Big Decision.

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Tilly's POV
The door opens hitting the wall Storm and this other guy comes in, in the next instant I'm in his arms he is kissing down my neck I'm shaking badly.
"What's the matter love why are you shaking?" I can't speak I look at Storm and that makes him growl.
"Alpha this is Tilly the woman I was telling you about" Tilly the Tilly that doesn't want her mate, well to bloody bad we are not going anywhere "that's right my wolf agrees" we love her already.
"My beautiful mate"
"Let me go!" I don't let her go but stand with my hands on her hips
"What's wrong?"
"I don't want a mate I can't please reject me do it now!"
"No you are mine"
"I don't want to be get off me"
"Why don't you want me?"
"I can't please I just can't" I see Storm looking at me with sad eyes
"Leave Storm!"
"No please Storm no" He growls at me but I don't care I have to get away.
"I'm taking you home you want me to leave you you can explain there"
"Fine" this is good if I can convince him make him see reason then maybe he will leave.
"Get your stuff I'll talk to Jennifer" he walks out the room I grab my stuff and leave out the back door I just need to think running to the edge of the woods I strip and let my wolf take over I grab my stuff with my mouth. I run but it's not long till I hear paws behind me I run faster but it's not enough I skid to a halt as a big black wolf is in front of me I turn to run but I see Storm in his wolf I lie on the floor and close my eyes. A warm wet tongue is licking my fur I know it's Him cause of the sparks he stops and I'm lifted up into his arms my eyes are still closed and I know it's him cause of the sparks, more pain just great this is all I need I'm a mess already and now I will hurt my wolf, to exhausted to fight anything at the moment I fall asleep still in wolf form.

Camden POV
We arrive at her cottage and I place my beautiful mate on the sofa in her wolf form and cover her with the throw on the back, walking into the kitchen Storm is there I sit at the table he places a coffee In front of me.
"I'm so happy I found her at last Storm I won't reject her ever!"
"I know I think a lot of time and patience is what is needed"
"Yes I think so to I'll be staying here tonight can you run back to the pack house get me some clothes and my laptop mind link me if you need anything"
"Sure I'll go now"
"It will work out Camden it will". He leaves and I go back to my mate, sitting on the sofa next to her I run my fingers through her fur my mate my Luna she is so beautiful so perfect the moon goddess choose the perfect mate for me.

Tilly's POV
Opening my eyes I feel sparks then everything comes back to me I jump up I'm still in my wolf form, he looks at me with so much love it hurts I walk to my bedroom and shut the door with my snout. Changing back I get dressed I sit on the bed, after a while the door opens He walks in and sits beside me
"Please reject me and go away!"
"No" I start to cry he puts his arms around me and I never felt so safe but I can't let this happen I start to push him away.
"Tilly stop!"
"You said you would let me explain and then you would go"
"Explain to me then" with a shaky breath I start.
"I don't deserve love or a mate you really want to be with somebody who finds it hard to be happy?, somebody who finds it hard to get through the day?. Your an Alpha for god sake I'm trying to help you, having me as a Luna you will be laughted at, I just want to get through my life the best way I can". tears are streaming down my face "I'm doing this to help you I'm miserable I won't burden myself else with that or anyone else".
"What about your family?"
"My parents are dead they died when I was six my grandparents brought me up and before you ask they don't know about this it's why I moved" I sob "I miss them so much and it's only been a few days please reject me cause it hurts to much"
"No I won't"
"But you said"
"No I asked you to tell me why, your my mate your meant for me I love you already we can get through this we will get through this baby"
"I can't please please reject me please" I'm on my knees In front of him, picking me up he puts me on his lap and soon I am asleep.

Camden POV
Sitting here with my mate on my lap  Storm comes in I stand up with my mate and put her to bed closing the door I head back to Storm.
"Did you get my laptop?"
"Yes Alpha"
"Thank you I need to research this and call her grandparents"
"Your not going to reject her are you?"
"How can you ask me that? leave NOW!"
"I'm sorry" Storm leaves I type in depression and I'm amazed at what I find I must have been reading for three hours. Wiping my hand down my face I grab her phone looking at the time I see it's one am in the morning, looking through her contacts I see grandma and grandpa I press call.
"Tilly you ok? why are you up so late?"
"Mrs Webb this is Camden I am Tilly's mate"
"Oh it's nice to hear she found her mate but where is Tilly?"
"She is asleep I wanted to speak with you both, as Tilly's mate I want what is best for her I only found her today. She wants to reject me, I'm really sorry to tell you this but Tilly suffers from depression my beta found out and she admitted it to me. She misses you both terribly"
"What?" for the next hour I explain to them what she told me and by the time we hang up they have there tickets booked and will be here tomorrow night. Sitting back I think to myself I do have a pack to run can I have a depressed Luna? Will this make her worse? Should I reject her? Would that be the best thing for her?.
I have a lot to think about I sit there for hours and just think then with a smile on my face I know what I have to do.

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