The Challange P2.

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Tilly's  p.o.v
"I'll stay with them Ally says grandma comes to me and holds me I feel her tears fall onto my top I cannot believe it she wants to fight me to the death, this is so unfair just when I have everything to live for how could she she knows these children have lost their parents dammit all if I don't except then that makes the pack look weak. I have no choice at all, all those times I wanted to die and now things got better and now this why now why me?.
"Baby you don't have to do this" Camden says
"Darling don't do this" grandpa says
"Maybe we can talk to her" grandma says
"She made it a pack mind link shit " Storm says
"No I won't lose my granddaughter" grandma cries
"There must be something we can do" ma says
"It's a law I wish there was God I wish there was" Brian says I sit there listening to all of this and I send a pack mind link out "I accept" everyone stops what they're doing and hold me Storm walks over to Ally and asks her to take the kids to watch TV when a challenge is excepted it happen straight away. I look at the children leaving the room and this might be the last time that I see them. I stand up just then Mike, Ruth, and Alan walk through the door straight up to me
"Luna we just like to say that if she dies will not blame you somewhere along time ago we lost Rose Mike says" I just nod my head. We all walk outside and into the woods when we reach the clearing there is a circle formed with Rose standing in the middle with Ashley holding her tight I look around everyone they all look at me with sad eyes and I just walk straight into the circle Rose looks back at me.
"Ready to die Luna?"
"Why do this?"
"You have ruined everything for me now I'm going to take everything away from you including those little brats"
"Don't talk about my kids" with that said we both shift she jumps at me and I slide under her but she bites my leg the only thing I don't feel is the bite and then I see we haven't even moved what was that? now she jumps at me and I slide under her bringing my back legs in and I see she went to bite me. Oh my god I can see what she's going to do before she does it. We fight and I bite her stomach she goes for my back but I bite her leg snapping it between my teeth I take a chunk out of the neck she goes for my neck but I move. I snap her front leg she howls and crumbles to the floor I just stand there looking at her I don't want to kill her that her annoying voice comes into my head.
"I under estimated you you ugly fat cow I was looking forward to having Cammy and getting rid of those brats" I lose control  and let Alice have full control I just watch as rips Rose to pieces when there is nothing but blood and bones I feel a nudge and it's Camden or should I say Sam. I take off and run to the stream, Sam right beside me I jump into the water I want to get her off me Camden sits next to the water in his naked human form after a few minutes I swims to the side and Camden picks me out in my wolf form  I shake my fur and  change back we are both naked, I cuddle up to Camden and then I hear grandma say.
"Wait here" she comes walking towards us we clothes and put some them down about a metre away and walks away we get dressed and sit back down I tell my grandma she can come back, we hear several footsteps grandma, grandpa, ma, pa and Storm sit down.
"You did well honey"
"Thanks grandma I need to ask you something"
"Ask me anything"
"Was mum or dad a senses?"
"Your father was he told me once that he didn't think you had it and you never showed any signs of it"
"Do you know much about senses?"
"No but your father gave me a book but it's back home I'll get Martha to send it"
"Thank you grandma when I was fighting rose I could tell what move she was going to make before she made it, that's why i am not hurt I could see a play out and then I countered what she did"
"Baby that's great"
"It is Camden but I want to know more about it I don't want any more surprises and why am I just getting it now when I should've had signs of it years ago?"
"Might it be that you never needed it before I mean you never surrounded yourself with new people and you were not in danger"
"That makes sense Storm" I get up along with everyone else I want to get back to the kids as we get closer to home I hear crying I'll break into a run I slammed the front door open to find Emily and Ally's arms.
"I'm sorry Luna she wanted you I told you you would be back" Emily looks at me and starts struggling in Ally's  arms I take her into my arms.
"It's okay Ally she's been like this all day" Emily holds on tight and I hold her to me she settles down and I sway With her in my arms Aaron goes to Camden, Camden picks him up and we make our way into the family room and sit down
"Shit I hear in my mind link"
"What's the matter honey?"
"Hold on baby I think I know what's wrong with Emily and Aaron" he stands up with Aaron and walks out the room
"You want to go to grandma?" she shakes ahead and holds onto me tighter I hold onto her tighten and start humming  a tune Camden comes back in and I see Aaron his little hands holding onto Camden's top.
"I know what is wrong it's there parents, today is the day that they died well the date that they died Camden mind links me.

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