Vaughn - 1

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"Uhhh, Rhys... We don't even know if he's a doctor!" you said, glaring over at him.

"Well let's just assume that he is!" Rhys shouts back at you, clearly missing the whole point. You and the group have literally come across Cassius for less than 15 minutes and now Rhys is letting him diagnose his best friend. You look over as Loaderbot as he sets a paralyzed Vaughn down on the table.

"Ah here we are" Cassius says, pulling out a massive needle. You instantly feel worried for Vaughn. You would be absolutely devastated if anything were to happen to him.

"You're going to stab him with that?!" you ask as you approach the table, looking down at Vaughn. He rolls his eyes to look at you and you can see the panic in them.

"Oh no! I'm not... but you are!" he replies, placing the needle in your hand.

"What?!" you shout, looking back at the group in hopes that one of them volunteers in your place. Sasha and Fiona exchange a look with one another before turning back to you to shrug their shoulders. You look over at Rhys who just stands there running a hand through his hair.

"Please tell me this doesn't go in his ass" you ask, turning back to face Cassius who has a devious look on his face.

"No, you're plunging it straight into his heart" he replies with more enthusiasm than he should. Your eyes widen in shock. You look down at Vaughn and smile innocently at him.

"UghhhuhguhhUGHHuhgu" he groans.

"What's that Vaughn?" Rhys asks, leaning closer into him. "There's no one you'd rather have than (Y/N) to stab you in the heart? Aww how romantic" Vaughn shifts his eyes uncomfortably from his words.

"Alright, here we go!" you chant, letting out a deep breath and swinging your hand over your head then back down, sending the needle plunging straight into Vaughn's heart. You hold your breath in fear, pressing the button to release the unknown medication into his bloodstream.

"Uhh, now what?" Rhys asks, breaking the silence.

"Oh I don't know! I've never done this before" Cassius replies, shrugging his shoulders. Everyone snaps there head in his direction.

"You... You've never done this before!!" you shout at Cassius, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt. Furious at the thought that he may have talked you into giving Vaughn a needle that would only hurt him more, you raise your hand in the air ready to give the idiot a good smack. Before your hand meets his face, the sound of coughing catches your attention and you stop your hand mid-air. Turning around, you see that Vaughn was finally moving. Unable to contain your excitement, you run over and wrap your arms around him being careful not to hit the needle that was still in his heart.

"Oh thank god you're okay" you whisper, closing your eyes as you embrace Vaughn until it suddenly hits you that everyone is watching. You pull away immediately, taking a shy step back and look at Vaughn who is now rapidly blinking.

"AHHHH!!! Somebody... Somebody spit in my eye! Or lick... lick me in the eye, I don't care!!" Vaughn shouts, breathing heavily.

"Oh no! The shot turned him into an eyeball fetishist!" Sasha yells from behind you.

"Yeah.... We should probably get him some eye drops or something" suggests Rhys, walking over to set a hand on Vaughn's shoulder. "Welcome back bro". He smiles down at his best friend.

"Thanks bro" Vaughn happily replies, finally settling down.

"Annnnnything for you bro!" Rhys smile grows even bigger. You look over at Fiona in time to catch her rolling her eyes at them both, walking away to talk to Athena on the other side of the room. Glancing back over at Vaughn, he looks up at you giving you a gentle smile.

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