Cookies Or Cup cakes.

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Camden's p.o.v
Me and storm are alone in the office now and he has been quite "You ok Storm?"
"Yes I'm happy Sophie found her mate"
"You just wish you could find yours"
"Yes" Storm looks so sad I wish I could help him, he is my best friend
"Storm you will find her"
"I hope so Camden I hope so, do you need me for anything I just want to be on my own"
"No you go" he walks out and I sit there worrying about my best friend.

Tilly's  p.o.v
"Hi grandma" she walks straight up to me and hugs me so tight, more arms come around me and I see it's grandpa, pulling away I see tears in there eyes and my guilt comes back reminding me how stupid I was.
"I'm ok I was so stupid I won't be that stupid again" they smile at me they can't talk cause they will cry. Ma and pa comes up to me and hug me pulling away I place a hand on there cheeks
"I'm ok" I see the kids looking at us "so what are we making?"
"Cookies mamma" Aaron says
"Oh can I help?"
"Yes" they shout I roll my sleeves up and put an apron on the rest of the day we make lots of cookies and cup cakes, the table is full so are the counters.

Camden's p.o.v
I'm still in the office when the kids come running In
"Dad dad come see what we did" they both take one of my hands trying to pull me up I get up
"Ok ok I'm coming" I laugh when we get into the kitchen I see cookies and cup cakes everywhere "wow you did all this?"
"Yes with grandmas and pa's" Emily says
"And mamma helped" Aaron says
"You did fantastic" the kids look at me smiling
They go to the table and come back "daddy try this" Aaron hands me a cookie
"Daddy try this" Emily hands me a cup cake I take a bite of the cookie and moan
"Oh this is wonderful" Emily and Aaron stand In front of me there hands clasped jumping up and down, I take a bite of the cup cake and moan again "oh this is wonderful to" the kids jump up and down "baby I think we got two little bakers on our hands"
"I think your right honey"
"Can we take them out and give them to people?" Aaron asks
"Ok go help mom put them in tubs" they run off to Tilly and they place them in tubs, when they are ready we put there coats on and gloves it's getting a little chilly, placing a tub in there hands I open the door, we walk up the path and we see Jennifer straight away they go running up.

Tilly's p.o.v
"Have a cup cake or cookie" they say together
"They all look delicious I think I'll have a cookie" she takes a bite "oh my this is wonderful" the kids smile at her and then they see Sally they run over to her
"Have a cup cake or cookie"
"I'll have a cup cake" she picks one up and takes a bite "these are yummy did you make these?"
"We did". This is how the afternoon went but seeing them happy makes me happy. By the time we get home the kitchen is all clean and tidy, grandma is cooking while ma is setting the table. I take the kids coats and gloves off, me and Camden take the kids for a bath and put there pyjamas on, going back downstairs the food is just being put out we sit at the table grandma has made burgers and chips with salad and onion rings.
"This is a treat" grandma says
"Where is uncle Storm?" Aaron asks
"Uncle Storm is busy and will come see you again soon" I look at Camden and he shakes his head everyone leaves so it's just us and the kids we finish our food and the kids are yawning.
"Go brush your teeth and wash your hands then I'll tell you a story"
"Ok mamma" they go upstairs while I wash up and Camden drys
"What's going on with Storm?"
"He is sad that he hasn't found his mate"
"I'm sure he will find her"
"That's what I told him" I wrap my arms around Camden kissing his cheek he holds me tight and takes a deep breath. I walk upstairs just as the kids are coming out of there rooms dragging there teddies.
"I have something to show you" they follow me into our room "this is the chair I was telling you about" they climb on the chair and sit down "this is where my mom use to read to me do you want me to read to you here?"
"Yes mamma"
"Ok go pick out a book" they both run off and come back minuets later with a book in hand, I take the book and sit on the chair I pick Aaron up and sit him on my lap and pick Emily up and sit her next to me, I start reading the story and ten minuets later Camden comes walking in he takes his phone out and takes a picture then turns it around to show me, I smile I put the book down Emily and Aaron are asleep Camden picks up Emily and I stand with Aaron we take them to our rooms and put them In bed placing there teddies next to them and kissing there cheeks. Me and Camden go to our room and take a shower we make love under the water then, putting my pyjamas on I we get into bed I lie my head on Camden's chest.
"Baby what's senses?"
"Mom told me a story that once there was a wolf that could sense what everyone was even if they hid there sent, it's a gift that is very rare and used correctly can protect the ones you love, in the story a warlock tried to get into a pack with the intent of killing wolves but thanks to the senses his plan never worked, she new straight away what he was and he was killed'. As soon as William came into contact with me I new what he was but I felt no danger from him. With Justin and the others I new they were bad" Camden growls I trace his his six pack with my fingers he calms down.
"What was you thinking walking through the woods on your own?"
"I wasn't thinking I was stupid I was happy for Sophie, I'm so sorry Camden I feel so stupid for putting myself in danger, it's a mistake I won't make again" I sniff
"Don't cry baby I love you so dam much I just couldn't imagine my life without you"
"I love you to" we lie there and eventually fall asleep.

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