing only him in his navy-blue t-shirt and shorts.  Terra had her same outfit on from earlier in the day.  The group quickly moved through the streets heading out of the city.

"So, we need to get to...Track Station number five."  Grant reported as he looked over his shoulder, "Let's move."  The group moved faster now and eventually made their way out of the city full of lights and people.  They walked on the road out of the city until they saw the station.

Terra ran forward after Grant as they moved quicker towards the station.

"Here we-!"  Grant exclaimed, but the station suddenly exploded.


The team was knocked back and Wildebeast's stealth mode was shut off by the shockwave following the blast.  Terra rubbed her head as she looked up, a figure was walking out of the explosion ahead of them.  She widened her eyes looking to the left as she saw a truck on its side.  The figure was not heading towards the group, they were heading for the truck.  She squinted now as she lifted herself up, she saw two other cars nearby.  Police cars... Wait a minute...

This was a prisoner escort.

"Grant!"  Terra yelled, "I mean-Damage!"  She leaped up and ran over to Grant.  She grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him around violently, "Wake up!"

Grant's eyes widened as he realized what was going on, "What the-?"

"It's a prisoner escort that they were targeting!"  Terra yelled shaking him, "Someone is breaking someone out!"

Kyle and Wildebeast were up now too and Grant lifted himself up as the figure ripped open the back of the truck.

"Stop him!"  Damage yelled pointing at the figure.

Terra nodded and lifted up her hands.  Two huge boulders lifted out of the ground and were sent flying towards the figure.  The figure raised their hands blasting the rocks out of the air with a green liquid.

"Chemo!"  Kyle yelled blasting the figure with a green energy blast, "You killed Hal Jordan!"

Terra widened her eyes as the figure moved into the light of the green energy to reveal a huge green liquid form.  Chemo raised his hands blasting more acid towards the group.  Wildebeast charged forward past the attacks and slammed Chemo to the ground.  Terra looked up as Kyle landed next to the truck.

"What the-?"  Kyle asked looking in, there was no one in the truck.

"Where are the guards and prisoner?"  Terra asked looking in as well, she looked back as Damage blasted Chemo back as he lumbered towards them.

"Look behind you!"  A voice cackled behind them, Terra turned and widened her eyes as an electric shockwave hit the two of them straight on.

"Livewire!"  Kyle yelled creating a shield around himself, "And-!"

Terra looked up as a figure stepped out beside Livewire.  This one had a metal leg on though.

"Deathstroke?"  Kyle asked in confusion, "But you-?"

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