Arthur - 3 (Soulmates)

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You spot your betrothed in the distance, distracted with the conversation he is having with his sister, Elaena. Carefully sneaking closer behind him, Elaena spots you but goes along with it, not giving Arthur any indication you're behind him. You approach him quietly, Arthur now in your reach. You stretch up, wrapping your arms under his arms and secure them around his waist bringing him closer to you so that you can lay your head against his back. You feel Arthur relax, instantly recognizing who it is just by the look of your hands, and he turns around so that he can embrace you in a tight hug.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming!" he says, feeling his warm breath on your neck.

"I wanted to keep it a secret" you reply, still in his embrace.

"Well, this is the best surprise ever, I'm so glad you're here" he says, pulling away only for second to move his hands to your shoulders, pulling you in for a quick peck on the lips. You smile up at him, admiring his beauty. This man was to be your husband soon, and the next time you were supposed to see him was at your wedding but you just couldn't wait until then. You turn to Elaena, forgetting she is there and smile sweetly at her.

"Lady Elaena" you say, respectfully nodding to her.

"Sister" she replies, making your smile even bigger. "You both look like such a happy couple. My brother never stops talking about you, I'm glad you will be marrying him. I know he will be happy with you" she says, moving to set a hand on her brother's shoulder. Arthur sets a hand over top of his sisters and your heart melts at how much they care for each other. "I'll see you two later. Enjoy yourselves" Elaena says before turning to walk inside. You watch until she enters the house, before turning back to Arthur, taking his hand in yours.

"So, what do you want to do?" you ask, thinking about all the possibilities.

"Dance with me" Arthur says, pulling your one hand up to his shoulder, and moving his down to wrap around your waist. With his other hand, he pulls yours up, intertwining his fingers through yours.

"Are we practicing for our wedding?" you ask, giggling as he begins to guide you in small circles.

"Maybe...or I'm just looking for excuses to have you against me" he says, pulling you even closer against his body.

"Arthur!" You say, pulling away from his grip. "Someone's going to see". You look around quickly to make sure no one was around, relieved when you aren't able to spot anyone.

"So what if they do, I want everyone to see that you're mine" he says stepping closer to you and suddenly smacking your butt causing you to jump and gasp at his action. You push him away, trying to act serious but you feel a smile forming, trying so hard to hold it back. Arthur pretends to collapse on the floor, as if the push you gave him actually managed to knock him off his feet. You roll your eyes at him and give into his silly ways, climbing on top of him only briefly to kneel and give him a kiss, causing his eyes to flutter open, the biggest smile on his face.

"Knock it off" you whisper, picking yourself up off the grass and Arthur does the same. He looks over at something on the ground in the distance that captures his attention. You follow his stare to see him eyeing a pretty yellow flower in the distance. He runs over to it, picking it off the ground and runs back towards you. Your heart beats out of your chest at how cute Arthur is. Instead of him just handing it over to you, he gently slips it behind your ear and steps back, admiring you. You pose for him, placing one hand behind your head and the other on your hips.

"How do I look?" you ask posing seductively, trying to contain yourself from bursting out into laughter. Arthur on the other hand can't help himself and he lets out a loud laugh, walking closer to bring you against his chest.

"Beautiful as always" he says, leaning down to kiss the top of your head. You move your head off his chest to look up in his eyes, biting your bottom lip. He instinctively moves down, kissing you softly. Standing up on your toes, you push against him harder, feeling his stubble scratch again you. After several minutes of kissing, you both pull away, finally catching your breath.

"You're so stubbly" you tease, running a finger through his short facial hair. Arthur reaches up and grabs your hand, pressing it firmly on his face and moves it up and down so that his stubble scratches the palm of your hand.

"Ow" you say pulling your hand away. "So mean". You rub your hand, looking down at the ground smirking.

"You know how much I love to bug you" he says, putting a hand under your chin so that your eyes meet his. "You're just too cute when you're flustered" he says, sticking his tongue out at you and reaching down to wrap his hands around your little ones.

"Your hands are so cold. Let's get you inside. I don't want you getting sick" he says, rubbing your hands to make them get warm and you nod your head, loving the fact that Arthur is always so protective and worried about you. You grab onto his arm, walking slowly beside him, entering the house together.

*2 hours later*

You and Arthur are curled up on the bed, you in his lap and his strong arms wrapped around you. You both had lost track of time due to being so engaged in the conversation you were having so you were surprised to look out the window and see that it was already dark.

"I love how every time I'm with you, time just seems to go by so quickly" you say, snuggling closer against his chest.

"Me too" he says yawning, causing a yawn to escape your mouth too.

"I can't wait to wake up with you next to me everyday" he whispers, using his fingers to trace against the palm of your hand creating a relaxing sensation. You smile at his words, and close your eyes, the exhaustion finally getting to you. Before you drift off to sleep, you here 5 words escape Arthurs mouth.

"I love you so much" he says, and you fall into a deep sleep, a small smile spread across your face.

*The next morning*

You wake up completely entangled in Arthur. His arms are wrapped tightly around you, forcing your head down in his chest while his legs were completely knotted in yours. You smile, taking in how cute he looks while sleeping and you hear him snore gently. You bring your hand up to your mouth, trying to contain a laugh and shift slowly away from him, peeling his arms away from you so that you can climb off the bed without waking him. Arthur shifts into a new position at the absence of your body, still fast asleep. You walk into the bathroom and freshen up, putting on a clean outfit you had stored away in Arthurs room. Stepping out of the room, you walk quietly past Arthur and out the door into the hallway, running into Elaena.

"I was just about to come wake you two" she says.

"He's still sleeping" you tell her, your voice just a whisper so you don't wake him.

"Oh, of course he is" she replies, her voice turning into a whisper as well.

"Do you need help with breakfast?" you ask.

"Sure, I can always use a hand from my sister" she says, interlocking her arm in yours and leading you down the stairs to prepare the food.

Several moments go by and you are all finished preparing the food. You help Elaena move them to the table where Arthur's parents would soon be. As you set the table, you feel a strong pair of arms wrap around your waist, and soft lips against your neck.

"Good morning" you say, smiling as you look back to see Arthur all dressed but still wearing his messy bed hair.

"Good morning my love" he says, sitting down at the table. Arthur's parents enter the room too, smiling sweetly at you as they take a seat. You sit across the table from Arthur, and Elaena takes a seat beside you. You had met Mr. and Mrs. Glenmore a long time ago. They have always been sweet too you and treat you as if you were there actual daughter. When you are all finished eating, Arthur's dad breaks the silence.

"Quiver? Why don't you take Lady (Y/N) on a horse ride today, the weather is beautiful and you can show her around the house more" he says, and you get stuck on the name Quiver. That was the first time you have ever heard someone call him that.
"Good idea father" Arthur replies, looking over at you and you smile at him.

"I would love to" you tell Arthur and he immediately stands up, excited to start the day with you. He exits the building and you quickly follow behind him, saying farewell to his family on the way out the door. Once outside, Arthur takes your hand and you walk towards the horses, excitement taking over at the thought of riding with him. You had never ridden a horse with someone before so you were glad to be sharing the ride with Arthur. He jumps up, swinging a leg effortlessly over the horse and reaches down to take your hand. He pulls you up over the horse so that you are sitting in front of him.

"You don't want to be upfront?" you ask, looking over your shoulder at him.

"No thank you. I've got the perfect view from back here" he says, staring at you sweetly. You smirk at him and face forwards, signaling the horse to begin walking. Arthur securely grabs your waist, only to bring your back down so that you can lean against his chest, relaxing against him. You look out in the distance and admire the beautiful weather that shines down on the land. House Glenmore was truly beautiful and you are extremely excited for the day you are able to finally move in with Arthur, soon being able to call this place your home. After a few moments of silence you decide to ask him about the name Quiver.

"I heard your father call you Quiver this morning" you say and you feel Arthur sit up straight.

"Yes, he actually calls me that most of the time" he says.

"Really? How come?" you ask, curious for his response.

"When I was 12, my father taught me how to use a bow. The very first time he handed it to me and I tried to shoot, I was so nervous I couldn't stop shaking. I wanted so much to make him proud of me but the nerves just completely took over. I couldn't even keep my hands still long enough to aim and fire. Ever since that day, he gave me the nickname Quiver and we still laugh about it until this day".

You stop the horse, and turn your body around to smile at Arthur.

"That's really cute" you say, leaning up to kiss his nose before moving the horse again. He moves his hands over yours, guiding the horse with you as he signals for the horse to increase speed. The wind breezes through your hair and the speed forces you to lean back against Arthur even more. Arthur shows you around, making sure to not miss a single area before returning to the same place you left off. He climbs down first, then secures his arms on your waists, effortlessly lifting you up and setting you down in front of him.

"Thank you, Quiver" you say, and the corner of his lip twitches up.

"It's going to take me a while to get used to you calling me that" he says, walking you over to the steps that lead into the house. He sits on the top one, pulling on your arm gently to get you to sit down beside him.

"How many kids do you want?" you ask, sitting down beside him, your legs brushing against his.

"As many as I can get out of you" he replies, gently squeezing your thigh.

"I want two. A boy and a girl" you tell him, smiling at the thought of Arthur becoming a father.

"That sounds nice. If we have a boy first I can teach him how to use a bow" he replies which makes your heart melt. Arthur would be such an amazing father. You look up at the sky, the sun shining down very strong. You look over to see a big tree at the side casting the perfect shadow to sit under.

"Do you want to go sit in the shade?" you ask Arthur and he nods his head, standing up to follow you under the tree. He sits down first, leaning his back against the stump and motions for you to sit on his lap. You sit down on the cool ground which is refreshing, instantly feeling your body cool down. You close your eyes, listening to the sounds of nature soothing you. You feel Arthur's chest rise and fall with every breath he takes, rocking you peacefully until you drift off into a nap.

You feel breathing on the back of your neck and slowly flutter your eyes open. You are curled up on the grass, Arthur wrapped up behind you. You shift around to face Arthur, catching a glimpse of the sun which was now setting as you lay back down so that your face is just inches away from his. You stare at him, admiring the way his eyelashes curl when his eyes are closed until he suddenly opens them, startling you.

"See something you like?" he asks, catching you staring at him. You smile at him and turn on your back, looking up at the clouds as they float quickly through the sky. Arthur reaches over and pokes you in the stomach causing you to squirm at his touch. You are extremely ticklish, especially on your stomach. Arthur pokes you again, taking note of your reaction and smirks over at you and you instantly know what he is about to do.

"Arthur, Don-"Before you can stop him, Arthur swings a leg around you, positioning himself upward so that he is straddling you. He reaches under your shirt, tickling your stomach and around the side of your waist. You burst out laughing, trying to move away from him but he tightens his knees around you so that you can't escape.

"Please, hahaha, Arthur, stop! Hahahah!" you say, reaching up at his chest just barely managing to push him up enough to slide out from underneath him. You turn on your stomach and lean up to quickly run away when he grabs your ankle, causing you to fall on the floor again. He climbs on top of you, this time forcing you to lay on your stomach and begins kissing the back of your neck.

"I can't get enough of you" he say between kisses.

"Me neither, but we have to wait until our wedding night" you say, shifting underneath him so that you're laying on your back now.

"Ugh, waiting is torture" he says against your lips, sliding his tongue in to taste you. You move your hands up, sliding your fingers through his hair and then moving them down to hold his face between your grip, pulling him off of your lips.

"Trust me, it'll be worth the wait" you say looking into his eyes and licking your lips from where his once were. He leans down once more, quickly planting several kisses on your cheek making you smile so much they begin to ache. He stands up, pulling you up with him, and embracing you in a long hug.

"This time next week we will be married, and nothing will be able to stop me once I'm on top of you" he whispers seductively in your ear which makes you silently curse the fact you can't give into him right now.

*2 months later*

You and Arthur have been married for a month now. Your wedding was one of the best days of your life. You smile at the memory of Arthur tearing up when he first laid eyes on you in your white dress. Your dress was absolutely beautiful and fit you perfectly. Unfortunately, Arthur was so eager to get at you that it didn't make it long, completely being torn to shreds as he ripped the fabric, desire taking over as you both needed to feel each other's skin against one another.

"Alright, I'm all finished" the maester says, breaking your little day dream. You sit up, anxious to hear what he has to say.

"Well?" you ask, waiting for him to say anything. The maester smiles at you, placing a hand on your shoulder.

"Congratulations, you're 1 months pregnant" he says and you feel your heart quicken, your eyes widening in excitement.

"Arthur.... I have to go tell Arthur!" you shout, lifting yourself off of the bed and flinging the door of your room open. You run down the hall and down the stairs, opening the door. Turning in circles, you frantically look around, searching for him. You feel a hand on your shoulder.

"(Y/N), are you okay?" You turn to see that Elaena is behind you, giving you a concerned look.

"I, I need to find Arthur!" you say, breathing hard.

"He's in the courtyard. Is something the matter?" she asks. You grab onto her shoulders, smiling up at her as she anxiously awaits your response.

"I'm pregnant" you say and Elaena stares at you blankly for a second before taking your words in. A smile forms on her face and she leans in to hug you, jumping up and down.

"Oh my goodness! Congratulations. I can't believe I'm going to be an aunt and my little brothers going to be a father!" she says, pulling away and grabbing onto your hand. "Come on, I'll take you to him" she says, dragging you along as you both run towards the courtyard. Pushing past people, you finally enter the courtyard, catching sight of Arthur in the distance. He turns, seeing you both running and instantly looks worried, running towards you as well. Elaena lets go of your hand and takes a step back, giving you and Arthur a chance to speak.

"Is something wrong?!" Arthur asks, reaching up to take your face in his hands. Still breathing hard from all the running, you take a moment to catch your breath, Arthur still staring intensively, concern across his face. You reach up, holding Arthur's face the same way he is holding yours and give him a quick peck, getting ready to share the news.

"Well..?" he asks, growing impatient.

"You're going to be a father" you say quietly, smiling big at him. Arthur stands there for a moment, shocked.

"I'm what?" he says, dropping his hands from your face. You take his hands in yours, squeezing tightly before repeating yourself, only this time louder.

"I'm going to be a father?" Arthur replies, looking deep in your eyes, waiting for confirmation.

"Yes!" you shout, barely able to contain your excitement. A huge smile emerges on Arthurs face as he picks you up, spinning you around in circles as you both laugh. He sets you down, wrapping his hands around the back of your neck.

"I can't believe it" he says, leaning down to peck your lips several times. He turns to Elaena, still smiling like crazy.

"Did you hear that sister? I'm going to be a father" Arthur explains to her, breathless from all the excitement.

"Congratulations brother" Elaena says sweetly, wiping a tear from her eye. Arthur turns back to you, kissing your forehead and embracing you in a strong, secure hug.

"If it's a boy, I'll raise him to be the strongest most honourable young man that will make you proud to call him your son. If it's a girl, she is going to grow up to be so beautiful, just like her mother" he says and you feel a tear escape your eye. He pulls away and wipes the tear away with his thumb, replacing it with a gentle kiss.

"I love you so much, Arthur" you say, trying to gain composure.

"I love you more (Y/N), I always have ever since I first laid my eyes on you" he replies, tears beginning to fill his eyes as well.

"You're going to be the best dad in the world" you say, poking him in the stomach which causes him to squirm. An idea comes to mind.

"Oh, would you look at that. Remember that time you tickled me so much I nearly died?" you ask him, poking him again and he steps back from you getting ready to make you chase for him.

"Oh no you don't" he says but you lunge towards him. He dodges at the perfect time, laughing as you almost fall on the floor.

"Let's hope our child doesn't have your temper" he teases and you jump on his back, pulling him down to the ground.


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