Rhys - 1

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You nod your head to Fiona, Sasha, and Athena as the elevator comes to a stop.

"After you" Rhys says, and you walk with him glancing back in time to see Fiona and Sasha wave at you. This is the first time you've separated from your sisters for a while so you feel a little sad, but you have to admit that you and Rhys do make a good team. As moronic as he can be sometimes, he can be strangely helpful with that echo eye and stun baton.

"I'm sorry if I ever gave you a hard time when we first met..." you say, looking up at him to see a smile form on his face.

"So I guess that means you don't hate me anymore?" he asks which makes you feel even worse for all the times you were rude to him.

"I never HATED you, I just thought you couldn't be trusted. I know I was wrong now, you've more than once proven yourself" you say, staring back down at the floor.

"Thanks (Y/N), that actually means a lot coming from you" he says and you feel your heart skip a beat. Just a couple weeks ago you couldn't even stand next to Rhys without getting irritated and now having him around makes you feel all weird inside. As much as you don't want to admit it, you were developing feelings for him.

"This way" Rhys says and you both turn and come to an abrupt stop from what you see.

"Whoa..." you both say at the same time and you can see Rhys eyeing you from the corner of your vision. You had never seen anything like the dome before but it was the most beautiful place you had ever seen. You step forwards toward the cliff admiring the glowing jellyfish-like creatures that float around in the jungley landscape.

"This is amazing! Have you ever seen anything prettier than this?" you say, turning to smile at Rhys who is standing behind you. His eyes lock on yours and he smiles sweetly.

"Believe it or not, I have" he says, staring deeply at you. You feel your face turn red at his comment and turn your head away from him so that he can't see. You look down at the beautiful scenery below than back up to the boring path you know you and Rhys are supposed to take in order to reach the security system.

"I wish we could go down there instead" you say feeling disappointed you can't explore. "Come on Rhys, let's go". You walk towards the pathway you are supposed to take but stop when you don't hear Rhys following behind. "Rhys?" you say, turning to see him still standing at the edge of the cliff, looking down below.

"We can go down there if you want" he says, glancing over at you then back down.

"We can't, we have to get to the security system"

"Oh come on, It won't hurt if we take the long scenic route" he says, starting to sound a little desperate. You place a hand on your hip and roll your eyes at him.

"Are you sure it's me you want to go down there for, or you?" you ask, teasing him.

"You. Well, both. Can we go down now?" He asks, positioning himself to jump.


"Pleaseeeee (Y/N). Come onnnn! For me?" he begs, giving you a pouty face.

"Ugh fine" you say giving into his cute pouty face. You walk towards him but before you can reach him he already makes his way down the steep drop.

"What? How did you get down there so easily" you ask, leaning down to look at him already on the ground.

"Guess it's the long legs" he replies, shrugging his shoulder. "Come on! Jump and I'll catch you". Rhys moves his arms, positioning himself to catch you.

"No way! I'm not going to jump! There's no way you can catch me and I'm going to end up face planting and trying to get dirt out of my mouth for the rest of our 'scenic' walk!" you shout down at him causing him to let out a long sigh.

"Come on, I promise ill catch you! The robotic arm is strong baby!" He shouts back up at you.

"Did you just call me baby!? And still no!" you say, crossing your arms and standing your ground. You look around for another way down but Rhys captures your attention again.

"Ok fine have it your way! Bye! See you later alligator!" he shouts, turning to walk around which causes you to panic.

"Wait! Wait for me!" you yell after him but he keeps walking. "Ok fine! Ill jump. Just get back here". Rhys instantly runs back to you with a huge smile on his face, sticking his hands out for you once again. You take a deep breath and prepare yourself to jump.

"Goodbye cruel world" you say rather dramatically and jump off the edge. To your surprise, Rhys effortlessly catches you in his arms. You look up at him breathless and he looks down at you, staring into your eyes. His face just inches away from yours, you immediately get flustered and look down at the ground. He gently sets you on your feet and you relax.

"Told you I would catch you" he says looking proud of himself.

"Yeah yeah. Come on baby" you say quoting him from earlier and he laughs, following close behind you. From down here, everything somehow looks even better. The jellyfish were floating right above your heads and you could easily reach up and touch them. Making your way down the trail, your eyes catch a beautiful flower in the center and you step towards it. You admire its glow as you here Rhys giggling behind you after touching one of the jellyfish. You hear his footsteps behind you as he approaches, moving around to look at what you're distracted by.

"Wow. You don't usually see flowers like this around Pandora" you say, looking up at Rhys who is surprisingly looking at you instead of the flower. You think about picking the flower but you decide to leave it in its place, stepping away to go admire the rest of the scenery. You walk towards a bundle of glowing blue mushroom and kneel down to get a closer look. It's crazy to think how this dome even manages to make mushrooms look so beautiful. Suddenly, you feel a tap on your shoulder and you turn around to see Rhys holding out the glowing flower to you. You stand up to face him, smiling like crazy at how sweet he is being. Rhys nervously reaches over and grabs a hold of your hand, securely attaching the flower onto your bracelet. You look down and admire your newly designed bracelet with your hand still locked in his.

"Thanks Rhys" you say, smiling shyly at him as he pulls you along. You both walk back down the trail hand in hand, admiring everything you come across together for the rest of the way.

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