August - 1

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"Remember (Y/N), you only got 1 shot at this. Try not to mess it up..." Sasha says and Fiona nods, agreeing with her.

"Don't worry Fi and Sash, I got this!" you tell them, acting confident although you are feeling rather nervous. The whole plan of reeling August in too set up the fake vault key deal is resting on your shoulders. Opening up the trailer door, you glance back over your shoulder and give Fiona and Sasha a nod, exiting the vehicle. Making your way towards the bar, you are stopped by a very buff guard with a giant gun strapped to his back.

"Uh uh young lady, where do you think your going? Its VIP only" he says, crossing his arms.

"Oh I know August" you lie, trying to push past him but he holds you back.

"Nice try but you're not getting in. I suggest you turn around right now or else things are gonna get ugly" he replies, towering over top of you and you can tell he's getting angry. There was no way you could turn back now so you stand your ground, still insisting for him to let you in.

"Tector! Have you seen where i put that frickin- Uh... What's going on out here?" August asks, stepping out from the bar. You look up at him in time to catch him eyeing you up and down. Like Sasha said, you only have one shot at this so you try to act sexy, placing your hands on your hips and smirking up at him in confidence.

"This little lady right here won't take no for an answer boss. Do you want me to teach her a lesson?" Tector asks, reaching for the gun on his back.

"Tector, don't be ridiculous. Come on in" August says, smiling down at you as he motions for you to enter the bar. Smirking at Tector as you walk up the stairs, you brush past August and thank him, walking to a seat and he follows behind. You can practically sense him staring at your ass as he trails behind. Taking a seat at the front counter, August walks around behind it to stand in front of you.

"So, what brings a cute girl like yourself here all alone?" he asks, locking his eyes to yours. Examining him up close, you have to admit that he has the most beautiful blue eyes you have ever seen that just capture you in his gaze.

"Well, I am actually looking for a job and i noticed the help wanted sign out at the front so I thought I'd give it a shot" you say, looking down at the drink menu.

"Do you have any experience?" he asks.


"Ever been to a bar before?"


"Interesting... You're hired"

"Really?" you ask, surprised at how easy this is going.

"Well yeah, I figure having a girl working here will be enough to bring in more customers" he admits.

"I'm (Y/N)" you tell him, extending a hand out for him to take.

"I'm August. But i figure you already know that" he says, accepting your handshake. "Can i get you a drink?" he offers, leaning down to grab a glass cup.

"Just water please"

"Interesting choice. One water coming up" he says and you can't help but crack a small smile. Handing you the glass, you sip from it and turn in your chair to admire the rest of the bar.

"You got a nice place here. Aren't very many of those on Pandora" you say, playing around with the straw in your drink. You and your sisters have been stuck on Pandora ever since you were born. It's safe to say that the #1 thing all of you want is to be able to one day look down on Pandora from space and finally be off this dump of a planet.

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