Lord Morgryn - 1

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Laying in filth and dust, you shift around on the wooden plank trying to find a comfortable position. It's only been a couple of hours since you've been thrown in prison by Lannister guards and you are already on the brink of having a severe meltdown. You close your eyes and try to sort through the mess you have gotten yourself into. You technically never did anything wrong, yet who would believe a naive and defenseless girl such as yourself? Especially in kings landing... You would say it was self defense, while others would flat out call it murder.

The sound of keys fiddling in the lock of your door causes your head to turn, watching as your cell opens quick to reveal Lord Morgryn standing on the other side. You immediately position yourself up and off the wooden flank to stand and straighten your dress. Your watch as he hands the key to the guards and slowly enters your cell, closing the door behind him. Your heart beats quick for two reasons: because surely he has come to your rescue once more, and for the small crush you developed on him many days ago.

"Lord Morgryn! Oh.. thank the gods. I knew you would come, you've always somehow managed to help me when i need it the most!" you talk quick from excitement, frantically moving to close the space between you two. You immediately regret coming off so forward as he looks taken back from your eagerness. Your smile fades and you take a step back to give him some space, observing his stern facial expression from a short distance. You play around with your hands, nervously awaiting for him to break the silence. Instead, he paces around the cell quietly forcing you to follow him with your eyes. He stops at the window, gazing out as he finally begins to talk.

"I'm sorry about this (Y/N)... I really am..." he begins to say, his voice so quiet you're not entirely sure you've even heard him correctly.


"I hate to corner you like this when you're already in such a horrible position, but my status is more important than my feelings for someone" he explains, talking louder this time for you to hear although you still have no idea what he's talking about.

"Morgryn? What's going on?" you ask, slightly raising your voice out of anxiousness. A few seconds of anguishing silence go by before he answers.

"I want you as my wife" he firmly states, turning to look at you over his shoulder. You are so taken back by his unexpected words that you just stare at him in confusion. His wife? Why is he asking you now? Why is he suddenly acting so cold? All these questions burst through your head as you frantically decide what to ask first.

"Your wife? Lord Morgryn.. I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm not exactly in the ideal position for a marriage proposal right now. Besides, have you lost your mind? Why would you even think of proposing to someone like me?" you ask, shaking your head as you speak.

"This makes a lot of sense for both of us actually" he replies, turning around completely to face you.

"And why's that?"

"Listen (Y/N)... I wan't Ironrath, and you're going to give it to me" he crosses his arms, staring at you firmly with nothing but seriousness. Ironrath is your house ruled by your brother, and now Morgryns' demanding he rule it?

"Look Morgryn, I'm not sure what's gotten into you, but i don't appreciate your bold statements. I don't care what you want, Ironrath belongs to my family and always will" you speak up, defending your home.

"You don't think i know that? I've already got everything sorted out. You see, it's quite simple actually. Lord Whitehill will take care of the remainder of your family leaving Ironrath for you, and through marriage, it'll fall to me" he finishes with a grin on his face. You turn your back to him in frustration, unable to believe the words coming out of his mouth. All this time you had thought he had genuinely cared for you, but it was all just a lie so he could have his own kingdom.

"Do you really think I'd just let that happen!" you shout over your shoulder, clenching your fists in anger.

"I do, and you will" he speaks, the sound of his footsteps moving towards you forcing you to back away from him until your back hits the stone wall. His body is firmly pressed against yours now, hands pressed to the wall to keep you from escaping. Your heart beats embarrassingly fast in your chest making it hard for you to control your breathing. You have never been this close to Morgryn before, and to your surprise he is even more attractive up close.

"You'll save my life, and in return i give you Ironrath. Seems like a good trade, but at what cost? You'll keep me locked up forever" you speak breathlessly, trying to remain strong and composed.

"Well.. not entirely. I not only get Ironrath, but i get the beautiful girl I've had my eyes on for quite some time now" he adds. Your eyes widen at his words, part of you glad that he has some feelings for you even though you've seen a not so pleasant side of him. As crazy as this is, you can't help but feel like agreeing to his offer. He may be greedy and forceful, but you can't help but still feel incredibly drawn to him. His eyes scan yours and you soon get lost in the blue color. The feeling of his lips eagerly attacking your neck brings you back to reality, your mouth opening to gasp at his action.

"What are you doing?!" You immediately say, pushing him off of you. He ignores you, moving to attack the other side of your neck now.

"Morgryn! Stop it!" you repeat, pushing him weakly. You can feel your body screaming to give in. Once more, he resumes kissing your neck and you give up this time, leaning back against the wall. Your eyes close, soaking in the wet and pleasurable feeling. It's all over too soon as he pulls away, moving to whisper in your ear.

"I promise there's plenty more where that came from. All you have to do is say yes.." his warm breath hits your ear as he speaks, his hands squeezing against your waist. Completely defeated, you shyly look up at him, nodding your head in agreement. His mouth twitches up into a smirk making your whole face turn red. You watch as his eyes bounce from your gaze to your lips several times. Finally, he moves in slow and gentle to plant a soft kiss on your lips.

"Come along now my betrothed, we've got lots of planning ahead of us" he speaks loudly so the guards hear and open the door, gripping your hand to lead you out of the prison.

The End

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