Louis - 1

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Lets all take a moment to appreciate this beautiful character - Thank you, Telltale. 

You desperately push your way through trees and leaves, ignoring the stubborn cramp that continuously pierced your side as you ran. Your whole body was screaming in exhaustion, begging you to stop, but fear keeps you running. 

Being by yourself in this world meant their was nobody to watch your back. So having carelessly fallen asleep along the stump of a tree probably wasn't your smartest decision. Luckily, the walkers weren't exactly quiet upon there arrival, and you had just enough time to awaken and stand, merely avoiding the clamp of one of their hungry mouths. 

As you continued to run, you took a quick second to peer over your shoulder in hopes you were in the clear. Surely by now you had to have outrun all the walkers. But before your brain can even analyze your surroundings, there is a heavy rope caught tight against your ankle. The next thing you know, your vision is flipped upside down. Your dangling body is left hovering in the air, the momentum of the lift sending you swaying forwards, and then back - slamming your head hard into the tree you were attached too. 

Everything goes black. 


It takes you a minute for your senses to return back. With eyes still shut, your ears are filled with the pleasant sound of music. The tune was coming  from an instrument familiar to you, one you had fond memories of from your childhood. The piano always was your favorite. 

But this was the apocalypse, and loud noises were no longer normal or welcome. Your mind had to have been playing tricks on you.

Forcing your eyes to open,  you allow them to adjust to the harsh daylight shining in through the window. As you shift to a sitting position, a pounding ache to the side of your head reminds you of the days earlier events. 

The music stops. 

"Rise and shine" an unfamiliar voice says, coming from the direction of where the music once was. The male's voice was as gentle and pleasing as the music played.

Placing a hand on your bruised head while using the other for assistance, you push yourself up off the ground and turn to face the stranger. 

"Where am I?" you ask, staring at the boy sitting at the piano from a distance. 

"You're safe. Does the rest really matter?"

He flashes you a sincere smile, shifting back in position to resume his piano playing. 

You couldn't help but smile at the sight before you. Oddly enough, you really did feel safe for the first time in a while. Standing in an unfamiliar place, with an unfamiliar person would normally cause the opposite reaction. But something about seeing this young guy so carefree, playing his beautiful tune, the sun shining through the window, all made you remember the world where monsters didn't exist, and everything was just normal. 

You slowly pace towards him, interested on getting a closer look at watching him play. You must have underestimated the weakness in your body as you lose balance only inches away from the piano. 

If it wasn't for the boy's quick reflexes, you probably would have had another aching bruise to deal with, but luckily he moves quick enough to grab onto your smaller frame, keeping you upright. 

"You're lucky I'm faster than I look" 

Brown eyes staring into yours, and you are just now getting a good look at this mystery boy. His expression still carried that sincere smile, dimples beaming at each corner of his mouth. Although faint, several freckles decorated his dark skin. 

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