Lord Morgryn - 2

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"Somebody! Please help me! Please..." Tom cries for help, his last sentence cut short by the large blade severing his head from his body. Your eyes widen in shock as you fight to hold back the tears that immediately begin to surface. Tom has been nothing but good to you ever since you first met him, yet his life has now ended because of you.

"Come along now (Y/N), I've got other things to do" Lord Morgryn speaks from beside you, turning away with not even a trace of sympathy for the coal boy. You slowly follow in defeat, the image of him dying replaying over and over in your head until you arrive at your destination.

"Before we make wedding arrangements, I need you to get cleaned up" he explains, escorting you up and to his chambers. "The bathroom is over there. Don't be long"

"What? Am I not appealing enough for you? That's not my problem. You want Ironrath so badly and now you're stuck with me" you say, crossing your arms at how unbelievable he can be. He lets out a small chuckle in response, moving a hand towards your face. You instinctively flinch and move away, the harsh reminder of him smacking you out of anger coming into mind. He notices your reaction, and for a brief second you see a hint of hurt in his expression. He tries again, and this time you don't move, allowing him to wipe away some dirt off your cheek.

"I didn't mean that you weren't physically appealing. You're still covered in dirt from the prison" he clarifies, now staring at you intensely with his hands behind his back. You feel your face go red, embarrassed from your misunderstanding. Without saying anything else, you enter the bathroom, making sure to lock it behind you.

When you are finished cleaning, you step out of the warm bath allowing the cool air to attach your skin. It isn't until you are completely out of the bath that you notice a clean dress folded neatly at the side for you. Quickly slipping into it, you admire the way it drapes and fits you perfectly, the blue color and lace material adding beauty. Feeling clean and satisfied, you exit Lord Morgryn's chambers. To your surprise, you find him patiently waiting at the end of the hallway. The sound of your footsteps captures his attention as he turns to face you. For a brief second, you admire the way he admires you, strange feelings surfacing within. His expression softens when his eyes meet yours, working there way down your body then back up again. You can see him swallow before finally speaking up.

"Look- *Ahem*, Looks like you're ready to go" he says, once again placing his hands behind his back. You nod your head, feeling shy from his reaction. You both make your way down the stairs in silence, exiting the building to begin arrangements for the wedding. Stepping out into daylight, you both walk side by side. For a few minutes, everything feels normal until you notice the several looks you've been getting from strange men. You try to ignore them by staring shyly at the ground while walking, but can still feel their eyes glued to you. The feeling of Morgryn's arm wrapped securely around your waist causes you to look up, staring at his hand as it grips your side.

"Right this way, my betrothed" he speaks rather loudly, the other men quickly looking away and resuming their tasks as soon as they hear his words. You can't help but smile from his jealous actions. Finally arriving at his litter, you both climb in sitting across from one another. For the remainder of the trip, you sit in silence, awkwardly exchanging glances with him from time to time.

*Later in the evening*

"What a long day. I'm glad all of that is out of the way" Morgryn says as you both walk in darkness towards the litter.

"Why did you arrange for our wedding to be only 1 week away. I thought you originally told me that it wouldn't be for at least another month" you ask, confused with the sudden rush. "You're going to get Ironrath sooner or later" you add rather rudely.

"I thought it would be best for both of us if we just got this whole wedding out of the way. This has nothing to do with Ironrath"

"Whatever you say.." you reply, climbing into the litter and he quickly follows. Instead of sitting across from you, he sits directly beside you. In fact, he sits rather close to the point where your knees are touching.

"Look (Y/N), let me be open with you" he begins. You raise an eyebrow, completely unaware of what he's going to say. He opens his mouth to continue but then closes it again, hesitating to get his words out. "Actually, let me just start with this" he says, quickly moving to lean down and plant a firm kiss on your lips. His hands move to the sides of your face to hold you in place, pushing you against him with passion. You instantly feel lightheaded, gasping for air when he finally pulls away. You inhale deeply to catch your breath, eyes wide from what just happened. He gently cups one of your hands in his as he finishes his speech. "I know I started this off in a horrible way, but i don't want us to live a horrible life because of it. In just a couple of days, you will be my wife and I wan't us to be able to act like a married couple. We can rule Ironrath together, rebuild it together, and I promise to get rid of the Whitehills" he finishes, leaving it to you to break the silence this time. Thinking about everything that's happened, it's incredibly hard for you to just forget about the past and act like nothings happened. As awful as he initially was, staring at him now, you can actually see sincerity in his eyes. Knowing full well that whether you accept his peace offering or not, he is still going to be ruling Ironrath, you make your decision.

"I'll try my best to forget" you speak quietly, nodding your head and pulling your hand away from his to place in your lap. He doesn't move an inch, still turned slightly in his seat to face you. Even though you are staring straight ahead, you can see the smile that graces his face from the corner of your eye.

<The End>

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