Rodrik - 1

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*WARNING - For mature audiences only*

Ever since you were younger you had always had a huge crush on Rodrik Forrester, Lord of Ironrath. I guess it was to your luck that you came from a very strong house because today was the day you would become Rodrik's wife in order to form an allegiance between your two families. After tonight, house Forrester would have the allies they so desperately need. Although you are happy to be marrying Rodrik, you couldn't help but still feel scared and upset. It seemed as if he always saw you as just a friend which makes you question if he is only marrying you purely for the sake of his house. You let out a deep breath, and approach the mirror, staring at the reflection that looks back at you. Your mom and sister had helped you prepare, fixing your hair up nicely, and getting you into your long wedding dress. Taking one last deep breath, you approach the door, leaving your room for the last time as a single woman.

*Later that night*

You look down at the floor, nervously playing with your hands as they announce its time for the bedding ceremony. Before you have the chance to say goodnight to your family, a group of men unexpectedly lift you up into the air. You panic a little, looking for something to hold onto in fear that you may topple over but the guys keep a secure grip on you. You look back, able to catch a quick glance at Rodrik who was being escorted by some of the women. He gives you a warm smile and you turn your head forwards to see that you have already arrived at your destination. The men set you down gently near the door of the room and walk back from where they came. The women also return, leaving you and Rodrik standing there alone. Rodrik brushes past you, unlocking the door.

"After you" he says, holding the door open for you to enter. You walk into the room slowly, looking around at the romantic atmosphere they had set up for you two. The nerves start to set in causing your whole body to shake. You hear Rodrik moving behind you, his footsteps getting closer before they stop. His hands fall gently on both your shoulders and he gracefully spins you around to face him.
"You're shaking" he says, moving his hands down to grab onto yours, trying to keep them still.

"I'm a bit nervous" you admit, only glancing at him briefly before your eyes find the floor again.

"Don't be nervous" Rodrik says in a gentle tone, using his thumb to stroke the back side of your hand. "Can I kiss you?" he asks. Rodrik had always been such a gentlemen and you really admired that. You look up into his bright blue eyes, seeing gentleness and kindness staring back at you causing your nerves to slowly fade away.

"Yes" you whisper and he slowly inches forwards until his lips gently crash onto yours. His lips felt soft against yours and you had to admit that he was a really great kisser. He moves slowly, turning his head at a different angle only for your lips to tenderly crash onto each other again. Before things get any further, you pull away looking back at the floor.

"I need to ask you something" you say, your voice just a faint whisper.

"Of course" Rodrik says, squeezing your shoulders gently causing your muscles to relax.

"I'll be honest. I've always had feelings for you Rodrik. You are everything I've ever wanted in a man. Strong, handsome, caring, and so much more but... I still feel bad. I don't want you to have to be forced into this marriage because you know how much this alliance is important to your house" you explain, looking down to play with your hands nervously again. You hear Rodrik let out a small chuckle causing you to immediately look up at him confused.

"Is that what you think?" Rodrik says, his smile quickly fading when he sees the concern in your eyes. He reaches down bringing your hands into his, grabbing onto them tightly.

"I've always planned on marrying you (Y/N), this whole alliance thing just made it happen a lot sooner which I can't complain about. I'm glad to finally be able to call you my wife" he says making your heart skip a beat. Before you can reply, Rodrik brings you in for another kiss, more intense than before. He pulls away briefly, pulling his shirt off effortlessly before stepping back in for another kiss. He repeats the process, only this time leaning down to remove his pants. After he is completely naked, he wraps his hands around you, untying your dress and pulling it down your legs. You step out of it and he moves it to the side, kneeling on the floor beside your feet. Using both of his hands, he runs his finger nails up the outside of both your legs, sending shivers through your body until he is completely standing again. He then runs his hands down your back until he reaches your bum, gently squeezing and lifting you up to meet his lips. You reach up, running a hand through his long hair and he holds you tighter, effortlessly picking you up and laying you on the bed so he is over top of you. Rodrik leans back up, looking down at your body, admiring what he sees. This makes you blush and you turn your head to the side only for him to guide your eyes back to his.

"You are so beautiful, please don't look away from me" he says, leaning down to gently kiss your neck. You feel his hand slide down your body and stop at your vagina. He slowly inserts a finger making you gasp against his ear. With his other hand, he moves up over your stomach and onto your left breast, squeezing gently. So much is happening at once which makes your head spin. Rodrik pulls his finger out only to move up to your clit, your own wetness allowing his finger to slide across it easily. You let out a small moan which he captures with his lips, his tongue now inside, moving against yours. You slide your hands from his neck down the arch of his back, feeling the outline of his muscles. Rodrik shifts a bit, getting ready to position himself so that he can slide inside of you. For a brief moment, you catch a glimpse of his erection which was much bigger then you had ever expected before he slips it inside of you. It's a tight fit but the pain quickly disappears, pleasure taking its place. You can tell that the tightness of you around Rodrik doesn't disappoint as a wave of pleasure crosses his face. He begins to move causing the entire bed to shake. His body was much larger than yours which would normally make you feel defenseless but instead you felt protected being underneath him tonight. He quickens his pace, leaning in to kiss your collarbone. The pressure begins to fill up and you grab at the sheets on the bed, pulling on them as you fall into a long orgasm at the exact moment Rodrik climaxes. He lets out a quiet grunt but you can't help the loud moan that escapes your lips, now feeling his cum inside of you. Gently removing himself from you, he rolls over onto his back and you both lay there for a moment trying to regain your breath. Rodrik turns his head to the side with the cutest smile on his face, looking at you like you're the most beautiful girl in the world.You return the smile, reaching up to caress his face, tracing his scars.

"Even with all these scars, you are still the most handsome man I have ever seen" you whisper. He grabs your hand, moving it from his cheek to his lips.

"I love you" he says shifting closer to you so that he can rest his forehead on yours.

"I love you too" you whisper, happy tears filling your eyes.

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