First Time Parents.

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Tilly's p.o.v
Waking up I feel a small weight on top of me, I look down and see Emily has climbed on me and is fast asleep with her hands holding onto my pyjama top, placing my hand on her back I hold her to me she snuggles in to me. Looking over at Camden I see Aaron is in the same position as Emily it brings a smile to my face Camden has his arm around Aaron and is fast asleep. It's funny to see Aaron rise and fall with every breath Camden takes . I hope I can make them happy
Looking at Camden again I see he is awake
"Morning baby"
"Morning" the kids start to toss and turn then they open there eyes, Emily is looking at me, I lean forward and kiss her head
"Morning did you sleep ok" she nods her head, Aaron nods at me as well
"I have work to do will you be ok"
"Yes we will" Camden picks up Aaron and places him on the bed
"Ok kids you be good ok" they nod there head, Camden leans forward and kisses there cheeks and then my lips.
"Here this is for you get whatever you all want" with that he disappears in the bathroom,
"Yes babe"
"I'm taking my grandparents and I was thinking of asking Sophie"
"Sounds good I want to send some guards with you"
"Ok who?"
"Stephen and Conner just let me know when your ready"
"Ok" I look at the children "ok time to get washed and dressed we have a lot to do today" I pick them up and walk to there room starting with Aaron I put him in the bath.
"Grandma I'm in the bathroom" she comes walking in
"Has Emily had her bath?"
"Not yet"
"Do you want me to bath her and get her ready"
"Yes please" I mind link Camden "I'm failing already"
"Grandma has had to take care of Emily for me" I try to hold my tears in, Camden is now next to me
"Here let me" Camden takes over washing Aaron I walk into his room and put his clothes on the bed, walking into our room I jump in the shower,with the water running over me I let the tears fall. Just as I'm about to get out the curtain is pulled back and Camden has a towel in his hands I walk straight into his arms he wraps the towel around me.
"Talk to me?"
"I got overwhelmed it made me sad that Emily was waiting for me I felt like I failed already" I sniff we go into the bedroom and Camden pulls me on his lap.
"Baby I'm sorry it should be me and you, in the mornings it should be me and you getting them ready before anything else, forgive me"
"Looks like both of us have some things to learn" I laugh
"How about this we get the kids ready then while there having breakfast I'll go do a bit of work and I'll come with you today"
"Will you?"
"Of course baby"
"Thank you".
I get up and get dressed, putting my hair up in a pony tail I walk downstairs, grandma and grandpa are there, grandma at the stove and grandpa playing with the children.Aaron and Emily spot me and come running over, going to my knees they I hug them both. Just then Brian and Sharon come walking in I open my eyes to see all of them looking at us.
"Breakfast is ready" grandma says
"We all go sit down I have Emily and Aaron either side of me, grandpa reaches for a pancake and grandma smacks his hand the kids laugh with there hands over there mouths soon we are all laughing.
"I was wondering if you wanted to come with us today we have a lot to do, I got food shopping and furniture for the kids plus clothes"
"Yes we can come grandma says"
"Thanks grandma"
"Us to dear"
"Thank you". I blow out a breath they smile grandma gets up to do the washing up
"No grandma you cooked I'll clean" I'm at the sink washing the plates when I hear running, turning around I see Camden come through the door and the kids running up to him, he bends down and scoops them up he has one on each hip
"Have you finished your breakfast?"
"Yep" Emily says
"Ok go wash your hands" he puts them down and they run to the downstairs bathroom, coming over to me he wraps his arms around me and kisses my cheek, picking up a tea towel he starts drying the dishes. There is a knock at the door
"Come in" Camden calls in walks three guys
"Baby this is Stephen"
"Hi Stephen it's nice to be able to finally have the chance to talk to you"
"Luna the pleasure is mine"
Storm walks straight past us going to the fridge "Tilly, Alpha" I laugh
"You know that idiot"
"This is Conner"
"Hi Conner it's nice to meet you"
"Luna it's nice to meet you" I felt a little bad they had a BBQ for me to meet me but I didn't get to meet them all. The kids come running in and stop when they see everyone they hold hands it's like they think they are going to be separated it breaks my heart.
"Have you washed your hands?" They nod there head looking at the floor I can't take it walking over to them I kneel down,taking there hands in mine
"Look at me" they look up with teary eyes "nobody will ever take you away from us ok this is new to you and us but now we are a family" they throw themselves at me and I feel there tears on my neck. Camden is next to us and the kids move over to him he picks them up and walks to the bathroom I follow behind we wash there faces and they are back to smiling. Walking back into the kitchen I think we are ready
"Everyone ready?" Camden asks
"Yes" we go out to the cars and I mean cars there are five cars one for me Camden and the kids one for my grandparents one for his parents one for Conner and Stephen, one for Storm. I go over to our car and put the kids in the back making sure they are fastened in, then I climb into the passenger seat, I suddenly remember that I haven't asked Sophie to come with us.
"Oh no"
"What's the matter baby?"
"I forgot to ask Sophie" I sigh
"Maybe next time you have a lot on your mind baby"
"I'll ask her to go for coffee one day in the week" he smiles at me and leans over to kiss me we hear ewwww from the back seat we look back to see the kids with there hands over there faces, we laugh. We hear a beep from behind us and flashing lights
"That's Storm for you" Camden grunts making me smile he starts the car and we are on our way.

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