John Doe (Joker) x Reader - 1

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*This is a way longer one-shot than I normally write, but I got a little carried away and haven't updated in quite awhile so I thought this could be an exception*

"Seriously Selina, do I have to come with you to give them this thing?" you spoke through heavy breathing.

You struggle to keep up as she leads you past corners and alley ways you never knew existed up until now.

"Alright - #1, when I'm in costume, it's to hide my identity. You calling me Selina kind of gives the whole thing away"

She pauses to roll her eyes at you.

"And #2 – yes, you have to come with me. I'm not going to face that freak show alone".

"Ahhh yes. That actually brings me to my next point. You actually have a costume, Catwoman". Something about using her disguise name always felt funny coming from your lips. "Whereas I... Well, just look at me"

You pause, leaning forwards to gesture dramatically at the basic outfit in which you wore.

You had seen The Pact once before. Harley Quinn had her over-the-top clown outfit, Bane had his mask. Freeze is well... Freeze, and John had his green hair and pale skin. Even Selina and Bruce shared the similarity of a hidden identity.

You on the other hand are going in as, well... just you.

Selina barely pays any attention to you or your words, instead freezing at the entrance. Before you can even open your mouth, she mumbles under her breath.




"You're the one that talked!"

You watch with arms crossed as Selina leans her ear against the steel door.

"It's Bruce Wayne" she finally fills you in.

"Ahh... that Bats" you say with a smirk, raising an eyebrow at her even though she's giving you the glare.

"Don't make me regret telling you"


She types in the passcode as she speaks.

"Well, maybe tonight won't be completely boring after all..."

You can hear the smirk in her voice, knowing full well what she's implying.

"Uh uh. No way are you ditching me to roll around with Bruce Wayne. Not after you've dragged me all the way out here for no god damn reason"

The door creeks open, allowing you both a way inside.

"Oh relax would you" her voice now a whisper. "Maybe you'll get lucky too. I hear John's single"

Your head snaps in her direction.

"Are you serious right now?"

"Uhh yeah". She raises a hand, picking at her long black nails. "The last time we saw him he couldn't take his eyes off you".

You shiver at the thought.

"Besides, he's not that bad looking... under the right lighting"


"I've got what you need".

Catwoman makes her entrance first, dropping effortlessly from the ledge and into the large area. You follow behind in a much less smooth fashion, landing loudly on your feet. The sound from your fall continues to echo through the air as you inch closer to the group.

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