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Tilly's  p.o.v
The closer we got to the school the more they slowed down
"Do we have to?" Emily asks
"Yes you do you want to be smart right"
"Yes can you stay with us?" Aaron asks
"No honey we can't but I can promise you that we will be here to pick you up"
"You will?" Emily says
"Of course we will" Camden picks them up and walks to the playground we stand chatting with parents and children when it came time to leave my throat clogged up and I was trying to keep the tears at bay.
"We are going now" they held on to Camden tighter and I placed my hands on there backs rubbing "now you be good play with your friends, listen to the teacher and have fun, time will soon go and we will be here to pick you up"
"Ok" we kiss there cheeks put them down and watch them walk in we wait till they disappear inside. Camden takes my hand we walk back through the woods.
"Do you have a lot to do today?"
"A few things baby why?"
"Do you need help?"
"No but if you want to come with me it will make it more enjoyable"
"Sorry baby I'm going to see my grandparents and then Susan I was suppose to go the other day"
"Ok baby"
"Camden I didn't buy any furniture for the kids room because I want to get the stuff from storage I want them to have the best of both I'll need help later when I decide what to bring to the house"
"No problem baby anything you want". It's nice walking through the woods with the man I love, I never thought that I would be doing this walking with my mate being in love I sigh
"Penny for your thoughts"
"Just thinking how lucky I am to have you and the children the pack I never though I would be doing this you know"
"Standing in the woods with your mate holding you, you knowing how much I love you"
"That to honey" we kiss.
"Come on I'll walk you to your grandparents walking through the woods with the sun shining through the trees we arrive at my grandparents walking in I see Sharon and Brian
"Hi kids"
"Hi Sharon, Brian I go over and give them a hug "hi grandma grandpa" I hug them "so what you up to today?"
"Well Brian and grandpa are going golfing but darling we have a surprise for you" grandma smiles
"Can I have it?" They all laugh they all take me to the spare room there is a big box
"Open it darling" I open the box and tears come to my eyes I go to my grandparents and hug them both
"What is it?" Sharon asks
"Oh sorry let me show you". I take it out the box and set it down "this is the chair my mother had made and she use to read me stories when I was a little girl before she died"
"Oh sweetie" Sharon hugs me
"This is one of my favourite items in the world, grandma also read to me in this chair and now I have my own kids to read to in this chair, Camden will you take it home and put it in our room?"
"Of course baby" he kissed my cheek we walk back to the family room and sit down.
"So what are plans for today" grandpa asks
"I have some Alpha duties to attend to"
"I was going to ask if you want to come with me and you to Sharon I'm going to see Susan and see what stuff for the kids she has, then I was going to go to the storage and picking out furniture for the kids room from what they had with there parents, things can hold good memory's just like my chair does for me"
"That sounds like a great idea sweetie"
"Thanks so are you both free?"
"Yes darling do you want to go now?"
"If it's convenient for you both"
"Yes were ready sweetie".
We say goodbye to the guys and agree for all of us to meet at ours later and we will have a meal. Walking over to Susan's her house is beautiful a White House with a nice garden knocking on the door we wait
"Hello Luna"
"Hi Susan I'm sorry it took so long for me to come over I hope you don't mind I brought Sharon and my grandma"
"Of course not come in come in" we walk inside and she shows us to the room that Aaron and Emily were in.
"Would you like a drink?"
"I'll have a coffee please" she is now asking my grandma and Sharon I look around the room there is hardly anything in there a chest of draws and a wardrobe a double bed and a few toys I'm pissed I feel hands on my shoulders
"Sweetie you ok?"
"Look they have you both now"
"But they were here for a year a year and there is nothing here nothing" Susan comes back in the room
"Is everything ok?"
"Can I see one of your children's room?"
"Of course I'll show you around" we walk down the hall and she opens a door I take a step inside and it's a girls room it's painted pink toys everywhere kids wardrobes and draws it looks like the way a girls room should be, my anger is rising
"Did Emily ever sleep in here come in here?"
"No Luna they stayed in there own room"
"YOU CALL THAT A ROOM THERE IS NOTHING IN THERE FOR GOD SAKE, THIS IS A GIRLS ROOM NOT THAT BACK THERE THEY DONT EVEN HAVE MANY TOYS IN THERE. A YEAR YOU HAD THEM A YEAR THEY LOST THERE PARENTS AND THAT IS ENOUGH PAIN FOR ANYONE. NO WONDER THEY ALWAYS LOOKED SAD ALWAYS STUCK TOGETHER, ITS CLEAR TO ME THAT YOU DIDNT WANT THEM HERE" Alice is taking over I run outside and shift my clothes ripped to pieces I let alice have full control suddenly we are at the school and I go from class to class in my wolf form until I find them they are sitting at the back I go to push the door open when I hear
"Mommy and daddy not here" I hear Emily sniffle and I storm into the class room all the kids looked shocked the teacher calls them to the front of the class Emily and and Aaron look at me and I make my way over knocking chairs and tables out of the way once I reach them I lie down they get off there chairs and sit by my belly I wrap my body around them nobody will make them feel unwelcome again. They relax into me and play with my fur. The door opens and Camden, my grandparents along with his parents walk in
"Leave" Camden orders the teacher with the kids
"He will hate me now and reject me, iv made a fool of myself and have let him down, I knew I would mess up I tried to warn him that I was no good. I put my head down and I can feel round my eyes getting wet Camden becomes a blur with my tears.

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