The Pack.

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Tilly's p.o.v
"Hello Jennifer I feel like I should apologise for work I will come back"
"You are our Luna that is more important" she bows her head and leaves, we walk on I see a table with a few people around, making our way over they look up.
"I would like to introduce you all to Tilly, this is Sarah and her mate Tom and this little fellow is Tyler"
"It's nice to meet you Tilly would you like to hold Tyler?"
"I would love to" taking Tyler in my arms I look at his smiling face.
"How do you know Alpha Tilly?"
"Tilly is my mate your Luna" the looks on there faces is not what I expected and I wanted to run
"I am so sorry Luna" they stand up and bow
"There is nothing to be sorry for please sit Tyler here is adorable how old is he?" They looked at me strangely then shake there heads I laugh.
"He is 8months old Luna"
"Please call me Tilly" I hand Tyler back to his mother
"These are my grandparents Carl and Carol"
"It's nice to meet you both" Sarah and Tom smile
"We will see you later I want Tilly to meet some other people"
"Of course Alpha". we start walking through the pack suddenly I hear
"What's fatty doing here?" Camden is the first to react and is over by the group of teenagers that I saw in the cafe, making my way over I place my hand on Camden's arm.
"That is no way to talk to about your Luna" I see a crowd has gathered around us
"Camden please calm down" I look at the teenagers "as you just found out I am your Alphas mate" they look down "look at me" they look up "tell me what do you want to be in this pack when you are older?"
"A warrior Luna"
"Do you think I would let anyone become a warrior that is as disrespectful as you were to me?"
"No Luna" they say
"What are your names?"
"I'm Alan" the one who called me fatty replies
"I'm Carson Luna"
"Owen Luna"
"Peter Luna"
"You should all know better"
"Yes Luna we are sorry"
"Come apologise to me when you mean it then I will set a punishment that I see fit"
"Yes Luna" I turn to Camden and my grandparents they are smiling at me, inside my nerves are getting the better of me.
"You ok baby?"
"Just nervous"
"Your doing great will you be ok if I leave you with Storm I need to get my work out the way"
"I will, go do what you need to do"
"Ok I'll come find you when I'm done and take you to the house" we kiss and he leaves.
"This way Luna" Storm smiles I take my grandpas hand and slide my other arm through my grandmas they have no idea how much they are helping me right now. I meet more pack members and they are nice to me something I was not expecting, then Storm takes us to the school.
"I need a minuet where are the toilets?"
"This way you doing ok?"
"I'm ok Storm just need a breather I walk into the toilets and grandma comes with me.
"Come here" I walk into grandmas arms and hold tight I stay there for a few minuets
"I'm ok now thank you" she kisses my cheeks and smiles at me, we walk out and Storm comes to me.
"Luna all the children are outside"
"Ok let's go" we walk to the back of the school and out onto the field, smiling at the children I walk to the front.
"Hello my name is Tilly and I'm Alpha Camden's mate your Luna" they are clapping and all shouting
"Ok ok one at a time" I point to a boy.
"Who are they Luna?"
"These are my grandparents Carl and Carol they are also mates"
"Hello grandparents" they shout I can't help but smile
"Hello children" I look around and notice a boy and girl holding hands with there heads down as if trying not to get noticed.
"Will you tell us a story Luna?"
"Of course get comfortable and I'll be right back" I walk over to the teachers
"Who are those children the boy and girl holding hands?"
"They are Aaron and Emily they don't interact much, there parents died a year ago in a car accident Luna" I stumble back Storm catches me my grandparents are at my side.
"Tilly darling breath" I take deep breaths I hear a growl I don't have to turn around to know it's Camden, Storm takes his hands off me and I am wrapped in Camden's arms.
"What happened?"
"Luna asked about Aaron and Emily Alpha"
"I'm ok just a shock, tell me where do they live?"
"They are staying with the Harper family until they get adopted"
"How old are they?"
"5 Luna"
"Thank you" I look at Camden "I'm going to tell the children a story I kiss his cheek and make my way over, I take a seat on the grass next to Aaron and Emily they look at me there're eyes wide. I just want to pick them up and hug them but I don't I start to tell a story when I feel a small hand grip my skirt, looking down I see it's Emily.

Camden's p.o.v
I am so lucky to have a caring mate even through what she is going through she still makes time for others, I was just finishing my work when Storm mind linked me telling me that Tilly had a turn, when I saw who she was asking about I understood why. I'm brought out of my thoughts when the children start clapping and I notice that Emily is in Tilly's lap and Aaron is holding his sisters hand and the other hand is holding Tilly's skirt.
"Alpha she is amazing that's the first time that Emily and Aaron have reached out to anyone since there parents"
"Thank you Betty she is, I noticed as well" Tilly gets up and walks over to us but she keeps looking behind her, I also notice that Aaron and Emily keep looking at her.
"Tilly" she looks at me with tears in her eyes
"Come let's go see the house"
"Ok Camden"

Tilly's p.o.v
Still looking at the children, my grandparents are looking at me with sad smiles on there faces, taking Camden's hand we go to walk away and I notice that my grandparents or Storm are not coming.
"You and Camden should go alone" grandma says I nod my head taking one last look at the children I let Camden lead me away. As we walk to the house I can't stop thinking about Aaron and  Emily, what can I do? me and Camden just got together. We arrive at the house and I walk in I put a smile on my face it's beautiful absolutely beautiful the kitchen and dinning room in one, a massive front room we walk into another room and it's a library, upstairs and there are five bedrooms all with bathrooms, leading me into a a bedroom it's wonderful.
"This is our room baby"
"I love it Camden"
"I love it all Camden" he kisses me and we lie down for a while.

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