Asher - 1

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"Come on, we have to keep running!" Asher shouts, grabbing a hold of your arm and pulling you along with him, Malcolm and Beshka close behind. You run as fast as you can, trying to keep up with him, eyes glued to the ground so that you don't accidently trip on a rock.

"Dammit!" Asher says, coming to a stop and releasing your arm so that he can set them on his knees, bent over trying to catch his breath. You look up to notice a dead end, rocks piled up to the sky which are blocking your only way of getting out of here.

"Not good little brother" Beshka says crossing her arms, barely looking effected by the running.

"We have to hurry and look for a way out before the lost legion catch up to us" Malcolm says, directing his speech mainly at Asher who nods his head in agreement at his uncle.

"I'll find us a way out uncle. (Y/N), stay close to me" Asher says, turning towards you and giving you a warm smile that makes you feel like it'll be ok. You listen to Asher, sticking close to his side as you both wander off to get a better look at the surroundings.

"Do you think the lost legion will catch up to us?" you ask nervously, looking up at Asher to read his expression. No matter what type of scenario he's in, he always manages to remain calm, giving him a brave look.

"Don't worry, there is a lot of distance between them and us" he replies, now trying to climb up the rocks. The boulder under his foot shakes, causing a large chunk of the wall to immediately come crashing down along with Asher.

"Are you alright?" you say, panic filling your voice.

"Yeah, I'm alright." he says, dusting off his shoulder and glancing down at you.

"Are you worried about me?" he asks, a proud smirk forming on his face. You instantly feel your face getting red, that Asher smirk always causing you to get flustered. You look away in the distance, trying to turn your head away so that Asher can't see. You see him look down through the corner of your eye and you wait until you feel the heat leave your face before turning back to him.

"This way" he says, grabbing a hold of your hand so that you can walk side by side with him. Every few seconds, you turn your head in the direction where you came from, checking to make sure the lost legion hadn't caught up yet.

"I can tell that you're worried" Asher says, giving your hand a quick squeeze. "I won't let anything bad happen to you (Y/N), you know that right?" he says, turning to look you in the eyes.

"I know" you say, instantly feeling yourself relax. Asher can always manage to make you feel safe and you love that about him. You and Asher stare at each other in silence for a moment, when all of a sudden a sound catches your attention.

"Do you hear that?" you ask, leaning in closer to where you think the sound is coming from. Asher does the same, moving toward the noise which begins to sound like running water.

"Over here" Asher says, gesturing at Malcolm and Beshka as well. "It's a cave" he says, looking back at them.

"Looks like that's are way out of here" Malcolm replies when suddenly, and arrow comes shooting through the air and crashes into the rocks, just inches away from your face. You all snap your heads in the direction where it came from to see that the lost legion had arrived.

"Quickly!" Asher shouts, allowing Malcolm, Beshka, and then you to squeeze through the crack in the wall. You feel Asher's arms around your shoulders, guiding you through the wall and into the cave making sure to shield your body from any flying arrows. Once you are all through, Malcolm and Beshka instantly pull out there swords, ready to fight.

"Asher! You and (Y/N) find us a way out of here quickly! We'll hold them off!" he shouts over his shoulders and you and Asher instantly do as he says, running further into the cave. Hearing the sounds of swords clashing in the distance, you and Asher both frantically look around, hoping to spot a way out.

"Look! Over there" Asher tells you, pointing to a small hole in the distance, light shining through.
Asher moves towards the exit, stepping on something that makes a loud noise beneath his shoe.

"What was that?" Asher asks, looking over at you.

"Under your shoe" you say, rolling your eyes at him, a smile forming at your lips at how clueless Asher can be sometimes. You walk towards Asher, staring at the item as he picks it up to hold in the light.

"Is that...." Asher begins to say when a loud rattling-like noise interrupts his sentence. You both slowly look over in the direction the noise is coming from and your heart begins to beat fast. Out of all the things to encounter, a dragon emerges from behind the rocks, it's wings almost the size of the entire cave. Petrified from fear, you can barely move until Asher sticks his hand out in front of your chest, moving back slowly bringing you with him. The dragon inches closer towards you both, it's footsteps shaking the ground below your feet. Opening its mouth wide, the dragon leans back and before you can see what it does next, Asher pushes you down on the ground, his body securely over yours. You look up, fire spreading over top of you. Immediately after the fire stops, Asher picks you up into his arms, running towards Malcolm and Beshka. He sets you down on your feet, making sure to wrap a strong arm around your waist so that you don't leave his side.

"Malcolm! Beshka! Forget the fucking lost legion, we have a bigger problem" he shouts to them but they pay no attention, still focusing on slaughtering the people coming at them with swords. You look over your shoulders, the dragon inching closer towards everyone.

"Uhhh...Asher!?" you say, grabbing onto his arm tightly. The dragon lets out a loud roar, capturing everyone's attention. Instead of running away like any smart person would, some of the members of the lost legion run in for the kill, not making it very far before roasting in the dragon's fire. Distracted by the sight of the dragon, one of the lost legion men manage to grab a hold of you, pushing you down on the ground. You squirm from underneath him trying to escape but his weight over top of you keeps you in place.

"Get off!" you yell, pushing him with as much force as you can. He moves his arm behind him, pulling out an axe and raises it above his head. Instead of it crashing down onto you like you expect, your vision fills with red, the blood of the man splattering all over you as a sword pierces through his skull. He completely falls on top of you and you look up to see that it was Asher who saved your life. He rolls the man off of you, and pulls you up into his arms wiping the blood off your face with his hands.

"That was too close" he says, and you notice fear in his expression for the first time. "We have to move" he says, pushing you along in front with him close behind. You run towards the exit, Malcolm and Beshka already on the outside reaching for your hand to help you through. You hear a loud crash behind you and turn your head over your shoulder to see that the dragon's wing had hit Asher causing him to land on the sharp rocks, his arm now bleeding.

"Don't worry about me, go!!" Asher says, struggling to get up. You ignore his instructions turning to run back towards him, dodging the dragon's wings which were now flapping rapidly with all the chaos. Reaching him, you help pull him to his feet and turn back to run towards the exit, this time with Asher by your side. Asher wraps his good arm around your waist, effortlessly lifting you up.

"Uncle, grab her!" he shouts bringing you close enough so that you can grab onto Malcolm's hand and he swiftly pulls you out. You look back down at Asher, this time reaching down with Beshka to grab onto his hand.

"Hurry Asher! The dragon's right behind you!" Beshka shouts, causing you to look up in panic at the rapidly approaching dragon. With all your strength, you manage to pull Asher up right before the dragon bursts through the opening, knocking you all a couple feet back. Exhausted, you crash on top of Asher, your head leaning down on his chest breathing hard. Asher wraps his arms around you, bringing you closer to his chest.

"See, I told you I wouldn't let anything bad happen" he whispers in your ear and you can practically assume he's got that huge Asher grin forming on his face. You move your head off of his chest to look him in his eyes, your face just hovering over his.

"You scared the crap out of me" you say, letting out a sigh of relief knowing that everyone was now safe.

"So you are worried about me" he says, earning a laugh that escapes your mouth. He moves his hand to your waist, sliding it up until it reaches the back of your neck, pulling you down to taste your lips.

The End :)

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