Its Here

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Tilly's POV
I open my eyes to find my grandpa next to me looking out the window grandma is not on the bed anymore.
"Morning grandpa sorry I feel asleep on you"
"Morning darling no need to be sorry I tried to move you next to your grandma but you held onto me so tight I stayed where I was it reminded me of when you were younger and you wouldn't let me go cause you were scared" he kisses my temple.
"I guess I'm just nervous well excited nervous it's a big change I'm looking forward to"
"I thought so ,you better get up and ready we have to go in a few hours" he gets up and walks out the room. The smile drops off my face I don't want to go I want to stay here I'm scared, no push them thoughts aside Tilly remember why your doing this get moving. After my pep talk I shower and get ready, going downstairs I walk into the kitchen and go to grandma giving her a hug.
"Morning grandma"
"Morning honey"she sniffs I hold her tighter and I don't want to let go by the way she is holding me I know she doesn't want to let go either and I'm happy to stay in her arms. reluctantly she takes a step back and kisses my cheek then carries on cooking. I set the table, when all the food is on the table we sit down, just as I'm about to reach for the potatoes I  see a tear roll down my grandmas cheek it hurts so much to think that I have done that, getting up I gently pull her up and hold onto her.
"Grandma please don't cry I won't go I'll stay here I can't bear the thought I made you cry  grandma I love you so much"
"Oh hush! I'm just being a silly old fool let me have my tears my baby is leaving home you can't expect me not to cry I wouldn't be normal now come on let's eat".
Sitting down I almost cracked no not almost I did crack I want to stay here. When she said normal oh god that word I hate that word I want to feel normal I dont want to cry or be down all the time or feel like I have no energy to do anything. Putting a smile on my face I look at grandma she smiles at me and squeezes my hand.
After breakfast grandma makes me do a sweep to make sure I have everything that I need she gives me a book with lots of recipes in and has made me a first aid kit. I cannot put it off any longer it's time to go my flight is at twelve noon, walking around the house one last time there are memories everywhere. I  smile coming down the stairs my grandparents are at the door.
"This will always be your home and you can come back anytime" grandma kisses my cheek, locking up we get into the car as we drive a way I want to turn around so desperately ,I want to go sit in my chair look out into the woods with a hot chocolate I want to run through the woods in wolf form. Oh god oh god I'm starting to panic, deep breaths just take deep breaths Tilly I tell myself over and over after a while it works and I feel myself calm down. Looking out the window I notice we have arrived at the airport.
"Are you ok?"
"I am grandma are you?"
"Your always thinking of others honey ,I'm ok" we get out the car grandpa has my bags on a trolly.  I check in there is about ten minuets before I have to board. Sitting in the cafe I have a bottle of water.
"Darling pass me your bag"
"Here you go grandma" I hand my bag over and watch her go through making sure I have everything, looking at grandpa he is smiling so am I. Part of me wishes time would move on so I can drop this smile another part of me wants this to last.
"By the way dear I phoned the agent she has left the keys under the pot by the door so you can go straight there, Sure you will be tired but please call as soon as you get there no matter what time promise me"
"I promise grandma, what have you been up to?"
"Who? me nothing dear" I look at grandpa he smiles at me just then it's announced that I have to board all the smiles fade, walking with me as far as they can go I pull them both into a hug.
"I love you both so much I'll visit every holiday I get". I have to go with one last hug I walk away and check in I look back and see grandpa has his arms around grandma they give me a wave I wave back and make my way into the plane. As soon as I go round the corner I want to run back the pain in my chest increases placing my hand on my chest trying to ease some of the pain. On the plane I take my seat I'm so scared and now I'm alone.

Landing in Australia I get my bags and go outside I see a taxi sign and wait in the queue which isn't that long soon enough I have my bags in the taxi and I read out the address. I sit back only thing I think is I have done? ,it hurts worse than ever, trying my best to hold the tears in I'm more than relieved when I arrive ,handing the money over and get my bags.
The key is where grandma said it would be, opening the door I take my bags inside and just drop them, the place is bare all I want to do is sleep it's eleven pm and I feel like I haven't slept for ages. Taking a look around I walk into the bedroom last and the sight makes me want to cry the room is done beautifully, so this is what grandma did I take my shoes off and climb on the bed, opening my bag I take out my phone and charger along with my laptop placing the laptop on the bedside table I plug it in along with my phone charger, keeping to my word I call grandma.
"Hello Tilly you ok? Are you home? Did you lock the door? Have you eaten?"
"Grandma yes to all the above I'm safe I just got here"
"Oh good good I love you darling"
"I love you to grandma"
"Hello honey I'm happy to hear you have arrived safely what time is it there?"
"Just after eleven grandpa"
"Well you get some sleep we will talk to you tomorrow I love you honey"
"I love you both so much I'll talk to you tomorrow and thank you for setting the bedroom up"
"There isn't anything we wouldn't do for you goodnight sweet dreams"
"Night grandma, grandpa I hang up the phone and plug it in to charge I lie down and cry wanting nothing more to be at home than here then I remember why I'm doing this it doesn't help, not bothering to get undressed I just lie there and let sleep take over.

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