Fiona - 1

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"Happy birthday dear (Y/N), happy birthday too yooooou!!!" all your friends sing in unison, dragging out the last word before everyone burst out into laughter. You sat with the biggest smile on your face, taking a moment to think about how lucky you were to have Rhys, Vaughn, Sasha, and especially Fiona in your life. Your eyes bounce back to the delicious red velvet cake that sat in front of you, admiring the flames dancing on each candle.

"Make a wish" Fiona says, nudging you gently with her shoulder. You close your eyes, take a moment to recite your wish, and blow out the flames leaving dark smoke in there place. Everyone claps around you, eagerly moving to grab a slice of cake. Mostly everyone disperses around the RV when they have there slice, except for Fiona who keeps her seat directly beside you.

"(Y/N)?" Fiona speaks after a minute, breaking the silence. When you look to her, she seems a bit nervous, uncomfortably shifting in her seat to pull something out of her pocket. "I got you a gift"

"Aww Fiona! You didn't have to do that" you say with a smile, putting your plate down to accept the nicely wrapped gift from her. "Can i open it now?" you ask. She gives you a single nod, smiling shyly as she watches you open your gift. Your eyes widen at the sight before you.

"I hope you like it" she says as you take it out of the box to admire it closely. You hold the tiny pistol in one hand, using the other to spin the elemental effect attached to the barrel.

"It's exactly like the one you have!" you say, excitement in your voice.

"Yep. We match now" she replies, allowing her pistol to spring free from her sleeve.

"Can you show me how to use it?"

"Of course".

Stepping out of the RV with Fiona by your side, you both walk for a minute in order to put some distance between you and the RV.

"Alright first things first, you got to secure it in your sleeve" she instructs. You nod your head, struggling to secure it underneath the thin fabric. Without saying a word, Fiona steps closer to you and holds your arm out to help you tuck it in. "There you go" she says, stepping back when shes finished.

"It feels weird" you say, awkwardly shifting your arm at the unfamiliar feeling.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it. Now when you want to release it, just press the button on the end and whip your hand out and it'll spring free"

"Like this?" you ask, successfully springing the pistol free with your first attempt.

"Exactly, but be careful where you point that thing" she says with a smile, grabbing onto your arm and moving it so that your aim is on a sign in the distance. She steps behind you, her hand now pressed over top of yours to tighten your grasp around the gun.

"Do you have it on the element you want?" she asks, her voice echoing in your right ear. You look down, the elemental effect set to electricity.


"Alright, now squeeze down on the trigger slowly.." she instructs, pressing her finger down over top of yours to guide your movement on the trigger. The gun jerks your arm backwards from the force of fire, but Fiona's body behind yours keeps you from losing your balance. You both watch as the bullet flies through the air and hits the sign dead centre. The entire structure erupts in strings of voltage burning it down to a crisp.

"Awesome!" you say, impressed with how powerful the pistol is for its size. You turn to face Fiona with the biggest smile on your face. She returns your smile, brushing a strand of hair out of her face as she does. "Thank you so much, Fi. I love it!". You can't help but throw your arms around her which completely takes her by surprise. Her body tenses for only a moment before relaxing and securing her arms around your waist to bring you closer. Both of you stand in silence embracing one another for longer than what would be considered friendly, suddenly realising that you never want to let go.

<The End>

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