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Tilly's p.o.v
Deciding to take a walk I put the files away and lock them up, I grab my coat and make my way out walking to the pack hospital inside i see sadie on a computer she sees me and stands up.
"Hello Luna"
"Hello sadie how are you?"
"I'm well Luna how are you?"
"I'm good thanks is Daniel around I would like to speak to you both"
"Yes of course" just then Daniel comes through the door
"Hello Luna"
"Hello Daniel I hope I'm not catching you at a bad time"
"No this is a good time please come through to my office". We walk through to his office and take a seat
"Have you both heard of the punishments I handed out to the four boys
"Yes Luna we did and can I just say I thought they were very fitting"
"Thank you so your also aware that for two of the weekends they are to train in there chosen jobs they want to have when they are older I should of checked with you first, I just wanted to make sure it was ok"
"Of course Luna can I ask what happens after the two weeks?"
"I am going to leave that totally up to you is you want to keep training him every weekend then that's up to you"
"That is good to know I'll put him through his paces"
"That's great and please if there is any problem with him let me know as I will be keeping an eye on all of them, sadie is this ok with you?"
"Oh yes Luna I have lots of small jobs for him"
"Great I'm happy that's settled. Daniel I need to speak to you privately it's about a medical problem"
"I'll leave you to it"
"Thank you sadie" sadie leaves and I get ready to tell Daniel my problem
"What can I help you with Luna?"
"I suffer from depression and some days are harder to get through than others I also know that people who have it don't like to talk to others about it incase of being judged, or not treated the same, and sometimes you need to talk to someone not so involved. What I want is to ask you if you would be willing to give therapy? not every illness is visible. Please don't feel pressured I'm only asking I want this pack to take care of all it's members"
"Luna I would be honoured to do this thank you so much for thinking enough of me to ask me to do this" he looks into space.
"Daniel is there something wrong?" He takes a deep breath
"I lost my mother to depression and my father tried to hang on for me but it was to much and he killed himself that's why I became I doctor I wanted to help people"
"Well then now I'm more that sure you are the guy for the job"
"Promise me Luna you ever feel so low call me please"
"I will Daniel and with setting this up hopefully we can help a lot more people"
"Luna sadie is my mate and has been with me since I took over as doctor I will keep it between us if you want but if it's ok can I tell her she will be so much help to me"
"Of course I just needed to see if you would be willing to do it"
"Thank you Luna"
"I must be on my way I need to have a word with the warriors we will all have dinner sometime"
"That would be wonderful Luna". He gets up and we walk out we all say our goodbyes again and I make my way to where the warriors train walking through the trees I come out into a clearing I stand there for a few minuets until I am spotted.
"Luna they all have there heads bowed
"Hello everyone please look up" they do
"What can we do for you Luna"
"I am here to ask for your help Finn" he looks surprised I know his name "have you all heard of the punishments that I handed out to four boys? well I need your help with three"
"We did here
"I hope you can forgive me for putting them on you without asking first Michael" he looks as surprised as Finn did "for the next two weekends I have said they will train with you they say they want to be warriors when they are older I want them to see how hard it is put them through there paces"
"We can do that Luna"
"Thank you Charlie after the two weekend if they want to keep training that I will leave up to you"
"Luna I would just like to say what you did for those children is amazing"
"That's very kind of you to say they are a blessing Ashley"
"We are happy the Alpha found you"
"I'm happy that I found him and this pack Dean"
"Would you like to watch us train Luna?"
"I would be honoured to watch you train Neil". I take a seat on the grass and watch them train in human and wolf form I sit there for ten minuets when they all turn and bow I see Camden walking towards me
"Please continue" Camden sits down with his arms around me
"Where are the kids?"
"With there grandparents"
"Want to see me train baby?"
"I would love to". He gets up and Camden is talking to them then they all sit in a circle around me "so everyone is going to train with the Alpha one at a time this is an honour "Finn says then faces Camden with there shirts off I can't help but look at Camden's body I watch him train with each of them and I'm impressed this is the first time I seen Camden fight I'm so proud after a while they all sit down.
"What did you think Luna?"
"I can truly say that it was a pleasure to watch you all train and I know this pack is truly protected and I thank you for that I am proud of you all and to have you as pack warriors" they all look so happy
"Come we must go get the kids"
"Goodbye see you all again soon" we walk through the woods.
"You were great with them"
"I meant every word I said Camden they work hard to keep us safe"
"What else have you been doing?"
"Well I talked to the pack doctor and told him I had depression and I have asked him if he wanted to open a therapy Centre for  people to go talk he said yes"
"Your amazing"
"I don't think so I just want this pack looked after in every single way"
"I have some other things I'd like to do but I want to talk them through with you first"
"Ok baby" we walk into my grandmas and the kids come running at us I pick them up holding them in my arms.

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