New Rooms.

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Tilly's p.o.v
Buckling the kids in we all get into the cars and vans making our way home when we get home I ask grandma and ma if they will take the kids to grandmas I want to get everything set up.
"Of course darling" I kiss the kids goodbye and watch them leave
"Baby where do you want this?" It's the sofa and chair
"Can you put the sofa in the library and the chair in the family room" Storm and Camden do that "Stephen, Conner will you put the white bedroom furniture in Emily's room"
"Yes Luna"
"Thank you". I grab the toys and blankets taking them to the utility room and put the blankets into wash.
"In the utility room honey" Camden walks in
"What you doing?"
"Washing the blankets and toys they have been in storage for a year"
"Can you go to Emily's room all the furniture is in the hallway they didn't know where to put it and I thought there mom would want to do it"
"I will honey I'll get some cleaning supplies I want to clean it all, can you and Storm clean Aaron's furniture by the time I finish you should be ready to arrange it"
"Sure baby" I kiss Camden then we get some cleaning supplies and I head upstairs. I see Stephen and Conner waiting
"Thank you for bringing this up I'm ok now I need to clean it if Camden doesn't need you you can go"
"Your welcome Luna" I smile at them they leave, I get to cleaning the furniture it's not that bad everything was covered, once I'm happy everything is clean I put it in place and take all the tags off there new stuff hanging them up, filling her draws, I place her books on her book shelf by the time I'm done it looks like a girls room. Arms go around me
"You did a fantastic job baby"
"Thank you honey"
"I have left the top of the draws free cause I want to put some pictures there of all of us and there parents" Camden kisses my cheek.
"Aaron's furniture is ready"
"Good let's go" we walk to Aaron's room and I tell them where to place the furniture, I pull the tags off everything and put them all away I place his bear by his pillow, standing by the door I look around now this is a boys room
"It's beautiful baby"
"I hope they like there rooms"
"They will Tilly cause you both did them"
"Why Storm what do you want?"
"Me I was being nice" I laugh there is a knock at the door, we walk downstairs and I go to the utility room the blankets have finished washing I place them in the dryer and  place two teddies in the washer. Walking into the kitchen I see Susan and her mate sitting at the table.
"Susan wanted to speak to you" I walk to the table and sit down, Storm is nowhere to be seen
"Luna this is my husband Terry"
"Hello Terry"
"Luna we had a misunderstanding and when you left I stood in that room and thought about what you said, you were right it wasn't a good room. They were always so quite,I didn't try hard enough we didn't try hard enough".
"I got so worked up because I know what they went through I lost my parents in a car accident when I was six, my grandparents raised me without them I don't know what would of happened"
"Oh Luna I'm sorry to hear that"
"This isn't about me it's about them and when you have a massive event in your life like that you have to try and try really hard" the door opens and Storm, Aaron and Emily walk in they are holding Storms hands they look  at us and put there heads down. Shit they think we are sending them away no way
"Hello darlings did you have fun at grandma and grandpas" I hold my arms out they let go of Storm and come running to me and Camden we pick them up
"Grandma smacked uncle Storm"
"Did she?"
"Yes and I laughed" Emily smiles
"Did you have fun son?" Camden asks
"Grandpa gave us cookies dad" we hear a gasp I look at Susan
"There is nothing more to be said on the matter so if you don't mind we have to feed our children"
"Oh yes of course Luna, Alpha, Storm bye Aaron, Emily" they just put there heads in our necks. Storm let's them out.
"We have a surprise for you both want to see?"
"Ok come on" me and Camden walk up the stairs with them we come to Emily's room first she opens the door and gasps, she goes to the draws and opens them then the wardrobe the bedside tables she is quite this is not good I'm getting more nervous by the second. She turns around and runs to us grabbing our legs
"Thank you mom dad I love it"
"Oh sweetie I'm so happy you like it" we walk to Aaron's room and he opens the door he does the same as Emily did checking the draws and wardrobe he runs his hands over the cars on his wardrobe
"I love it mom dad"
"Oh sweetie that makes us so happy" we walk back downstairs and my grandparents and ma and pa to the kids go running over.
"Come on grandma, grandpa come see our rooms"
"Ok ok were coming" they are all just about to go up when Aaron says
"Come on uncle Storm"
"I'm coming" they all go upstairs I am tired I just want to cuddle but the day has been good it's only five pm, it feels a lot longer.
"Honey can I look at the the folders of the pack members I want to be able to put a face to the names"
"Of course baby come on".  We go to the office and leave the door open there's a big file cabinet Camden unlocks it and pulls a few folders out I take them and start looking through them.
"How many people are in the pack?"
"About two hundred people" I read through the files put in front of me.
"Daddy we want ice cream" Emily comes running in
"I don't know have you both been good?"
"Yep" Arron says looking at them seeing Camden with Emily and Aaron on his lap it's a picture perfect moment Storm must of thought the same thing as he takes out his phone and starts snapping.
"What do you think baby"
"I don't know let me think"
"Ok they can have some ice cream"
"Are you coming baby?"
"No I need to see the pack doctor and talk to the warriors"
"You be good for your dad"
"We will" they run out the room, Camden comes and gives me a kiss minuets later the kids come running in with there coats on I kiss there cheeks and they run out again I shake my head smiling and continue reading the files. My grandparents and ma and pa and Storm walk in.
"You need anything darling?"
"No I'm good grandma why don't you go and spend some time together I'm just reading files"
"Ok call if you need anything"
"I will and thank you all for everything" once I'm alone I continue reading.

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