Arthur - 1 (Clueless)

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You have been searching for your friend Elaena for what seems like forever when you finally spot her across the hall, standing with her brother Arthur.

"Elaena!" You call out, running over to her.

"(Y/N)," She smiles as you approach.

"I returned your books to your chambers, thank you so much for letting me borrow them" you says and she nods. You look over at Arthur, forgetting that you had just rudely interrupted there conversation.

"Oh.. I apologise, greetings Arthur." You say and bow to him and he smiles.

"It's good to see you, (Y/N)" he says and you feel your cheeks turning red. "Elaena, (Y/N), I have to get going. I will see you later" Arthur says flashing you one last quick glance and smile as he hurries away.

You turn eagerly to Elaena, raising an eyebrow.

"He likes you," She blurts out which completely takes you by surprise. You look down and laugh.

"Don't be ridiculous, Arthur doesn't like me! You know we have been friends for a while now. Besides, Arthur would never like someone like me anyways." you say, shocked at the possibility that Arthur could actually have feelings for you.

"Of course he does. He talks about you all the time! The other day he told me how perfect you always look and how fun it is to be around you. Besides, I'm surprised you haven't even noticed how often he stares at you!" Elaena replies, letting out a small laugh. Elaena's words cause you to think back to the time you caught him staring at you multiple times when you were all hanging out in the grove with Rodrik, Talia, and Elaena. You had thought nothing of it and that it was just a coincidence.

"Don't tell lies, Lady Elaena." You say and she shakes her head.

"He likes you, I swear. Trust me I know my brother. Didn't you see how nervous he got when you approached and how fast he walked off?".

"You're my best friend, Elaena. I know when you're lying." You say and she looks up and smiles.

"Then you know I'm not!" She calls out to you as she turns and walks away, leaving you standing by yourself. You heart pounds as you watch her walk away, taking in everything she just told you. Does Arthur really like you and you had just been so clueless this entire time? Elaena suddenly stops down the hall.

"If you still don't believe me, go get him and find out for yourself" She shouts over her shoulder before turning the corner and disappearing. Well, it couldn't hurt to ask? You thought to yourself. You turn and head in the direction where Arthur took off in search for him. It doesn't take long to find him. He was a handsome young man so he always stands out in a crowd. You walk over into the courtyard where Arthur and Rodrik are training, both deeply concentrating on swinging their swords. Instead of disturbing them, you sit down to the side and watch. Despite your effort of trying to remain unnoticed, Arthur seems to spot you right away.

"(Y/N)?" Arthur asks, taken by surprise as he looks around quickly for Elaena. "Is my sister not with you?" he asks and you smile, shaking your head.

"I just thought I'd come here to watch you fight" you say and Arthur smirks at you. You notice Rodrik smiling to himself as he looks from Arthur to you, then back to Arthur.

"Well, I don't know about you Arthur, but I think I've had enough training for the day. We can continue tomorrow." Rodrik says, putting his sword away. "Lady (Y/N)" he says to you before turning and exiting the courtyard. Seriously? You thought to yourself. Did everyone know but you?

Arthur approaches you, and sits down beside you. "Sorry you missed the fight, you can stop by again tomorrow". You look over at him and your eyes bounce to the sword on his back.

"Would you let me swing the sword?" You ask and Arthur smiles, picking the sword up and placing it in your hands. The second Arthur releases the sword, handing it over to you, you struggle to keep it from falling on the floor.

"Oh, this is a lot heavier than I expected" you say, grunting to keep the sword upright. Arthur tries to hold back his laugh but fails.

"I think the sword is a little too big for you" he says with a wink and you laugh too. Arthur takes the sword back swiftly with one hand and secures it to his belt.

"So...." you say, feeling the nerves setting in. "Can I ask you something?".

"Of course" Arthur says.

"Well....Elaena told me somethin-"

"Oh bloody hell, Elaena" Arthur says, cutting you off as he paces in a circle, lifting his hand to his face to rub at his stubble. "That girl can never keep a secret!". You walk closer to him and set your hand on his shoulder. He turns to face you, looking nervous.

"It's ok Arthur... because I like you too" you say looking up into his eyes. You instantly see his expression calm and the corner of his mouth twitch up at your words. He takes your cheeks into his hands and smiles as he reaches down and kisses you softly. You raise your hands to his neck, holding him securely and he slides his hands down to your waist, the kiss intensifying. You break away, gasping for air. Arthur dips you down, and swiftly kisses your neck before pulling you back up and embracing you in a tight hug. You close your eyes, taking this all in.

"You have no idea how long I've waited to do that" Arthur says, his voice a faint whisper in your ear. You rub circles around his back and take a deep breathe, taking in his sweet scent.


You and Arthur both pull away to see Elaena staring at you both with her arms crossed and a huge smile on her face.

"Told you so!" she teases and you all break out into laughter.

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