Time For A Run.

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Tilly's POV
Beep Beep Beep Beep Reaching over I grab my phone and turn off the alarm, yawning I stretch , throwing the covers off me I make my way to the kitchen. Making a cup of coffee i sit at the table, I would really like to go for a run, deciding to call Storm I grab my phone then I see the time, it's only six ten am I decide to call anyway.
"Hello" a sleepy voice answers
"Hello Storm sorry to call so early it's Tilly"
"Tilly you ok?"
"I'm fine the woods at the back of my cottage do they fall onto your territory?"
"Yes your living on pack land"
"Oh, does that mean I can't go for a run till I speak to your Alpha?"
"You shouldn't but if u want to run I'll meet you in the woods"
"Oh you don't have to do that"
"Don't be silly ill meet you in ten ok"
"Ok thanks".
Hanging up I go grab some shorts and a t shirt ,making my way outside I shift and walk into the woods, I sit on butt and look around suddenly I hear a snarl standing up I look around and see two brown wolves baring there teeth at me, I get into fight mode and the wolf on the left is about to jump at me when a light brown wolf stands In front of me, then Storm is in front of me naked I turn around.
"You can turn back now" I do as he says he has shorts on "this is Tilly she has brought the cottage, I asked the Alphas permission for her to run and he gave permission, she will meet the Alpha on Friday and he will decide anything further" the wolves nod at me I nod back then they run off, Storm turns round to me.
"Ready for that run?" I nod my head he shifts and we run ahead , I love being in wolf form Storm nudges my side and runs ahead I follow him and I see a lake it's beautiful.
Sitting down I take a drink Storm sits next to me I look at reflection in the water suddenly a spot drops in the water a tear oh no I hope Storm doesn't notice but I see his reflection and he is looking at me, shit. I nudge his side and we run back to the cottage I take my clothes and shift coming from behind the tree I see Storm has put some shorts on.
"You alright?"
"I'm good thank you for coming with me I'm sure now they know I won't get bothered again"
"That's not what I meant"
"That's the only answer your getting iv already told you to much thank you for what you have done but just butt out ok!". I turn around and go inside locking the door I go shower and get ready for work. Making myself some pancakes I eat them at the table, washing my plate I put it away grabbing my bag I check I have everything I have an hour until I need to get to work I decide to look around the town.

I see a nice lamp that I like I decide to come back later for it, seeing the bookshop on the corner I make my way inside browsing the romance section I pick up some books then I see a book about depression the title of the book how to deal with depression I read the back it's written by a doctor, placing the book with the others I make my way to the register.
"Good morning"
"I love reading myself that's why I opened this bookstore are you new around here?"
"I am yes my name is Tilly I'm also a big book reader you will be seeing me often"
"I look forward to it my name is Emma"
"It's nice to meet you Emma" I see her look at the last book she doesn't say anything just puts it in the bag I pay for the books
"See you next time"
"You will bye" , I have ten minuets till I start work I walk into Jennifer's and she smiles at me.
"Morning Tilly"
"Morning Jennifer"
"Come with me" I follow her through to the back "here is your locker and key"
"Thank you" I follow her back behind the counter she gives me an apron to put on with Jennifer's printed on it.
"Let me introduce you to Linda Tilly Linda Linda Tilly
"Hi Tilly it's nice to me you"
"You to Linda" I shake her hand. The morning goes fast I make the drinks serve the customers going to the next customer I look up with a smile on my face and Storm is standing there.
"Hello Tilly"
"Hi Storm look I'm sorry about this morning can we forget it?"
"Sure" I smile
"Thanks what can I get you?"
"I'll have a black coffee please"
"Coming right up". I make his coffee and hand it to him he pays me and walks away I see him leave the coffee house. For the next hour I serve the customers and wipe the tables down I put the cups and plates in the dishwasher.
"Tilly go for your break!"
"Thank you Jennifer" making my way into the back room I open my locker and take out my lunch and a book I brought.

Storms POV
I just walked in the pack house when Alpha Camden wants to see me, making my way to his office I knock
"Come in" I walk in and bow my head
"So there was a bit of a run in with your friend this morning!"
"Yes it wasn't there fault I told them you gave permission, I just saw Tilly in Jennifer's she is working there"
"Well why don't we pop by tomorrow I won't say who I am"
"You alright Storm?"
"Yes she is just a mystery this morning on our run we had a drink at the lake and a tear fell in the water she also told me that she doesn't want to find her mate"
"Why would she not want to find him?" He sat forward he was interested.
"She said that he whoever he is could do better than her, fuck she just brings out the part of me that wants to protect her and that's weird seeing as I only met her yesterday hell she only moved here yesterday".

Tilly's POV
Break is over I put my stuff away I make my way back behind the counter Linda goes for her break there is me and Jennifer behind the counter and I grab a tray with a cloth and start cleaning tables picking up the empty cups. The afternoon goes fast it's clocking off time I say goodbye to Linda and Jennifer and make my way out. Forgetting about the lamp, I go straight home that's all I can think about I want to go home getting inside I lock the door and kick my shoes off walking straight to the bedroom I'm so tired I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

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