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Tilly's p.o.v
Waking up I feel Camden's arms around my waist I turn into him snuggling closer to his chest. His arms tighten around me.
"You ok baby?"
"Yes"I sniff rolling on top of me he looks into my eyes, I lean up and attach my lips to his I need to feel close to him, putting my hands under his shirt he breaks the kiss
"Camden please I need you"
"You sure?"
"Yes" he looks at me once more and leans down and kisses me, a few hours later I'm lying in bed with my head on Camden's chest.
"Are you sore baby"
"A bit"
"I'm sorry"
"I'm not we are mated now and thank you for waiting for me" it mean a lot to me knowing that Camden waited for his mate
"I didn't want to be with anyone but my mate" we get up and go to the shower, after getting dressed we go downstairs I open the fridge surprised that it's full.
"I was thinking that we could move tomorrow if that's ok"
"Alright I love our new home" I sip my drink there is a knock at the door Camden opens it it's my grandparents
"Come in you don't have to knock" they come in and sit down
"This looks beautiful"
"I thought so to grandma hopefully we will be spending a lot of time here"
"We will honey".
"More treats for me"grandpa laughs we all laugh along with him, looking at the people around the table I cannot believe that in the past two weeks I am mated and Luna to the Midnight Forest pack my grandparents are here with me, I have opened up to what I have.
All I can think about is Aaron and Emily I was only a year older when I lost my parents, thinking about my parents I  feel tears come to my eyes
"What you thinking about sweetheart?"
"My parents grandpa"
"They would be so proud of you"
"I hope so grandpa"
"Come on let's go get you packed"
"Ok Camden, grandma grandpa I'm moving in here tomorrow and if you like you can stay in the cottage"
"That's wonderful darling" grandma and grandpa get up and hug me, just then Storm walk in.
"Hello all"
"Hi Storm, Tilly and me are moving in tomorrow send some people over to the cottage about ten to help"
"Yes Alpha"
"Thanks buddy". We walk back through the forest Getting to the cottage I walk to the bedroom I don't really have a lot the furniture will stay here of course so it's only a case of my clothes and laptop and a few other things. I remember I have some boxes in the garden I go grab some then start packing my books clothes, with not having a lot It only takes a few hours then everything is ready. Camden and grandpa are watching sports grandma is in the kitchen I walk in to help.
"Stew yum" I take a sniff over the pot "grandma this smells wonderful"
"Thank you darling" I set the table it's a little small I wonder how everyone will fit
"What's the matter?"
"Just wondering how everyone will fit grandma"
"Don't worry I have that covered now take these drinks in and tell them both not to touch they are to go with our dinner"
"Ok". Taking the drinks in there eyes don't move from the tv I roll my eyes, walking back into the kitchen I see grandma plating up she places two big Bowles on the table (as wolves we eat a lot) I watch her go to the door.
"Come on dinner is ready" Camden and grandpa walks in and sits down. Grabbing my bowl I wonder again how we fit
"Come on Tilly" I follow grandma into the front room we sit down I smile at her
"Very cleaver grandma" she laughs and turns the tv over. Just as we finish eating Camden and grandpa walk in without saying a word grandma holds her bowl out I can't help myself I laugh.
"Good job I love you woman" grandpa says and kisses her Camden takes my bowl and kisses me I blush I can't help it. A few minuets later Camden and grandpa come back, I snuggle into Camden.
"Did you get everything packed?"
"Yes there is not a lot but I'll do a check later" I must of fallen asleep, I wake up to being on Camden's lap
"Sorry" I smile when I notice all of them looking at me with sad eyes
"What happened?" I'm nervous about what they are going to say, my grandma speaks.
"Tilly darling you were dreaming and calling for your mom and dad not to leave you. Have you had that dream before?"
"Yes I have I didn't know that I talk in my sleep"
"You were whispering baby that's why we heard you" I can't look at my grandparents
"I think the dream came back because I have been thinking about Aaron and Emily. Excuse me I need to check that I have packed everything", I go to my bedroom and close the door, deciding to have a shower I grab my pyjamas and go to the bathroom, turning the shower on I slip under the hot water.
Looking at the tiles In front  of me I don't notice the tears streaming down my face, putting my face under the water I cry trying to keep my voice down, closing my eyes I stand under the water, arms come around my waist without opening my eyes I turn around and bury my head in Camden's neck warping my arms around his waist.
"I'm s-sorry I-I'm h-having a m-moment"
"Sshh baby let it out" he is holding me so tightly and I'm grateful, slowly my tears stop and Camden washes me I put my pyjamas on, sitting on the bed I look at a suitcase I haven't opened yet and go over to it, taking a deep breath I open it and move some of the clothes out the way I see the teddy bear that my parents got me when I was a baby I hold it close to me. Looking back in the case I take out the photo album that I haven't looked at in years. Getting up I walk over to the chair by the window. Camden comes out the bathroom
"What you got there baby?"
"The photo album of my parents I haven't looked at it in years it hurts to much"
"Come I think it's time" he takes my hand and leads me back to the front room just as grandma comes out the kitchen.
"I made some hot chocolate for you both"
"Thanks grandma" I take the hot chocolate and sit down I see my grandparents looking at the album
"Would you like to look through this with me?"
"Of course darling" we all sit together my mother her name was Harlow my grandparents daughter my fathers name was Neil. Touching the cover of the album I cannot open it yet.
"Grandpa when we can can I have the chair at home brought over here?"
"Of course honey" the chair in my room means so much to me cause it was my mothers chair and she had it made and use to read to me in it with me on her lap.
Taking a deep breath I open the photo album.

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