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Tilly's  p.o.v
"Hello Luna"
"Hi Sophie I'm going to Jennifer's for a coffee do you want to come?"
"Thank you Luna I would love to, please come in while I get my coat and shoes" I walk inside everything is clean and tidy, Sophie comes back she is ready to go.
"I'm ready"
"Ok let's go and please call me Tilly"
"Oh but I can't"
"I insist"
"Ok Tilly"
"That's better". We walk to Jennifer's we make small talk and I find out she is not very sociable, she tells me the house was her parents and sadly they are no longer with us, we arrive at Jennifer's and walk up to the counter.
"Hello Luna"
"Hello Jennifer" I laugh and please call me Tilly" she smiles at me
"What will it be?"
"I'll have a coffee and a chat when you have the time"
"Sure and what can I get you Sophie?"
"Oh I'll have a ice coffee please"
"Sure take a seat and I'll bring it over"
"Thanks Jennifer" we take a seat I see Sophie inhale
"You like the smell of coffee?"
"I love it"
"Why did you never apply here?"
"I'm not so good with people" she looks down at her hands
"I don't think I'm good with people"
"But your a Luna"
"I am and having a title doesn't make it ant easier. I think you would be great with people you just haven't had the chance, first off I wanted to have a coffee with you but I'm also here because I have to tell Jennifer that I can no longer work here"
"Oh I didn't know you worked here"
"Would you be interested in working here?"
"Well yes but I'm not sure I would be good around people" just then Jennifer comes over and puts our drinks in front of us.
"Jennifer I have come to let you know that I cannot come back to work"
"I though so and i completely understand I will start looking for someone else"
"I might know someone"
"Sophie you know how to make coffee?"
"Yes I love coffee but I'm not good around people"
"How about I give you a working interview now"
"Wow that would be great" Sophie smiles
"Ok then" she gives Sophie a coffee to make, Sophie gets up and walks behind the counter.
"How come I never new about coffee and Sophie?"
"I don't think many people do, she keeps herself to herself scared to reach out I want to help her overcome that"
"That's so nice I guess when we don't see people everyday we sometimes forget that they are there" just at that moment Sophie comes back with the coffee and places it in front of Jennifer. Jennifer gives her another one to make, Jennifer takes a sip and smiles
"Take a sip it's great" I pick up the cup and take a sip it is wonderful I smile at Jennifer. Sophie comes back with another coffee Jennifer takes a sip and moans
"Ok Sophie these were great I'm not asking you if you want the job you have got it"
"Thank you so much Jennifer, Tilly"
"I did nothing you did it" she blushes Jennifer is smiling at her "well I must get back to the children" Sophie looks torn "do you want to stay here?"
"I would but I don't want you going home alone"
"Sophie I insist you stay here with Jennifer she can bring you home" I look at Jennifer "is that ok?"
"Of course I'll take her home"
"Great ok I'll see you later".
I put my coat on and with one last wave I make my way home. I walk through the woods thinking about Sophie and how happy I am for her
"At last we meet Luna" I spin around to see a man a rogue
"What are you doing here rogue?"
"Well look at that the Luna is brave, let me introduce myself I am Justin and I'll be the one killing you today" three more wolves appear from behind the trees all rogues. I have already mind linked Camden he is on his way with the others I just have to keep them talking, I hope he will be In time I was so stupid to walk through the woods on my own, Camden the kids my grandparents everyone flows through my mind.
"This is your last chance to leave or you will die" they all laugh
"You are all alone" just then Camden and the others come running at us,
"I'm coming baby" my relief is short lived at that moment Justin grabs me around the neck I try to get away but his hold is strong, Camden and the others come to a stop.
"I'm sorry so sorry I love you so much tell the kids I love them and my grandparents"
"Don't you dare say goodby baby"
"Stay right there or she dies, what am I saying she is going to die anyway" Camden growls Justin puts more pressure on my neck and just when I think it's over, something drops from the trees and knocks Justin off me I run to Camden I turn around and see it's a man holding Justin, Storm and the warriors kill the other three
"Alpha would you like to do the honours?" the man who is holding Justin says everyone is in human form and Camden shifts Storm hands him some shorts. Camden walks up to Justin and in a move so fast plunges his hand into Justin's chest, he screams pulling his hand out Camden holds his heart to his face. The man drops Justin
"Burn all the bodies" Camden says he wipes off his hand he comes to me wrapping his arms around me
"I'm so sorry Camden"
"It could of been worse" he looks at the stranger
"I owe you my thanks for what you did"
"I'm glad I could help Alpha"
"What pack are you from?"
"I'm not from a pack you see I a" he stops talking as though he doesn't now what to say or how to continue I do
"Your a vampire".

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