Rodrik - 2

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You nervously pace back and forth in front of the Ironrath gate, anxiously awaiting Rodrik's arrival. His family members, as well as the small folk, are gathered around to greet their lord as well.

"(Y/N), are you okay? You seem more nervous than the rest of us" Talia speaks up capturing your attention. You had been so wrapped up in your anxiety that you have completely forgotten to remain un-suspicious. Being part of the small folk, you had developed strong feelings for Lord Rodrik long ago; however, you have attempted to keep your feelings hidden. Apart from the many exchanges you've had with Rodrik, you haven't yet had the opportunity to tell him how you really feel. Most of the time, it's hard for you to tell whether Rodrik has feelings for you too or if hes just being the kind lord that he always has been. Even though you're just a regular girl, you and Rodrik have bonded well enough to be considered friends, although you have always wished you could be more.

"Raise the gate!" the sentinel shouts, indicating his arrival. Your heart stops as you stare out and wait for him to come into view. Within moments, Rodrik emerges into your sight, piercing blue eyes managing to stun you from a distance. To everyone's surprise, Asher is no where to be seen. You silently stand to the side and watch as he greets his family. When he shares the news about Asher, Lady Forrester almost topples to the ground. Your eyes cant help but water as you watch the scene that unfolds, sympathy felt for a mother who's lost yet another son.

"Talia, take mother inside and let her rest" Rodrik orders to which Talia immediately obeys. When they are out of sight, Rodrik turns to his sentinel. "And (Duncan/Royland), make sure our army of sell swords are ready to fight. I will avenge my brother if it's the last thing i do" he instructs, voice filled with anger and power sending chills down your spine. Everyone disperses at the Lords command except for you who stands awkwardly alone while gawking at Rodrik. He is quick to notice which catches you off guard when his eyes meet yours. Feeling embarrassed, you quickly turn around and begin walking the opposite way.

"(Y/N)!" Rodrik calls out causing you to freeze in place. You take a deep breath and turn to face your lord.

"My lord" you say, eyes glued to the ground.

"(Y/N), how many times do I have to tell you. You don't have to be formal around me.. call me Rodrik" he explains, moving to place a hand under your chin and lift your gaze to his only for you to immediately look back down.

"Sorry... Rodrik" you say, his name lingering sweetly on your lips. You glance quickly at him to see a smile grace his face.

"I like it when you say my name" he whispers, your eyes widening in shock. What does he mean by that? You can't seem to think straight while his eyes search your face.

"I should go, some of the small folk may need my help. I'm glad you've arrived safe" you speak quickly, moving to leave but Rodrik's sudden grip on your arm stops you.

"Wait. I need to explain something"

"You have my attention my lor- I mean Rodrik" you reply, curious to hear what he has to say.

"The Whitehills will be here any minute now. I need to make sure you're safe so you must do as I say. Go inside with Talia and my mother and stay there no matter what. Do you understand?" he asks with full seriousness, still gripping onto your arm tightly.


"You heard me, (Y/N)"

"But what about you? I can't stay here? But i can help Rodr-"

"You can't help, (Y/N). Do you have any idea what happens to women in war?" he interrupts, now moving to lead you towards the door to the house. He opens the door and leads you inside, closing it being him.

"I don't care what happens to me! I need to make sure you're safe. I... I think i love you" you blurt out, desperate for him to let you stay. The sound of loud banging and horses indicate that the Whitehills have arrived, both of your heads turning towards the door.

"And why do you think I want to keep you safe?! For the same reason (Y/N)!" Within the blink of an eye, Rodrik bends down to kiss you firmly, his stubble lightly scratching your face. He pulls away after a few seconds leaving you wanting more. "I'll return for you when this is over, and when I do, by the gods i will make you my wife" he speaks before opening the door and disappearing.

<The End>

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