David x Reader (1)

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You had joined Javi and his group alongside Clem only a couple days ago. Although it seemed like a lifetime ago for you looking back on things now. The moment your group had reunited with Javi's brother, things took a turn for the worst. Being the kind person that you were, you had always tried to see the best in David. Sure, he seemed to have quite the temper in the short amount of time you've known him, but his actions clearly revealed how much effort he puts in for the sake of his family. At first, you both weren't on the best of terms. That was a well expected outcome for two stubborn people conversing among one another. What wasn't expected was the fact that the stubbornness you shared created some sort of "click" in your relationship with David. You felt a spark of attraction, and ever since, you've been curious if David had gotten that vibe too.

But now... standing in a room filled with the screams of a defenseless woman who's arm was just snapped in half by David, you weren't sure what to think anymore.

"What the hell, David!" Kate shouts.
"Oh my god" Clem whispers.
"Dad!" Gabe protests.
"I can't believe it..." Eleanor adds.

It all happened so quick, and instead of reacting like the rest of them, all you could do was stare at the scene in disbelief.

The regret in his eyes instantly sparks through, helplessly looking around at his family members, watching as they stare back with fear in their expressions.

"Why are you all looking at me like that?" he asks, completely oblivious to the extent of his actions. "I'm trying to protect you... "

You could see from the side of your vision Javi crossing his arms across his body, Kate shaking her head beside him. Everyone kept their mouths shout, the awkwardness making you want to so desperately break the silence.

Your breathing quickens when his eyes lock on yours.

"(Y/N)? Come on..."

He takes two steps towards you, erasing the space that separates you both.

"I know you get me. Hell, you may even understand me more than anyone else in this room"

You swallow hard, taking in his words. It pained you to see everyone targeting David. As much as you wanted to take his side, it still didn't change the fact that David broke the woman's arm when he could have just simply taken the gun away.

You open your mouth, trying to think of something to say that won't set him off. You knew his temper well enough to settle on keeping your mouth shut instead.

He closes his eyes momentarily, breathing in deeply before opening them once again, anger and hurt written all over his face.

"I did what I had to" he speaks, stepping back.

You watch as he pushes past you and the rest of the group, exiting the room with the door slamming loud and clear behind him.

"Ugh, I've seen that look in his eyes before. Someone should go talk to him " Kate suggests, staring at Javi as if he should be the one to go.

Javi frowns at the ground, taking a moment to think to himself.

"Someone should go talk to David, but not me" he suggests, rejecting Kate's idea.

"Then who? You want me to go...?"

Javi immediately shakes his head.

"No, not you. ..Her."

Javi turns to look in your direction, the rest of the group snapping around to do the same. Everyone's peering eyes fills you with a strange nervous feeling, swallowing hard before speaking.

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