Bigby - 2

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"Who would murder a poor girl like that?" you ask, looking up at Bigby who was just as unsure as you are. You could tell that this whole case was stressing him out.

"I don't know, but I think the best suspect we have is the Woodsman. He was beating on her earlier before I intervened" Bigby replies, scratching at his stubble.

"Well, we better try looking in the Trip Trap. We aren't just going to find him by standing here" you tell him, leaning down to grab your bag and head towards the door.

"(Y/N), maybe you should stay here. It's just that this case is serious and I don't want to see you get hurt" Bigby says from behind you causing you to stop and let out a sigh. You turn back around to approach him, hesitantly placing a gentle hand on his arm.

"I know you want to make sure I'm safe, but I'm just not going to sit around here and do nothing. I'm tired of doing errands for Crane. I want to be your partner in crime" you say, looking up at him hoping he understands. Bigby looks into your eyes and his expression softens.

"Ok fine, you can come with me IF you wait in the taxi while I investigate the Trip Trap" he says and you remove your hand from his arm.

"Fine... I guess that's fair" you agree, walking with Bigby out of the office and down the elevator. Opening the front door, you breathe in the warm air and Bigby waves his hand out for a taxi. Within seconds, a taxi pulls over to the side and Bigby opens the door for you. You smile shyly at him, getting in and he follows, slamming the door shut behind him.

"Trip Trap" he says to the taxi driver who nods his head and begins driving. You look out the window trying to get a sense of everything that was going on. You couldn't believe that just the other night a head was practically left at your doorstep. You lean your head against your arm feeling tired from all the research you and Bigby have been doing these past 2 days. Suddenly, you feel a hand on your knee and turn your head to see Bigby staring at you.

"Are you alright?" he asks, gently squeezing your leg between his hand. Bigby normally isn't the type of person to show any type of affection so your heart jumps at his sudden touch.

"I'll be fine. I'm just still trying to make sense of this whole situation. It's scary to think that she was just a normal fable living a normal life only one week ago and now she's been murdered. It makes me think, whose next? I just don't know. " you explain, keeping your eyes glued to your lap. Bigby slides his hand off your knee only to bring it up under your chin, moving your head so that your eyes are on his.

"You don't need to worry when I'm by your side. I'm going to put an end to this" he says confidently. You both look over at the taxi driver to catch him staring before quickly bringing his eyes back on the road. Bigby frowns when he realises he was being watched and moves his hand back to his side, now staring out the window. You find it cute how nervous and embarrassed he gets when he shows any sign of affection which only adds to your feelings for him. Only a few moments later, the taxi driver pulls over to the side of the road coming to a stop in front of the Trip Trap.

"Alright, remember what we talked about. Just stay in the car and I'll be back soon" he says, turning his body to face you. The nerves begin to kick in as you feel worried for him but you don't let it show. Instead, you nod to him offering a weak smile. He glances over at the taxi driver again, then back at you before quickly leaning in to peck your cheek. Your heart jumps at his sudden kiss and you watch as he hurries out of the taxi, closing the door behind him. He leans down, looking at you through the window.

"I won't be long" he says as he turns around but your words stop him.

"Bigby! Just... Please be careful" you say shyly, still flustered from his kiss.

"Always" he says, flashing you a smile and entering the Trip Trap.

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